BG is ruined

Hey! I actually have 100% win against my enemies in Comp Stomp. Dont underestimate it!
Every plan had to be calculated several times to come up with the perfect strategy for it!

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I think if there was someone who could lose against the comp stomp bots it was the alliance during SL. I don’t know if it would ever happens, but what a horror faction. Good thing the panorama is changing in DF xD

Would honestly be quite funny to see if a group rly tried their hardest but failed in comp stomp. Just to see what actually happend lulw
For research… ofc…

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im gonna ask rextroy to try that lol

Delenis is a bad, cringeworthy idiot but you’re making him look smart here, sort it out ffs.

Boosting for gold is not a bannable offence. Only boosting for real money. Hope this helps.

Premade random bg players that only play premade random bgs and try harder in random bgs against enemies in greens than they do in rated content (because they’re horrific) are disgusting players, but ban them? Come on xd. They’re cringe and bad, there’s no disputing it, but that’s unreasonable since they are not breaking the rules, depsite how cringe it is. Just go and play rated if you don’t wanna queue into these awful cringelords :slight_smile:

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Mr. I hide my character and rating flame other people has spoken.
I like how you went silent in the other thread. :joy:

Mr multi glad 3k xp to you, my little puppy.

I ‘went silent’ because talking to clueless forum dwellers like you that are undoubtedly horrific at the game is a gigantic waste of my time. Spend less time on forums and more time playing the game and one day you might have the skill I have in my little toe.

And your RBG score is still lower than mine.
You’re like a bodybuilder talking to a marathon runner that you are the better athlete because you can bench press more weight when you brag about your 3k glad. Yeah. Good for you. I do another thing entirely.

The biggest joke is that you don’t play RBGs and are ignorant about the real challenges someone faces when you try to build a team, but tell others to play them. You probably lost to a group of friends in a random bg and now you are salty.

…you had zero rebuttals to my arguments how inconvenient it is to build an RBG team and your inflated ego couldn’t admit defeat.

Well, the only thing you could prove in the other thread is that in my case, the people who play random bgs with their friends instead of rated bgs have the Legend title, which is actually…not that bad?

Gamer! You got 2400 in RBG checks notes 5 years ago. Amazing! Interestingly, that was your last ever ‘competitive’ RBG season. I wonder why?

You don’t though. Since your last RBG end of season achievement, i.e. soldier, defender came 5 years ago. Unless you’re talking about random bg spamming?

You don’t need to build a perfect team to win at trash rating.

Haven’t logged on the game in weeks since I’m studying for exams buddy.

For Hero pushes it’s inconvenient. For the horrific rating you and the other copium inhaling random bg players are at it’s just another coping strategy and an excuse.
DF s1 was…5 months long? You played…6 games of RBG and managed a 50% win rate. Copium.

Oh please don’t try to flex that welfare title. I was at 2500 cr in 100 rounds and at 2900 MMR. You literally have a 51% win rate in solo shuffle with 450 rounds (lower cr than me after i played 100 rounds lul) on arguably the best healer in the game. I.e, you could just get it passively since solo shuffle is so unbelievably inflated.

Yes, he did, in Warsong. XD

Gz you beat a team full of 200k hps with full geared random bg tryhards. What happened after we had a 1v1? :slight_smile:

Gz, you defeated me by the hairs after almost losing against F-tier class in a game where 1v isn’t even balanced :joy:

So bad you don’t even realise that an Enhance shouldn’t lose to an SP. Chronically online but still so bad and clueless? Tragic.

Lol, and random bgs are?

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Enhacement was sh*t in that patch, while SP was Fotm.

I was over 2400 in two seasons, not that it would really matter. Nowadays I play random and epic bgs instead of competitive because, guess what. Rated BGs are a pain in the rear to build and I don’t want to spend one hour teambuilding just so I can play.

I might start again though in the next season. One of my friends says he volunteers to play vengeance DH. Without that I wouldn’t even consider going back to rated bgs. I ain’t waiting half an hour or longer for this one slot to fill.

Man, people would simply refuse to play unless we have a tank. How is this hard to understand?

Everyone can tell you that is a ridiculous sample size. One of these was lost because one of our players didn’t make it into the round and we still almost won. Flaming someone elses statistics while hiding your own is also pretty childish.

What a nice way to dodge admitting that it’s true and also: keep studying. It’s more productive than telling other players how trash they are in a game while you hide your own character. :sweat_smile:

No, but you are the one Who was mad after this, as you was with orillion aswell for exactly the same reason.

SP wasn’t fotm in DF s1 since the first 2 weeks you horrible clueless bot ahhahahah. Maybe you think it was since I literally annihilate damage every single game. SP was bad for about 80% of DF s1, you’re just 10x worse as an overall player.

Reaffirming the point for me, actually. You can’t complain that it is an inconvenience to form RBG groups when you only played 6 games in a 5 month season.

No, Orillion BM’d me. What happened after that? I spanked him in front of the premade random BG heroes in a 1v1, too. RET losing to SP. My god man, you people are of the lowest level.

And I played so few games because, you guessed it. It is annoying af to build a team and takes forever, which is why I wasn’t even trying because I knew it would be super tedious if I did and we could have way more fun together in random bgs and epic bgs.

Again, I would like to stress the point that you clearly don’t know what it is like to play rated bgs nowadays. Go try it. Build a team, post with your character and brag about your wins. You will run into the same problems I described. Maybe then you will understand.

Weird. I managed to play 13 games pretty quickly. Almost like you can just play whatever with whoever and not have to cherry pick fotm classes at garbage rating :slight_smile:

Cool that I have no way to verify what you’re telling in any way since you don’t post with the character these games are on and I have no way to see how long it took you to “quickly play” these games. Maybe you hopped into a team that was almost ready to go and was missing one player which is an entirely different experience than building a team from scratch.