Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

Please, name those games specifically.

I want to go to their forums and see if I see any posts complaining about why they cant leave dungeons and/or why they got unjustifiably kicked out by some troll and now they are punished.

I am 100% convinced that all those games suffer the consequences of punishing leavers in LFG… Proving that punishing people will not be the silver bullet that solves everything…

Sometimes things cant be solved and you just need to live with them. But if you disagree, and have proof, I want to see it with my own eyes.

What other MMO’s… FF and WoW is it… SWTOR trickling on GW2 meh… What else you got?

Why did you leave when other did?

I have qued 11x into City of Echoes as Prot Warrior and 11x the first boss was already dead (who drops a BiS trinket for many Tanks specs). I dont understand why people take the 30 Min penalty instead of finishing the dungeon in less then 10 minutes.

But Mythic soon so it wont matter.

Because there is no penalty.

Blizzard indicated that they were adding this in a hotfix, but this hasn’t happened yet. You only get a deserter debuff if you leave before you killed a boss or if you get kicked. If you leave after you killed the first boss, you don’t get the debuff and can re-queue immediately.

Thats beyond stupid O.o Well am i happy that Mythic opens up soon so i dont have to deal with such as*holes anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, adding this next week or even later, after many players are done with heroic dungeons, misses the point a little.

I think players who get backfilled are the ones who have a valid reason to complain. If you wait 10 minutes for a dungeon and then get in when the boss you need something from is dead, that sucks.

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Quite simple to implement, same system as many other online games leavers/griefing players get a stacking “leaver” debuff, starting at 30 minutes and every time someone leaves inside the weekly lock out it doubles.

This problem will rearrange it’s ugly head in M+ which for blizzard is a keystone for the expansion and game as a whole so they really need to nip it in the butt asap.

If people can’t have the common courtesy to finish a dungeon then they should be locked out from participating in all group content.

This game has steady gotten less about community over the years and it’s about time Blizzard just started saying no to the degenerates that make the game miserable for people who want to play the game fully with a sense of comradery.

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“make the game miserable for people who want to play the game fully with a sense of comradery”

Sorry but there is a little thing called guilds for that.

randoms will never be social… why should they social WoW ended half way through Wrath.

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Group content, by definition, requires a social aspect as you MUST work together as a team to get the job done.

If you/they do not want to be social in any way, then you now have the option of follower dungeons and delves. So, stopping people from ruining the social aspect of group content from people who do not want to partake in the whole dungeon should not affect those who want to do the group content wholly.

If those who just want to get the gear they want and then leave have an issue with stacking timeouts, they shouldn’t have a problem as they can get it from solo content.

This game, regardless of when it started to go downhill, is an MMO designed around the social aspect of gaming. If you don’t want to be social, then go and play an RPG, FPS, or other such SOLO games.

The only reason people would have an issue with the system I proposed is that they don’t actually care about the gear, etc. They simply want to ruin other people’s fun, and frankly, I believe Blizzard would do well to rid the platform of such behaviour.


If you really want to be social, make friends and play with them.

Besides guilds, there are now friendly Discord communities created for making new friends and finding people to do group content with. “No Pressure” and “Chill Streak” are two that I can recommend.

Queueable content like heroic dungeons or LFR are not suitable places for socializing or making friends.

Interesting you say that because many years ago (before mythic plus mind) I found a lovely guild through random dungeoneering and was with them for a good while.

I would argue if you are starting the game without the benefit of friends who already play it, your first social interaction will be with LFD, especially given that it’s not vanilla anymore, people don’t have to group to complete quests.

My answer to leavers doesn’t require a deserter debuff at all, simply hold all the loot back until the last boss dies, that way, people will stay through the dungeon, or they’ll never get any loot. It works in mythic + (At least until you reach high enough keys that loot is no longer an incentive) so why not in LFD?

No you dont. Heroic dungeons are so easy they could even be soloed by a hunter. 3 DDs can finish one if they have more than 2 neurons.

That is the problem !

I agree with this. But Heroics were, and still are a joke. M+/Raids are where the fun begins. Where if you dont work with your teamates you wipe.


1 anecdote dosent change a generalized fact. Unfortunately.

So since you ignored this part of my post “new players don’t matter”?

And being social helps “working as a team”…

Sorry but WoW you are looking for is long dead.

And if you have issues with that ask Blizzard why they did a blog post on how to play solo if its all about social lol…

Please blizzard just do this, there’s no penalty, and no-one will leave, so everyone is happy.

I met many of my current WoW friends back in vanilla in dungeon runs, but that was a different time and almost a different game. You’d spend a whole evening in dungeons like Maraudon. Now you run through a heroic dungeon in ten minutes, with people you never met before and will probably never see again.

M+ is a better place to make friends, but it still takes some effort (actively befriending players). I feel this forum and the various Discord communities make it easier to meet new friends.

It’s quite sad that this is very true, however it doesn’t change the fact that leaving after a first boss is going to annoy other people, if it’s their first experience of a wow dungeon, it certainly doesn’t help promote the game to them.

We forget what it’s like to see the game through the eyes of a person who’s perhaps never done a dungeon before, they should be encouraged and supported, so that might have more people playing the game and being positive about it, rather than being abandoned half way through a dungeon, because Blizzard hasn’t bothered to incentivise completing the dungeon for veterans.

I’d be quite shocked if anyone new is joining now. Tried to get my nephew into it and he tapped out before leaving starter island lol.

I think they will get over someone random leaving and someone random joining seconds later… Its really a non issue.

O and new ppl aren’t jumping into HC where the leavers do there thing. Normals no1 leaves and follow dungeons are for new ppl.

When players kicked like leaved. Since they were AFK

I got replace after it