Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

Lol, what.

People leave m+ dungeons for a reason. Stop giving them a reason to leave.

I still donā€™t understand why people not just make a LfG group for that. It is so much quicker for targeted farm.
I joined LfG groups for ara first boss spam, dawn breaker 2nd boss trinket farm. It was fast. No need for queue.
Go in, blast til boss, zone out, reset, back in. And everybody is there for the same reason.
Trying to target farm in regular queue is just pain. Takes too long, ruins other ppls enjoyment.

Just make LfG group. Easy


And ditching people who spent time and effort getting that person to the specific boss, only to be abandoned and possible without the means of finishing the thing is ok with you then?

Loot at end. End of story.

This peetaking with peoplesā€™ time has run its course and needs to be deal with before i as healer start doign it as well.

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Not for tanks or healers. Both have instant or near instant invites. Grouping manually requires more commitment since youā€™re expected to stick around for a while and also be constantly present during that time.

Iā€™m not a leaver (but was also fairly lucky with drops), but I understand why people do it and donā€™t blame them for it. I also understand why itā€™s frustrating for people who get put into in an in-progress dungeon.

Or you could just introduce a system that rewards good behavior like FF14. You can upvote a person for each instance, dungeon, and raid. Most of the time you upvote the tank or the healer for doing a fantastic job. That goes into an achievement that unlocks cosmetics and titles.


Wouldnā€™t that lead to dps tunneling even more instead of using GCDs on CC/interrupts/etc as people in random groups seem to be mostly impressed by the dps meter?

What about friends voting for each other only, like in Trial of Style?

No, I give them a vote because it progresses the log entry to get a reward, lol.

I did Trial of Style by myself majority of the time and I surprisingly won more often than I expected. That wasnā€™t so much a problem for me.

All there could be done is legit just put in the m+ system u get loot at the end of the dungeon ez clap

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lol what? Thereā€™s a deserter debuff system in place. There is no need for anything else.

Deserter debuff does nothing as long first boss is killed doesnot matter :stuck_out_tongue:

The deserter debuff is a good one, itā€™s designed to prevent players from leaving and in honesty I think it works. It also stacks as well like some other games which is also something that original poster should keep in mind.

It may be a little annoying to have a leaver, but try and put them on ignore or get a consistent full group up when possible, this should at least prevent you from having to play with them again in the future. It is frustrating of courseā€¦ and in mythic dungeonsā€¦ on the last boss when it is in time or slighter over with the loot still available for 5-10 extra mins a higher item lvl drop rate.

One of the few explanationā€™s I have come to for above is the boosting community saturated the pve/pvp LFG finder and they have made a statement, unless you have four other friends/guildies you can queue with no matter your skill level/experience you will have to pay for more than you monthly/annual subscription to get your rating and keys completed. ā€œYou will not get your +10 key finished without usā€, which of course is not true. It took me at least 10-15+ mythic key attempts to get +10 without a leaver and it did takes some the feeling of achievement away for me personally.

In case any leavers wondered if they are affecting peoples loot chances (including their own, see below):

  • All completed Mythic+ dungeon runs will award loot depending on the level of the dungeon and whether or not you beat the timer.
  • Even if youā€™ve already completed the same dungeon or level (or both!), you can still receive loot.

Just checked the FF14 forums.

The amount of posts of people complaining "I did everything right and was nice, but I still did not get upvotedā€¦ What a toxic behavior ! " is hilariousā€¦

Almost as many as people complaining about leaversā€¦


Lets be real hereā€¦ does a system like that work 90% of the time ? Sure il give you that. Are there 10% of runs there are jerks that refuse to upvote for stupid reasons ? You must give me that !

But then its just like in WoW though, be honest. In 90% runs of people donā€™t leave. In 10% there are jerks.

There is no difference.

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Wait, itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been on FF14 after I got sick of that fake positivity stuff, especially the people who are like weā€™ll have tea parties and crumpets and do all this content together, meanwhile they fight about the color of the new guild house door. -.-

I always thought being voted by the group was a nice bonus not something to complain about. Heck, I played DPS majority of the time, and even I got upvoted!

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I always join after dungeon leaver, and its always the boss i need loot from already being killed, in a nutshell i became a dungeon leaver my self, do not like it ? make the problem bigger, force devs on their knees to actually add the mythic keystone loot system to dungeons to resolve problem once for all.

I know this is not what you like to hear, but i am so tired of backfilling dungeons that i need loot from.

Blizzard created this problem, not the community, their is no point in punishing people for wanting to have loot.

Solution is very simple.

How about a leavers queue.
If you happen to have a record of leaving dungeons early several times in a short time, get dropped in a queue with all the other leavers.
Will reset after finishing a certain amount of random dungeons, consecutively of course, like 20 or 30.
Applies to LFR as well.

Problem solved.

I would love to see those people being pissed off because they get filled after the boss that they want because someone left.


Idk about that, i queued 10 minutes as 2 dps for a healer tank duo to rock in. Kill first boss, leave and doom us to another 11 minute queue where we ended up leaving cause nobody was biting and the 3rd dps jumped ship after 6-7 mins.

There should be some form of repercussion for M+ / heroic dungeons beyond deserter buff like letting us blacklist them or smth :dracthyr_shrug:

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How did blizz create this problem?
Imho, the community did by not feeling that comradery anymore to see the dungeon through to the end and are instead using other players as a means to an end. I donā€™t leave dungeons before theyā€™re done because I still do feel that comradery and donā€™t want to desert the group I am in. Blizz has nothing do with it.

How are they toxic? :smiley:
they gonna be replaced pretty quick
so there is no harm towards your gameplay
is it because you are the TOXIC person and want to tell people how they should play the game?

Nah, not always.

I got queued into ara-kara earlier as tank.

We kill first boss and everyone but me and a warlock leaves. We made it slowly to the second boss before others joined, there were DPS ready but there was no healer for quite some time.