Battlegrounds, dungeons and raids not working


When speaking to a battlemaster, there is no option to join a BG. For example, Thelman Stonefist in SW Keep for AV. Just his little text prompt and no option to join the battleground.

Please fix this straight away and don’t leave it for another entire week like you did with Galv and Balinda. This was meant to be my last week ;_; and its AV weekend.

edit: title changed to reflect the fact that raids and dungeons also affected


To clarify, this isnt working anywhere. I’ve tried the BG masters in SW, and in Ironforge. Flown up to Alterac and tried to go into the main AV portal in the cave and it just says “You must be Alliance and 51st level to enter”.

Fix please.


dungeons and raids doesn’t work too…

What is going on. I have 60 mage and can not join BG.

Can some1 explain what is wrong? And do we get free honor for not being able to join BG?

Can confirm, we were queuing to get in, the notification appeared on the screen but when we tried to enter it didn’t teleport us inside. Logging off didn’t solve the issue. What’s going on?

Some official information would be nice. Now even more honor is lost because nothing works anymore. Ballinda etc. wasn’t there before.

Yea first, Galv and Balinda were bugged and now this. Free honor is the least I would expect hahaha


If this takes long they need to give us 1 free rank. So if you are rank 11 you should be 12 when they fix it. Because this is bad. This is really really bad. We are paying for this game it is not free. Time is money friend!


Wondering if blizzard is a game developer or toy designer

First we lost Galv for more than a week and now this before AV weekend, what is going on in the toy factory?


1 week to fix Balinda and Galv. how long would take this?


Eternity and a day! Plus dont think they really see the posts at least they dont respond to our prayers. It feels a lot like talking to god. You somehow know he is up there watching you but he never gives respons to you questions.

Dear Blizzard,
lately I experienced a lot of problems on Your side.
Restarts of servers are such a joke. I understand You have to do that, but it was too many times lately, and always on time when I could play. I lost a lot of honor because of You, currently bg are not working. I demand minimum 1 ranking up as compensation. Just do it, not “sorry” as always. I have been playing this game since 2004, I am not a newbie. And do something with people who have been reported by other players, who AFK all the time, for example (Pr and Pf). I got warned I used “bad” words, which I have not been used, so it is just a mistake for me what is going on lately… A guy who AFK for a month on bg- still plays, despite of reports. Keep Your s…t together and do something, we understand it could be some problems, but not as much as we experienced lately. We pay for this game, we want it to works. Sorry it is too much for me, I had to share this feedback with You.


Blizzard is sh…! I take days off to finish my ranking and the game doesn’t work. When will there be free honor with all its problems?
We pay every month and we get f.


Sir, you msg is the best i ever read about Blizzard’s fault. let me use it

Dear Blizzard,
lately I experienced a lot of problems on Your side.
Restarts of servers are such a joke. I understand You have to do that, but it was too many times lately, and always on time when I could play. I lost a lot of honor because of You, currently bg are not working. I demand minimum 1 ranking up as compensation. Just do it, not “sorry” as always. I have been playing this game since 2004, I am not a newbie. And do something with people who have been reported by other players, who AFK all the time, for example (Pr and Pf). I got warned I used “bad” words, which I have not been used, so it is just a mistake for me what is going on lately… A guy who AFK for a month on bg- still plays, despite of reports. Keep Your s…t together and do something, we understand it could be some problems, but not as much as we experienced lately. We pay for this game, we want it to works. Sorry it is too much for me, I had to share this feedback with You.


Well… RIP - maybe we’ll get 2 server restarts like last week mid-raid

PVP Towers in eastern pestlands are broken, too.
But at least i could enter stratholme and stockages. Couldn’t enter Naxxramas…

I understand that the team’s now focused on Season of Discovery, it’s a new feature, and it has its own complexities for sure. But I’ve personally had been farming pvp honor for some weeks now, and I’ve seen many issues since SoD went up.
It’s been a rough ride, leaving every game 200-300 honor points shy because some honor-rewarding npcs disappeared. Add this per 50 games per day, per week, this ends up in a massive loss. Today npcs returned, but now I can’t enter in Alterac Battleground at all?
Come on, this is a joke, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Yes, Friday starts Alterac Valley week bonuses and there’s no decay now, but all this doesn’t make up for what I’ve lost, and what I still am losing because of these ongoing technical issues.
It’s hard already, there are fewer people playing classic pvp, so the queues are much much longer… Don’t make it even harder for us.


Thanks for that contribution to the post Theodoll, i feel the same as you, missed rank 14 last week by 9k honor

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Don’t worry, guys. I’m sure they have it fixed in a couple days or weeks ^^

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