Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

They lied… no fix at all. They gave us the big middle finger.

Welcome to Blizzard my friend.

The Game director itself said in an interview during BfA that the azerite respecc cost is very bad and needs to be changed because its too expensive. It never changed even 1 year after the interview.

That is not a solution. That solution means nothing to somebody that has 15 level 80’s and can switch as well well as screw over the next LFD group in 10 seconds after they leave, for not getting the loot they want.

Either loot at end or make it impossible to circumvent the 30 min penalty. At least that way they are forced to afk in SW or watch netflix for 30 min rather than screwing over 25 more people in 5 LFD groups.

I would advocate for a penalty that increases in time the more you do it. 30 min first time. 1 hour the second. 3 hours the third. Total lockout of dungeons. Total. Either learn to behave and respect other peple liek we are forced to here in the forums, or stop playing.

Forum rules are enforced rigorously. In-game rules are a wild, wild, west, free for all.

The fact that the desrter buff was not even implemented on expansion start is another question. Why not?

Also, why did the team not learn from the previous expansions that also had no deserter debuff on expansion lauch?

It is almost as it they want to give a certain section of the people who play this game a leg up on the others who play by the rules.

How else is it possible to go through three expansions without a debuff present?

A desrter buff is not a punishment at all. It is barely an inconvenience at best.

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I agree with you. I saw it a lot in Shadowlands as a druid bear would do that because he’d not get his legendary.

Or you could just get a guild.

Create a group with players you know >> enter the dungeon >> complete the dungeon as a group.

That is unfortunate, tank/healing queues may be the only way and setting loot specialization as the DPS spec. If you want to play a DPS spec with no tank/healing off spec then you will…it seems have to make do.

They could consider account wide deserter debuffs.

Oh i will once keystones come out and m0

Nope. What I claim is, that losing the CR doesn’t hold back leavers like you claimed, as MMR was more important.

If you actually read what I wrote:

So please don’t put words in my mouth and claim that I stated something false :slight_smile:

But that is irrelevant… because the case is the same in YOUR example where people just AFK at the door?? Hence why we are talking about the PUNISHMENT and not the statistical probability afterwards.

Not if your MMR is higher than your CR :slight_smile: That is my point… People don’t want to get to that point where even winning a lobby 5-1 will gain them like 10CR because the game values them “higher” than the match making.

Again, if your statement of “People stopped leaving and just afked at the door because of the 120 CR” was true, we wouldn’t see so many complain about MMR not being punished.

You literally started off by saying the 120CR punishment solved leavers in SS?.. That was what I argued against…

Probably because you end up losing games and your MMR and CR equates to each other… Therefor you end up playing against a healer that is 2-300 CR below you but his MMR is higher… For healers, you are against HIS CR, not the overall lobbies. So the game expects you to play substantially better than him, but oh no… whats that? he is a leaver from previous so he wins the lobby, his MMR gets boosted, and he gains a ton of CR, whereas you end up holding the long end of the stick.

Because I agree. The MMR / CR system sucks. I play a healer too. But that doesn’t change the fact that people did not stop leaving SS because they were afraid to lose the 120CR, in fact the game makes it easier for you to leave as 120CR is easier to re-earn than the MMR loss you get for losing if you stay.

That was my point. In regards to what you see with your own eyes, I can’t say. But if you would rather argue from a personal point of view, rather than look at the actual state and see what and why people complain and take it in, it’s up to you.

once upon a time it was normal that tanks were selling their services for X gold for daily / weekly hc dungeon lfg cap .

why not return to that ?

after all all those problems steam from fact that certain tiny percent of players cry that other kids dont want to play with them when they have absolutely no reason whatsoever to stay in instance X .

its also blizzasrd fail because completion of hc dungeon offer absolutely no valuable reward.

all they had to do is add already atm like 8-10 crests for 1 tier higher then what drops in dungeon as reward for completion and absolutely 0 people would ever leave even a single hc dungeon.

its not rocket science . its blizzard fail for badly designing their own game reward structure.

Account wide deserter that stacks is the max they could get but not ban. What if the group is just so awful you have to leave if you don’t want to spend 3 hours in the dungeon? You should not get ban for that.

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That’s a given. Every “bad” term gets abused and inflated nowadays. Be it toxic, adhd or trauma/traumatizing.

We’re living in a snowflake world. :smiley:

You must have misread me. I said it made things worse by incentivizing people AFKing in the arena.

I said I prefer no punishment at all for leaving. So that the person that dosent want to be there dosent have to be there.

What we needed is for the leaver to be replaced by someone else in the next match, instead of canceling the whole arena.

Saw is the right word for that. I dont do PvP anymore because of it.

My usual afternoon doing PvP was like this :

2 win (+10 rating). 8 ties (+0 rating) and 1 loss (-50 rating). Overall rating for the afternoon : - 40 rating.

One time I got really frustrated and I actually rage-quit the match. Lost my rating. And took… im not kidding… 2 weeks to get it back…

And out of the 8 ties I had on average, on average 5 were caused because of an AFKer.

Because he AFKed, he always died. No chance to keep him alive. And because of how SS arenas are done, I tie with my healer. He got the idiot 3 times, I got him 3 times. No chance to win.

And there are a TON of posts about this in the PvP section. And even Venrouki videos talking about it too. So it WAS not only about me, or my experiences. I just happened to collect an Excel file of my ~ 1000 matches I did in S1 to S3 of DF.

And I repeat. All your bla-bla about MMR only counts at higher ratings. Not at the lower end of the spectrum.

People at 1600 to 1800 rating don’t even know what MMR is. Let me remind you what that means : It means that you win 50% of the matches at that MMR range. 50% you loose. That is the level of “skill” we are talking about here.

All they know is what Rating is, because its what shows on your character and its what gives you achievements and transmogs. MMR is just a small number that appears at the bottom left corner of the recap box once the SS has finished.

And for people like me, a high MMR means that you will be matched with people of higher skill. Hence, the lower chance of winning… hence, lower Rating acquisition rate.

Lets just get back at it for a minute. You know what boosters do to get you to 1800 rating for the rewards ?

The deliberately enter arenas and loose them until they reach MMR of 0. Why ? Because then they can enter those arenas, and win 20 matches in a row.

Why ? Because if you win 20 matches in a row you earn like 300 rating per match won. If you instead stay at a high MMR you win 50%, loose 50%. And your MMR stays the same, hence, your rating stays the same. You dont win or loose anything.

So I have to strongly dissagree… You leave a match. Loose 120 rating. And to get that rating back you have to win matches IN A ROW !!! You cant just win 1.

And if you happen to be at your expected MMR (~1750 in my case) you will NEVER get that rating back. Because you will continue to win/loose 50% of the time and overall…

Its better to loose MMR, get put in a lobby with people that are much worse players than you, and win 6/0 - 10 times in a row. That way you earn Rating faster.

So let me say this again in a clear fashion :

  • (A) If you goal is to climb the PvP ladder, Rating is irrelevant. All you care about is keeping MMR as high as possible. So you leave matches you are going to loose.

  • (B) If your goal is to acquire rating for the rewards as fast as possible, you want the lowest possible MMR to be placed in lobbies with under-geared noobs and smash them consistently. So you AFK in matches.

Therefore, and I hope this will be the last time …

If you play in SS at ratings close to 1800 where you get most of the rewards… you literally only see people AFKing in arenas.

And I will agree with you that once you pass that threshold AFKrers disappear and are replaced by leavers instead.

But either way, I will stop right here. I think SS is a great way to play the game, but Rating acquisition absolutely sucks for healers. For many reasons. And people AFKing because they “think” they will loose less CR than leaving… is one of those reasons.

And this… im really tired of having the same PvP discussion. MMR is a great system to try to match you with similarly skilled players.

But how you translate MMR to Rating, which is the number all the rewards are tied to completely sucks.

And to be honest, I really dont care what my MMR is. And I dont understand why Rating has to be matched with MMR in some way. Just give me +5 rating per match won. -5 per match lost. 0 per match tied. And a bonus of +2 for the ties to incentivize healers to play.

DONE. No need for all this MMR BS…

And until they fix that, I will not step foot on an Arena ever again. Literally.

And im done with this PvP discussion.

i kinda like the once of recent trends about "adoult ADHD " :d

thats so trendy now - right after "procrastination " :smiley:

If this was already answered I apologise. I didn’t read all the comments.

Dungeon leavers going just for loot will be over with next EU reset. None will be doing normal or HC runs when the m0 will be giving better loot and that loot only comes at the end of the run. If u still will farm HC dungeons for loot, it’s crazy.

Sure there still might be people leaving cause of group failing, but you can’t impose a ban or debuff on a person or people who wants to leave because one role in a 5 man group is not ready to push harder content and destroy the game foe others.

The average queue time just went up by 1h.

Just add the mythic keystone chest system at end of dungeon, add an endorse system to force positivity, rewards for high endorsement better bad luck mechanics for loot and better loot, to ensure more positive behaviour.

I have no idea what they are waiting for, they had these ideas since wow shadowlands, but so far these ideas are ignored.

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No… You may have misstyped, but what you wrote is above. Which I stated was false.

That wouldn’t be fair or work in practice. Imagine you playing with a “bad” player for 2 rounds, he leaves and then his replacement is a glad on his alt, and the enemy healer now has him for 2 more rounds than you. Or the other way around.

Again… I did not say AFK’ing wasn’t there. I just said, you were wrong with your first statement, which was wrong.

Again, you can say it as many times as you want. But MMR is the factor defining CR, regardless of where on the CR spectrum you are.

This just proves me right… Your CR and MMR started matching and even when you win you get 10 CR but when you lose you get -50… Like come on… It’s tied to the MMR, hence… why people care more for their MMR loss than their CR loss.

Because of the MMR!! like holy damn brother… You keep going back to this… The CR gain is TIED TO THE MMR… Thats why boosters drop MMR and not CR, like for heavens sake…

Because you all of a sudden hit your plateau, which… and I will repeat… Can keep artificially high by leaving rather than AFK’ing…

There is no incentive for people to stay AFK rather than leave, UNLESS they don’t know how the system works or wants to troll the entire lobby.

This is simply not true… If this was the case, it would be more beneficial to high end players too? xD Like come on man… Before you said the opposite and now you claim CR gain is easier if you have lower MMR? Oh I guess the people pushing for R1 should read this, because them caring more for their MMR is apparently the wrong method…

This is literally the same thing… Climb the ladder = higher CR… And no… This is simply not true… If you want the rewards as fast as possible you want your MMR to be as high as possible… That way you earn CR just by drawing too… Sometimes even losses give you CR… I really don’t think you understand the SS CR / MMR system…

So I will wrap it up with… I did not read anything wrong, your first statement was wrong. Simple.

Guys thisll be a problem until tomorrow and then the heroic dungeons will be safe once more.

Chill out until m0 is out and those dungeon leavers wont be there anymore.

Its really a non issue. And when m+ comes out next week itll even be less of an issue

The issue with players leaving and the associated toxicity has gone way too far. You can’t finish 9 out of 10 heroic dungeons normally because some idiot immediately leaves if they don’t get the loot they want. I’d like to point out that in about 30 heroic dungeons, I haven’t gotten the one item I need, yet I never left early even once.

There needs to be strict action against such selfish jerks, as this essentially amounts to gameplay sabotage, which is already one of the reasons you can report players. Not to mention, they’re playing with other people’s time, wasting it, which they have absolutely no right to do.

A progressive penalty system should be introduced.

1 leave - 1-hour ban from all dungeons
2 leaves - 2-hour ban from all dungeons
3 leaves - 4-hour ban from all dungeons
4 leaves - 8-hour ban from all dungeons
5 leaves - 16-hour ban from all dungeons
6 leaves - 1-day ban from all dungeons
7 leaves - 2-day ban from all dungeons
8 leaves - 4-day ban from all dungeons
9 leaves - 8-day ban from all dungeons
10 leaves - 16-day ban from all dungeons
11 leaves - ban from all dungeons for the entire season

The ban should, of course, be account-wide, and would apply to all normal, heroic, mythic and mythic plus, as well as to raids, so they can’t just log into another character and do the same thing.

Additionally, similar to ratings, there should be an indicator showing how many times a player (again, account-wide) has left a dungeon early, so those inviting them can see if they’re playing with a reliable player or a selfish jerk. The counter should reset at the end of the season, giving everyone a clean slate in the hope that they’ve learned their lesson.