[BElf-RP Farstriders] The Blood Ravens 🏹

The Blood Ravens have returned from the Heart of the Storm campaign on the rainy Isle of Thunder, having teamed up (sometimes uneasily) with Horde allies to stop the Alliance from laying claim on Mogu artifacts. Shout-out to the following participating guilds for fantastic RP-PvP and camp RP!

  • The Blackward
  • The Ashborne Consortium
  • The Sunblade Resurgence
  • The Hand of Agony
  • Nightfall Brigade
  • Silver Accord
  • Azure Dawn
  • The Three Hammers
  • Order of the Kraken

Special thanks to organisers Kyr, Braxton and Gwyddhienne and all the DMs for a super fun campaign, it’s been great!

Having enjoyed some well-earned rest & relaxation, the Farstriders and Rangers are now sharpening up our small team tactics and other skills in preparation for a next deployment.


(I am exploited. But as an independant player there, I concur that it was a great campaign!)


Ranger I.Whitemoon sat outside the Lodge at the Farstrider Square, looking up at the sky as morning grew older and older, sitting with her bow doing her usual daily maintenance, the string of the bow having shot rougly three thousand arrows by now and the sinew of the string had grown soft and weary, she unclasped the sockets holding the strings in either end of her bow, using her stringing tool to assist due to the heavy draw of the bow, and carefully the string was undone, doing this as people came and went from the Lodge, Rangers, Farstriders… people from the Spire with orders and fetching reports… she sat there in her “Bloods” uniform, the City uniform of the 15th Ranger unit “The Blood Ravens” smiling for herself as she pulled a new string from it’s small packing and gently put it onto her bow, using the same stringing tool to latch it back into place in either ends of the bow, rising from her seat and moved over to the shooting range, breaking it in once again… this bow had now seen seven different strings in it’s time of service… it was a good bow… a damn good bow… so was the Ranger it belonged to, and the unit in which she serve, The Blood Ravens.


Late in the evening, Mylathandris would come into the Lodge and head towards the sleeping quarters, checking everyone’s area thoroughly and cleaning any areas that would require so, making sure everyone’s bed was made and bedside tables and storage cleaned and tidy.

At each bat, she’d leave a small pendant decorated in elaborate Elven patterns, coloured a bright yellow entwined with a blood red, and each one resting on the pillow of each and every Raven. One small inscription is around the outside of the Pendant, it reads, “The FIfth Ranger Group” and a ranger would be in the middle, aiming it’s bow, anticipating an enemy attack

Another small note would be left, copied over and over again and placed next to the pendant, which would be sealed in a small leather bag and tied with silk at the top

"To my closest friends and comrades, I had this made in honour of our progress as a group, I can’t be with you, but my heart and spirit of the Farstriders is with you always, Love Mylathandris Heradaris Goldpath Sunbow”

She took her time, her pregnant form continueing to manifest itself, taking a slow gentle walk that would often turn into a plod, taking her leave and returning to the Spire to conduct more office-work for the Farstriders.


The Square was quieter this night, the usual hustle and bustle of trainees from the Farstriders and Blood Knights had grown quiet, leaving only the higher ranking officials within there buildings, getting on with paperwork or just finishing up for the evening before heading home.

Mylathandris, as of recent had been forced to adorn pregnancy friendly robes, larger than usual for her size and free flowing to allow comfort and movement, her pace slow and steady, carefully using the hedges alongside the firing range and training square to help her along, occasionaly stopping for breath.

She had come for a reason, her purpose clear as day as she eyed the firing range, thoughts ticking and mind racing as to whether she is going to do it or not, despite being told she couldn’t.

“I will” she thought to herself calmly, and carried on her steady plod into the firing range, where a few basic bows and arrows had been left behind, not yet cleaned up, which had irritated her slightly.

She bent down with a grunt and deep breathes, picking up the bow as the bump growing from her stomach creating an increasing discomfort from her back, stomach and waist. She held the bow tight once she’d picked it up and a great smile appeared on her face, she had missed the adrenaline of firing her Belore’Dinoriel in combat, fighting enemies and fighting for the nation she loved…it made her nostalgic, despite only being away from combat for a few weeks.

She nodded to herself, commited to her idea of being able to fight, despite being over eighteen weights pregnant by now, her determination had grown every day she was away from the field, she missed fighting alongside her comrades and doing her part for Quel’thalas, tonight she would prove so.

Myla approached the range, bow and two arrows laying on the hedge so she wouldn’t have to bend down to reach for them, she tried to engage the usual firing stance, shoulders back, legs slightly apart and back straight with her arms reaching at the string and pulling it. One of her eyes narrowed as she lined the arrow along the centerpiece of the string, this basic bow missing the guiding line, whereas most advanced bows have this assisted feature.

As she pulled on the string she felt the pain in her back, her muscles had weakened over the weeks of not using them, and the tensing of the stomach caused pain around the womb and upper chest, with a wince and hiss of a snake, she continued, the arrow primed and ready to fire…she launched the arrow towards the target.

However, she was physically exhausted, even firing a bow had taxed her breath, most of her energy was drained from her pregnancy, but she felt pride, she felt happiness more than before as she proved to herself that she still had what it takes…she is still the Farstrider she had been weeks ago.

Eyeing the target, the arrow had struck a few centimetres short of the bullseye, she was fustrated, perfection was always her aim, and this was definately NOT; Perfection.

“In the name of Quel’thalas, I will fight again. I will serve my company, my nation and fight for my child, I will wield my Belore’dinoriel again, no matter what it takes.” She spoke to herself out loud, the murmuring mixed with deep breathes, and shortly after she nodded to herself. She had done what she wanted, and now it was time to go home, and have some well deserved rest.

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Memoire, 1st Extract
Location: Farstrider’s Enclave, Eversong Woods

I had been called among others to our usual weekly meeting, the evening dulling into the night as the mixed crimson sky melding into a pitch black as it dragged on, I made my way there via Hawkstrider, my pregnancy was still in it’s initial stages but I felt rather weak, therefore I managed to borrow one from a family friend who was willing to lend it.

I’d only just been on temporary leave because of the pregnancy, and thus was my first appearance in a long while, but it was good to see my comrades again, I’ve missed them, being in the armor for what I think was the last time always brings a smile to my face, now it hangs on a wall and I can only reminisce for a time that’ll be a few months away from getting back.

In the past, I have held many ranks throughout the Farstriders, from an Initiate all the way to Lieutenant of the 9th Ranger Company, with recent times i had stepped down to take the role of a Farstrider that works on lone - ranger missions across the Eversong and Ghostlands.

With my introduction and membership of the Blood Ravens I had gone back to square one again, to Initiate as I had been over a hundred and fifty years ago, which was a humbling experience as It showed me how much I had forgotten, despite working alone, the tactics of squadron work had escaped my mind as the years had gone on since my former partner’s passing.

But as we met in the Farstriders Enclave it brought a smile to my face as I was promoted to Ranger, although I knew I was a Farstrider in mind, in skill and in body it made me reflect on just how little the rank affects your ability in the field, the rank is simply political and some rangers can reflect the skill of many Farstriders, but fall short of the mark and therefore slip through the cracks…

It’s been a humbling experience, reflecting on my time in this Ranger group, but I wouldn’t mistake it for the world, and once I’ve brought my child onto this world, I will return to serve this nation as I have done for a hundred and fifty years.

Mylathandris Heradaris Goldpath-Sunbow

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Putting a friendly bump here. Had the honour of RPing with Firelle tonight and heard a lot of positive things about you guys! Farstridering isn’t really my thing, but perhaps we’ll bump into each other down the road anyway :slight_smile:


My, such a positive find! Always gotta give a thumbs up for Ranger/Farstrider RP!


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Nice to see a other Farstrider guild pop up after so long. All the best to you and may your arrows fly true.

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Thanks for the kind words, you two!


Thanks for the kind words, you two!

Any day! Give Aeranthiel my regards when you see her! ^^


We had a great time today with our teeth-clenched teamwork escorting rescued Sin’dorei captives back to the border. :ok_hand:

10/10 would bicker with these fine Farstriders over the ethics of execution vs. Interrogation again. Check them out if you’re interested in Farstrider RP!


This was my favourite part of the event, and I was quite impressed with your DM as well. Thanks for the co-op!

We’ve just initiated Flixibelle, our newest initiate, who’ll have a nice trial by fire: on her first day in the Ravens we’re going to team up with 3 other Blood Elf guilds in an effort to chase out the Ren’dorei & Quel’dorei staying at Quel’Lithien Lodge just outside our kingdom’s borders.

Little do we know, a third threat lurks in the Plaguelands…


Giving these rangers a bump, the puzzle event in Isle of Thunder back in August probably is still one of my favourite non-combat events ever held. :clap:


I am so glad that I joined this guild. Such a warm and friendly community who have been really helpful and always willing to find a way to include you in RP even if you can’t make event nights.


For the emperor!


Really great bunch of people, can recommend this guild :slight_smile:


Bump for a lovely bunch of horde rpers… :scream_cat:


Nice to see the ravens out and about for the weekend eventing -those interested in Farstrider RP should check out this guild.


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