BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

It is the case on most servers and looking at pve logs on is not accurate representation of the PvP playerbase. There is nothing wrong with the queueing system the queue is long for horde because there are more pvpers on horde for the racials.

If you want better queues join Allience to even the odds that will fix the queue system asking for Merc mode is not going to happen

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And why should I care about PvP players? This whole argument that shorter queues for Alliance are somehow “compensation” for them being the minority faction (on PvP servers) would make sense only if there was a separate battlegroup for PvE servers. And even then, there are PvP servers with balanced or even Alliance-skewed ratios like Zandalar.

Again, I’m not asking for Merc mode, for other reasons, but you PvP server buffoons need to stop thinking the world revolves around you. It doesn’t.

You shouldn’t, just like we don’t care you have the same queues as people on PvP servers. You want to be on a carebear server and still get the PvP gear and rewards, get in line like the rest of us.

Thanks for proving my point above:

No,you are horde and you should stay in horde queues and not get mixed with alliance…“bUT i DoNt HaVe TiMe FoR iT,iF I wAnT To AlSo hAvE RL…”

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Yeah that more Raiders was Horde had nothing to do with Schamans in Classic ( Since the benefit of mana recovery was due the new min max community not relevant anymore so useless Paladin) It was the Racials which did make the raids easier. You never give up to grab something up to steal other Humans lifetime even if Mercanry mode wouldnt make 1 min Longer queue time for ALLI.

He wants horde and alliance to fight in the same teams in bg’s.

Talk about low IQ.

Blizzard Could atleast bring in the REAL BC random bg matchmaking for Premade Groups that they only get matches against other premades with similair armor level. ( Can be found in BC patch notes) And stop this Insta Queue for alliance premades to rush horde randoms which cant really premade because of to long waiting times.

of course you can premade as horde, infact most smart people that want to farm honor or marks do so because they dont want to sit in queue for 30 minutes to lose then. but yeah, only the smart ones…

but i agree with you that premades should only face other premades. bgs are MUCH more enjoyable if both teams are randoms.

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No Allience was more attractive in classic for raiding due to paladins blessing of salvation 30% reduced threat is huge as well as there other buffs. Shamans windfury was good if your melee heavy but for standard raid setups Allience was better even look at the logs the top 10 guilds for progress in naxx 8 of them where Allience.

No if Merc mode was introduced your talking 15-20 min queue for Allience again why should it be their fault that so many min/max zombies rolled horde for PvP.

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They could give Merc Mode which is just active in times where over 100 Horde are in Queue waiting and when its lesser Merc not Possible ( which also anyway 1 hour buff) so Alliance never would risk to fall into a window without endless horde waiting for them. lol

I need immunity from horde damage in world PvP. I’m outnumbered 9 to 1 on my server so if I don’t get this immunity I’m afraid I will have no other choice but to quit the game entirely.

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Look thats due layering mostly a lie and also for this the Options PvP and PvE servers exist. But no where Blizzard said " if you pick horde you will have 30min or longer queues for BG´s. Also didnt they say “we ignore the Premade patches we did bring in BC but bring other stuff” to make this wait time even more bad.

yes and for your problem the option of playing alliance exists.

blizzard also doesnt warn you if you try to roll alliance on a horde dominated serve where you will constantly get ganked in the open world.

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Just sad that alot Servers are even or Alliances Dominated and due realmpools this Players still have longer queues.

out of the 18 most popular eu pvp servers 2 are alliance dominated and 16 favor horde.

the other alliance dominated server are low pop servers that people trensfered to to flee from the bigger horde dominated servers.

anyway im tired of this discussion, you arent even trying to make a point for anything topic related you are just trying to grab on any argument you can. gl

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Thats just not true i dont mean the COMPLETLY DOMINATED servers. Also trancesdence has Open World alot more alliance gankers as horde Gankers. And the same for others. over all are there 8 Servers which has low till very big Alliances domination.

Also maybe we shouldnt forget that the majority of Alliance Players is sitting already on PVE servers ( they literally all alliances dominiated) So they have already open World protection but still enjoy the realmpool instant queues.

I just remind you guys, that priest thinks that shamans can remove roots by using wolf form.

For people who actualy want to learn, dwarf priest have ultimate self safe oportunity via stone form for removing -50% healing poison (Yes, rogues actualy have poisions in TBC, blind was not the only poision in classic) and press insta 5k heal only huamns and dwarfs have while running away of rogues beacuse they also have imun for like 10s, so they also can not be slowed by rogue and rogue will be slowed thanks to priest’s teammate.

25-45 min queue is worst expirience.
Just do #somechanges and allow to play BGs horde vs horde like arena games.
Playing 30+ min queue during all TBC content is not what we need and want to see.

Yeah ghostwolf roots was a wrath change but comparing removing crippling and wound poison to removing a cc like fear/charm and sleep it’s no contest undead wins by a mile.

Rogues poisons reapply continually plus you know shiv has no cd it’s easy instantly re-applied soon as it’s off shadowstep exists and stuns the posions have no Dr involved you cannot set up a kill by removing them.

Undead racial completely counters any kill pressure priests/warlocks/warriors have to break a total cc and be immune and reduce the Dr on the spell is game breaking.

I like that that you used dwarf priest for an example what is stone form going to do to save them from an undead rogue. cast stone form you to remove posion you have no mobility so you instantly get stunned your dieing cast psychic scream rogue instantly uses racial breaks it your now struggling to live ask your warlock friend to get him off you but wait he’s immune! If by magic the priest survives the warlocks fear now has a reduced duration.