TLDR: We need more customization baked into WoW to be less dependant on 3rd party things like rio / simcraft etc.
Min-maxing has a place for those that raid for world first etc.
But the trend that emerged the last years towards the fact that ‘‘everyone’’ has to play the meta comp for M+ or they want X or Y tank during a M+ season because the high score dudes use that aswell is the issue.
rio is a tool which i myself find helpful in creating my own groups to run M+ and i try to use it only as a tool.
People telling others about their score being too low or calling you names because of your score feels weird and i dont get why people are so busy with other people’s scores and feel the need to tell them.
We are all playing a game we enjoy and we get our enjoyment at different levels, be that in mythic raiding / mythic+ (+5s or +28s) / pvp or just transmog farming / mount farming etc, and i have the feeling this gets ‘‘judged’’ by the people that think you need 1000 rio score to run some +5s on a casual basis.
But down the line, like many addons we saw in the last years be it rio or gearscore, they are created to give players a tool to judge the people they are about to play with.
Which in essence is fine to some degree if used accordingly.
Gearscore got redundant at some point, because Blizzard introduced ilvl being shown on armory and ingame with the group finder / character info.
At the end of legion, i had hopes that the M+ ui would be accessible not only by yourself but also by people who want to invite you to their groups to determine if you would fit within the group.
It did get an overhaul, and overall i think it looks a bit better but the real functionality isnt there.
I have been saying it in multiple topics but it doesnt seem to happen, i was under the assumption of Blizzard adding a better and more functional M+ ui / group finder ui into Shadowlands to reduce the need for Rio or just outright ‘‘óutplay’’ it.
But that doesnt seem to be the case.
And why would i want something like that?
We are playing a game for fun / entertainment and nowadays you need to keep up with addons / scores / websites / simcrafting / change your ui (standard one is just too basic at this point and could use an overhaul) to play a game.
I would love to see more customization offered from blizzard to reduce the mess that is currently out there in terms of addons / 3rd party websites etc.