Bastion and the Night Warrior

More like:
Spend your life as a badass elven zealot? BAM, Blue human innkeeper.

Went from “I’ll take your head if you move” to “I’ll take your coat if you please”.

To be honest, not a fan of how they are handling the afterlife.
Not a fan of Ardenweald, and definitely not a fan of Bastion. And we’ll see how they do Revenreth and Maldraxxus once it all starts getting unveiled.


clearly to be human is the ultimate form :wink:

Being stuck in the first role seems quite stressful. And not everyone who takes such a role does it, because they thoroughly enjoy being like that… Indeed, for some it might be a sacrifice they make to serve their people better. Making a serene life of simple service into something that might be quite a good fit.

As long as we are talking individuals, I don’t really see the problem here.

How dare you. If there’s one thing Night Elf players are always known for its their calm measured responses to everything!

Stay salty human haters stay salty :rofl::rofl:

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Isn’t Bastion was about clearing off old personality of the soul, and creating a totally new personality?

More like shedding your attachments (including the attaching memories) and becoming perfectly virtuous. A self-cleansening project for good people to become perfect people, if you will. In theory.

The Thing is, absence of evidence of Elunes existence, isn’t evidence of her absence. You can’t really prove a negative.
4.2 Billion people on earth believe in God (including Jews and Muslims), even if todays state of the world clearly indicates his nonexistence and nobody can prove or disprove his existence.

Religious people are generally good at explaining things. If things are bad it’s a test of your faith, if things are good your faith is rewarded, if things are weird god’s ways are mysterious etc.
Why would the Nightelves feel different, even with a Elune-Bot made by Titans in the Sky, they propably would find an explanation to hold onto their faith.

And the former Night Warrior talking individual says this:
" Isn’t Anarros great? Look at all these cute little stewards resting after all their hard work! I just love taking care of everyone! "


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After cleansening the dark stuff she probably had to deal with all her life that made her take up the suicidal ritual? Doesn’t feel impossible or even that hard to believe to me, really.

I just don’t think this sort of transition sits well in these cases.

This is a setting that has different kinds of races that glorify from different angles martial prowess and warfare.
Having cases such as the Night Warrior, transitioning into this sort of “menial” afterlife roles, seems awfully weird.
Let alone that the theme itself fits rather badly with the Nigh elf one.

In this story, if i were to put myself in the shoes of the person involved (a “badass” warrior in life), or had the kind of mindset they marketed for several of the races, at this point i’d embrace an eternity of service with the Valarjar if only to avoid turning into a brainwashed Smurfette Innkeeper.

The fact that this happened to the notable Chosen One of Elune…kinda underwhelming in my opinion.

Should’ve seen this coming once they clarified what Bastion was about. But i’m still kinda surprised that even notable examples are to be “doomed” to the brainwashing.
Geez, talk about ignoring the merits achieved in life.


And it isn’t meant to fit the Night Elf theme. it is meant to be the story of one Night Elven character. A very exceptional one at that.

Went from Serving Vengeance, to Serving Drinks. Amirite ?;))

‘Status: Alive’ what now?

But seriously though, it’s humbling such a prominent figure would become an innkeeper in the afterlife. And it makes sense for the Bastion right? Let go of ones identity to become pure? Simply put that is…

Auela backat it again with the baiting :crazy_face:.
I’ll make sure to created a thread when the Horde is forced to work with Tyrande and follow her orders in Shadowlands like the mongrels they are. Blizzard does not discriminate your team will be getting a beating just keep your eyes on the datamining.

Given the role said character played in life, I’d say that in his case it would be extra necessary.

This kind of reasoning is disgusting.

I wouldn’t, so… agree to disagree, I guess.

It’s not bait, this was all datamined. Feel free to search for what I quoted and the NPC on Wowhead.

You never expressed disgust towards players taunting and trolling Alliance/Night Elves, it should go both ways.

oh I know it has been datamined, but your choice of words ‘‘Blue Humans’’ instead of referring to the name of the new race ‘‘Kyrian’’ which everyone turns into not just Night Elves is a clear indicator of bait considering how sensitive these topics are after BFA. The entire perspective of After life and Metaphysics for all races is being thrown in the bin with shadowlands.

Baiting the purple humans is a favourite past time of the barbiefied humans. nod