I do not think the group was toxic. Instead of just ," brb", the OP could take the time to explain: " hey guys, forgot to loot the quest item sorry, gimme 1 minute". He was a victim of his own GOGOGO mentality.
More people would leave groups when they don’t like playing with those people. The system would be a bit more crowded, though I doubt there would be such an overload that the servers couldn’t process it. If and only if there would be complete outlier dungeons with undertuned rewards, people would generally leave when those pop up (same as it used to happen with Occulus in Wrath). These would be the predictable downsides.
The upsides would be that abusing the vote to kick option would no longer be griefing players, and that people wouldn’t feel pressured to stay in groups they don’t feel comfortable being in.
In my opinion, the upsides, all of which relate to player enjoyment, trump the downsides, all of which can largely be solved either by sheer processing power or by making sure the reward structure is consistent. So yes, I stand by what I said, the deserter debuff is a measure that could legitimately be removed.
Agreed. It’s unbelievable that people feel entitled to other peoples’ time to this degree.
They might actually have to treat people decently and give them a good reason to continue playing after their initial goal is achieved.
Oh hold on a minute… this can’t be done with the LFD tool because it’s a system where nobody fundamentally care about one another at all? Well… that is a problem isn’t it?
Yes, that’s the underlying problem. Other players might as well be bots and the outcome as well as player goals within the system would be the same. And since behavior is shaped by the goals and costs to achieve them… there is LFG which works the way it works.
Not to forget that everything with automated groups is so undertuned anyway how can people even get upset when someone isnt as fast as them? i mean bad for this newcomer who is just walking behind i dont intend to make it a tourist run but i couldnt care less if he actually contributes or not.
And you have to count with beginners if you enter such content especially on maxlvl the rewards are also so undertuned i cant even see a reason personally to enter any automated content.
Its like going to play football with kindergarten kids and scream at them because they arent as good as you => toxic
Well, I do. Their behaviour would be completely unacceptable in any sort of even remotely organised group. The notion of kicking someone for being brb for less than a minute is ridiculous in the extreme, especially so in a dungeon that could be 2-manned if it came down to it.
They could at least have asked “how long?”, continued pulling for a couple of minutes, and THEN kick him if they don’t get a response.
I hear you. I usually dps in dungeons so my opinion are biased. I found that tanks and healers are divas most of the time. They make and brake rules at will. Dps just needs to fall in or f off.
Yes, the group could have asked how long. Both parties are at fault here imo.
You’re right about tanks and healers. That’s because they can afford to be. What the heck do they care? They know perfectly well that it takes ages to find a replacement for them, which gives them an importance that DPS players don’t have, and they take full advantage of it.
But I really don’t think the OP is at fault here. Saying BRB and then literally running with your character in-game indicates that you’re not BRB IRL, you’re BRB in the game. It’s really not that hard to figure out.
The only reason people in that group didn’t figure that out is because they’re toxic waste, and Blizzard have enabled their behaviour with the LFD system, and then encouraged it with the deserter system.
I sympathise with the OP’s anger, and the responses he got is more fuel to the fire.
I know I keep beating this drum, much to the annoyance of many on the forums, but I still fundamentally believe that LFD is bad for the game, and this is why.
considering the most likely had to se him running back, like if their brain capacity was so low that oh, he goes for the quest was to hard to comprehend, was to hard for them he probably was better off not beeing in group anyways, like how can you not se someone saying brb, and then se him running back, like what, it aint that hard to notice.
But if he decides that’s the case, the system punishes him again!
Honestly, **** LFD. May it burn in hell.
Not for what it does to me, obviously. It does nothing to me - but for what it does to the community. What it does to people like the OP. It ruins his fun.
True, but he would have been even better off if he didn’t get slapped with a dumb debuff because a bunch of a-holes couldn’t spare 30 seconds of their precious lives or better yet just continue for 30 seconds without him.
aggree, though as some others said it can be abused and has been plenty of times, like person goes afk and you can not kick him, or you can kick him but he instantly joins an other group and does it again, specialy bots used this method a lot, they got kicked insta qued up, was able to stay whit group for a few mins maby even killed a boss and got loot, got kicked and again next group, it just didnt work, it aint fair now eighter becuse now it is abused buy a holes, who kicks for what ever reason there is.
heck I was kicked in the first icc dungeon where you should not attack boss when he shields, and I got kicked becuse they died from their own stopidity, was back in warth so no idea if there was a debuff or not back then anymore, but still that was one kick that was not my fault.
Ok, but these are a few different issues. First off, I’m not against the possibility for a group to kick a player - just as the player shouldn’t be forced to play with a group they didn’t like, neither should the group be forced to tolerate a player they don’t like. They should be able to kick, for whatever reason as well, just not slap him with a debuff, that’s all.
Second, the bot issue is a bit more complex than that:
it is not limited to the LFG system;
the solution for it is entirely different, and to be fair, Blizzard are taking steps all the time upgrading their bot detection and permabanning or banning botting accounts for a long period of time;
third, even if there was no other solution to this, what would you rather have - upset a number of legitimate players by placing power to grief them in the hands of a bunch of a-holes, or allowing for the chance some bot users might derive some ingame benefits such as a bit of free xp if they somehow manage to wiggle their way through all those cheater detection system?
fourth, if afking at the entrance of a dungeon really is a concern, they could implement a system that simply does not grant XP to characters in a dungeon that are further than 300 yards from the kill spot, for example.
If you ask me, there is no logic in punishing legitimate players because there is a chance within a chance that some bot could slip past the bot detection for a while. I don’t think that’s a good game design principle.
I am not saying the system is perfect now, far from it, people abuse it for no reasons at all, but at same time I do feel there need to be some sort of system, becuse otherwise it would be even worse, becuse instead of kicking a person anyone could troll an entire instance for no reasons at all, though again 30min debuff is realy harsh for people who gets kicked for being new, making a mistake or whater ever stopid reason people come up whit, offcourse kicking whit no debuff could work also, but then you might end up getting same person in same run again, I have had that happen and that doesnt work eighter, maby make it so that if you get kicked you can not enter same group for the next 30 mins, but you can enter any other group, atleast that way you can que up again.
Back in wrath you only got the deserter debuff when you left and not when you got voted out. Why did blizzard change this? Dit the comunity asked for this change for some reason? If they did, what changed up till now, what guarantees do we have that the origenal reason, why it was implimented, wont show itself again?
cant rember what the reason Blizz had for this, but I do rember people having rumors and hearsay, that it was due to bots entering dungeons, killing maby a few mobs or one boss, before the rest realiced this was a bot, and kicked, in wrath this was not a problem becuse there was no lfg back then, but when cata introdcued lfg and lfd, this became a problem, and quite a huge one if what people said was right, personaly I didnt notice it so much but at times yes.
Because people would afk at the entrance and ask the group to kick them if they didnt get a fast dungeon for the daily dungeon quest.
There were 3 dungeons tuned for 232ilvl while the others had 200. SO if it was one of the 232 dungeon you could already tell in loading screen that people want to get kicked or long ones like Hall of lightning/stones or occulus
Makes sense why its a 30min buff also. If people could afk, get kicked and requeue after 15 min or instantly even, it would really impact the overall experience.
This is actually a tough one. Keep the debuff or remove it? Either way, people will find a way to abuse it.