Ban premades

In organized PvP Ally beats horde. Paladin are better then shamans in larger scale PvP.

in organized pvp, hanterbart does nothing

There loads of botters and account sharers banned last weeks… Even one, live on stream.
If you want A moment of importants, atleast get you’re facts straight and post on a lvl 60 classic character.
This way, its hard to take you serious.

yea i didnt mean to ban their accounts.i meant to ban premades.also lately ,every game is against a premade.theyre ruining the game

let them cry all they want.not every server has premades going on

Same for us in horde. WSG is unplayable because of PUG faces Premade. It defeats the whole purpose of having PUGS.


It will improve. Ranking is already less relevant than it was couple months back, due to BWL.

It will gradually become more casual friendly. Even now though, you can still enjoy some 20% of matches PUG vs PUG, and those tend to be fun.
I expect that number to go up to well over 50% soon, for sure by the time AQ hits.

Because that is the reason a lot of players went Horde. It’s very simple; back in Vanilla people picked what race was most appealing to them, they didn’t bother choosing a race because of racials because they was new to the game but a lot of players that came back to play classic most likely remember just what a pain it was to fight against an Orc or Undead and this time around they have gone Horde for that reason.

If faction imbalance isn’t down to racials then why was faction imbalance not this much of an issue in Vanilla? That’s rhetoric btw, I just answered that above. It’s nothing to do with people thinking Alliance sucks at PvP it’s down to the fact that the vast majority of the player base are now min maxers and if you want the best PvP experience you’ll pick Orc or Undead (and perhaps Tauren - but least WS has a cast time).

I don’t want these racials nerfed, we all knew what they was before Classic was launched and are a big part of what made Vanilla what it is rather than what we have in retail today but please for the love of god would the majority of Horde players stop denying why you rolled Horde, it’s so obvious. If you need further proof just look at the amount of players who rolled a Troll opposed to those who rolled Orc or Undead.

You ain’t foolin no one.

Blizzard can neither confirm or Deny that premades are against the rules. After 4 goes to get them to answer in a ticket they refused.

racials dont make much different for 99% of the playerbase u knucklehead.

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I went troll on all my chars. To me, the lore is more important than racial abilities.

Sure, it just so happens that pvp servers are horde dominated while pve servers are ally dominated just by chance. You and your 20 IQ points should leave my internet.

You do know that alliance do dominate several PvP realms… right?

Pvp servers are horde dominated overall, and pve servers are ally dominated exceptions don’t mean anything.

right,this is getting more and more frustrating had 9 out of 10 games vs premades #nochange .were not in 2004 any more,ppl had 20 years to learn the game or how to abuse it

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How about no.

how about in a few months you going bck on retail because ppl wont queue for battlegrounds about that.then youre gonna cry about how you cant find a team on arena lfg

I really can’t tell what will happen few months from now, but for now, Nope, no banning of premades.

You are a casual with bad gear and your team is a pug. Why not fix these flaws before asking for the system to be changed.

Had little or no fun the last times I played retail. Can barely remember the names of the expansions and areas. It was that bad.

its a random que and should be played by gear has nothing to do with it.even if i had the best gear the result would be the same after facing a premade.if ppl wanna feel like theyre some gods,they can ask for a premade vs premade queue and test their luck there.ppl have a 15 year old knowledge about the game and tend to abuse systems in order to get the upper hand.its not that innocent like it was back in the day.i doubt if back in vanilla every game was against a premade.premades are destroying the queue system and pvp.those that defend this laughable situation that exists atm are the same who found this easy solution to get to higher ranks faster fighting lowgeared or bad players,the same that will flash their meaningless titles

What you don’t seem to be able to fathom is that the premade people are more numerous than the dad gamers like yourself.
And their way of playing and their wants and needs are at least as important as yours.
Essentially, you’re asking 95% of the community to change their game so that you 5% might enjoy it more.
Do you not see how insane that is?

If the PVP system was released in the same way as it was here, then the vanilla bgs would also have been full of premades. I don’t blame you for throwing in the towel and refusing to compete with the hardcore players. I blame Blizzard for putting you in a position where you feel like you have to. If ranking had been released when the game was launched all of this would have been over long ago and dad gamers could have a pugtastic time in their pug WSGs.

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