Bastion and the Night Warrior

Went from Serving Vengeance, to Serving Drinks. Amirite ?;))

‘Status: Alive’ what now?

But seriously though, it’s humbling such a prominent figure would become an innkeeper in the afterlife. And it makes sense for the Bastion right? Let go of ones identity to become pure? Simply put that is

Auela backat it again with the baiting :crazy_face:.
I’ll make sure to created a thread when the Horde is forced to work with Tyrande and follow her orders in Shadowlands like the mongrels they are. Blizzard does not discriminate your team will be getting a beating just keep your eyes on the datamining.

Given the role said character played in life, I’d say that in his case it would be extra necessary.

This kind of reasoning is disgusting.

I wouldn’t, so
 agree to disagree, I guess.

It’s not bait, this was all datamined. Feel free to search for what I quoted and the NPC on Wowhead.

You never expressed disgust towards players taunting and trolling Alliance/Night Elves, it should go both ways.

oh I know it has been datamined, but your choice of words ‘‘Blue Humans’’ instead of referring to the name of the new race ‘‘Kyrian’’ which everyone turns into not just Night Elves is a clear indicator of bait considering how sensitive these topics are after BFA. The entire perspective of After life and Metaphysics for all races is being thrown in the bin with shadowlands.

Baiting the purple humans is a favourite past time of the barbiefied humans. nod

Kyrian’s are blue humans though. I thought that’s what we all called them around here. Except windbat who’s fanboying for them.

I mean, they also seem to wear white a lot.

We could settle for smurfs?

How about blue greeks? We wouldn’t have to imply that greeks are human.

That’d be because death is broken, not because it’s a “lie”.

Meh is the only reaction I got.

Can’t particularly care for a character that only now began to exist.

I’m underwhelmed by a lot of Shadowlands’ previews. But I mean, I already had that feeling the moment Blizzard released that embarrassing expansion trailer.

I don’t see a problem. If you are good in life, the degradation of being a lesser race is cured from you and you get tranformed into a pure, human being colored blue in the honor of the Grand Alliance.

It’s all just as Othmar promised.


he also told us to never trust a elf and they have been proven very untrustworthy clearly he had seen the future

Anyway, she was a first Night Warrior, such important character for Night Elves lore, and now just an innkeeper. Blizzard could made some more things for her afterlife.
Why they didn’t? Isn’t another approval that Blizzard actually are Night Elves haters?
They made her innkeeper just for another humiliation.

But yes, Bastion is pretty bad place. Such a hero like Thrall can become stable master there

We should destroy Bastion, and free tortured souls from there, returning their memories!
Because that what heroes usually do!


Wrong, after the new information we get about her, she was the last nightwarrior

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I wish. Sadly Blizzard views them as the “good guys” so we have to help kill those who oppose them.

Blizz writes them as a religious cult, with all the trappings of outward benevolence. Religious guys written by silicon valley guys? You can bet they are either evil, criminally creepy, stupid dupes, or all of the above.

You’re just jumping way ahead and declaring the stuff that isn’t really bad to be the bad thing. That’s just condemning the concepts of virtue and selflessness, stupidly common as that is nowadays.

I’m sure by the end of the addon we will have taught the Kyrians to be better people without cleansening anyone, because we obviously know better what’s moral than them, and we will prove that by killing off a few of their corrupt leaders.

Hail Garithos for he was the one true prophet of faith! He died for our sins!

And in turn probably destroy the universe, because the Kyrians serve the vital role of guiding souls into the afterlife.

My problem right now with the reveal of a Kyrian night elf though is how does Bwonsamdi and the trolls work into this? Seemingly Bwonsamdi has his own pocket realm within the Shadowlands, but if all souls are judged by the Arbiter and send into different realms
how does that work? If all trolls are automatically send to Bwonsamdi, then why exactly are night elves not send into a “Elune”-realm? Or draenei/humans/dwarves into a “Light”-realm?

Even though the personality and history is the deciding factor where one is send in the Shadowlands
not personal belief.

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