I’m at 99% now after roughly 3 hours. Been trying the pause and start again method to bump the speed up for a few seconds, but now the “remaining megabytes” is all whack, going up and down at random.
Been at 99% for at least half an hour now.
it’s obviously something with the client, since my last reply i managed to download both battlenet and wow completely on a different pc, copy it all over to an external hard drive, copy from that drive to my pc, reinstalled battlenet on my pc and now it’s as slow as possible verifying my files.
While i can click play on the launcher, it’s a far cry from playable with the ever spining game data is being downloaded in the background circle in the middle of my screen.
Lokthar ogar guys! Set download speed to 10000kb/s on both pre release and actual content download, put nike on both of them and click done in bottom right. Problem solved< you are welcome
Tried it didn’t help
Yeah, I tried that several hours ago, several times. That doesn’t help.
Only thing that helped for me is pause and resume download manually, many times, and it finally got done, what a mess
Exist any way how to disable Battle.net update, or set any speed limit (no games from blizzard only battle.net application). Its rly funny when this stupid program start update when i play any another game, and i die or take disconnect from server …
It has never taken me as long as it does now, it literally took me 6 hours to update 300 megs and I’m still not done, this is incredible and a real shame. This usually happens to me in minor revision updates like this one, and it also takes me a long time, I don’t understand why, but never as long as this time.
i live in germany and had the same problems. i could fix it by using a vpn to the netherlands or belgium. had 6-24kb and with vpn 40-60mb. no clue how and why, but it worked for me.
Same issue 300MB taking forever to download my internet speed is super high tho and i have no limitation battlenet launcher download speed please fix this it’s frustrating
How excited I am to enter wow and when I open the battlenet and find a download of 350 megabytes, you know that this download, which would be perfectly 30 seconds, will literally turn into 4 hours of minimum clock time, since the other time I was longer 6 hours to finish the update.
i have the same issue… workaround is to use vpn but it’s weird why…
Problem is, how do you use a vpn for this? I tried with urban vpn, which worked for this issue before, but if I connect with it and try to open bnet it can’t connect to bnet basically, otherwise I can open bnet first, then open vpn and start it but it doesn’t fix the problem.
Okay last 50 mb to go, it took 7 hours this is ridiculous
It’s still going strong… Pause, … restart, … pause, … restart…
And that on a stable 2.5 Gb fiber connection. Really impressive…
Same. Everytime need open battle.net with vpn for fix it Sad
I have read a reddit post some months ago, and the advice was this:
In the Battle.net app edit the download limits 0 to 99999999
It worked for me, i have no download speed problem at all, no need to use VPN, etc.
I think everybody could try it, its nothing to lose.
And another update now with a super slow download…I’m so tired of this c***!
8 kb/s still worst worst
New update today and we’re once again back to 10 KB/s for a 150 MB update. If this is what we’re gonna be dealing with every week, then I wonder why we’re subscribed at this point.
Still not a single reply from Blizzard either, despite this happening all over in both Europe and the US.