I understand the feelings of players who dont like rio - beeing judged by a third party website and declined.
But i dont get why you blame Rio. You guys do understand that the data is provided by the blizz API, right? It is the exact same as inspecting your runs manually. It is the same API call - No matter if its Rio or armory.
Ban Rio - OK. I will check your runs in the blizz armory and still decline. Remove the info about the runs - i will check your achievements and/or gear and still decline. Remove armory - i will inspect your charakter and still decline. Rio is nothing new - i raided Icecrown with gearscore and pugged Burning Crusade heroics with gear check infront of the auction house.
I dont like the argument “give us a chance and see” either - because thats the wrong content for that - i dont want to give someone a chance or try - i start a competetive run for experienced players. A lot of ppl seems to forget this. High keys and high arena queues arent for fun while playing - the fun here is to succeed in a competetive environment.
I didnt push a (low) rio of 2.550 for fun - i did it for gear, competetive gear. I did not push Gladiator for fun while playing but for this ugly drake as symbol of skill, a reminder how i dominated 560 teams until i climed high enough.
For this content i need partymembers capable of helping me. You cant avoid boosted ppl but unexperienced ones.
If its a low key but i have experience i dont want to give someone chances either - i want it done asap. Bring me an alt of yours as long as the main has the experience i want. For learning and chances you can find a guild, communitys or like minded people.
You need to understand that this isnt an insult - its a way to find players on an equal level. Also you need to understand that rio is not new. Its the same as the gearcheck infront of the auction house back in Vanilla.
Does it suck that you get declined that way? Yes. Would it change without rio? No.
Grab your own lvl 0 key and pugg it - choose who you want.
You should be able to disable the API in your battlenet profile no need to register at Rio.
And pls stop this no life aeguments - my arena partners have wifes, a full time job and one to three kids - they are still Gladiators and have the raid and keys done.