BGs should have separate queues

blizzard can choose between “doubling” the queue times, or forcing players to “form groups”

i’m just saying, if i could force you to eat a nice apple instead if a mud cake, I at least, would do it!

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Encourages other players to adopt his playstyle. Wants extra rewards when playing against other players using suggested playstyle. :rofl:

99% of premade communication happens in the trade channel: Rogue LF WSG Premade. Need 5 hunters, 3 priests and dudu. Bring gear!

The other 1% communication: dudu get flag, hunters send pets, priests heal - GG.


“Group building incentive” and “better games”? Yeah, sure - it’s better in the sense that it is more efficient for rep/honor grinding. But it is extremely boring for both the casual PUG players and the premades.

I play in a group of old friends that played since OG vanilla, we’ve played to glad in many expansions, done RBGs 2400+ whatever u can do. And we are dying inside queueing WSG because its just so insanely boring. Last time we queued we faced probably 1 other premade in 30+ games. Win 1 midfight and they give up, because its more efficient for them to give up and get back to queueing into PUGs than try to fight us.
This isnt “better gameplay”, it’s non-interactive grinding for the hardcore pvp’ers. And it makes casual not want to play on top of it. Nobody wins except people that just want fast rewards with 0 effort other than forming a group.

Better gameplay would be having the ability to queue into other premades exclusively for a challenge. I want to feel like I earned a victory, not cheesed the f out of some random PUG.

If you followed WOWs arena/PvP scene for awhile it should be clear to you, that for a thriving PvP environment you need:

  • Low barrier to entry(for continuous new player flow)
  • Incentive for casuals/noobs to play eg realistic rewards at low ratings in arena fx.
  • Incentive for hardcore players to keep playing
  • Somewhat decent balancing done quickly not every 3-4 months in a cycle of overnerf/overbuff.

What you fail to see is that this is not retail. “Everyone must be completely happy since customer is king” doesnt apply here. Also this is not a competitive game.

Premade vs premade will happen, but not with extra ques, because solo players will eventually adapt and join premades.

So we get a lot of group building activity, interaction, and also chill premades. (Which wouldnt be possible without nudged solo players or with a extra premade que) Seperate ques would either just kill premades, or with a good enough incentives for premade still double their search time and make them sweaty af.

You guys really just want whatever you think is good for you but dont care about the game as a whole.


Please refrain from creating strawmen arguments, I never said everyone must be completely happy.
But without a tolerable experience and attainable, worthwhile rewards for casuals you will eventually be unable to sustain a big PvP playerbase, and the scene dies down.
Also, without any rewards, titles, tournaments, cosmetics or whatever for hardcore pvp’ers and a tolerable balance level, the incentive for everyone from bottom to top essentially dies because there is ultimately nothing to strive for.

The Ashenvale event has 0 replayability value, the gameplay itself is extremely boring. As is the classic BG experience. Its non-interactive by design at this point.

I sympathize with your hope/argument that organic growth of PvP community and group formation will eventually turn BGs into mostly premade vs premade games, but Im sorry, this just wont happen. My group of IRL friends have played private server vanilla/wotlk for 5+ years, 2019, SoM, and this never happened. It remains largely discord servers/trade chat LFG premades queueing into and stomping PUGs in 7-12 minutes, or facing another premade 2-10% of the time, where the first 4-5 minutes in most cases decide which team gives up and lets the better premade win in order for everyone to return to the queue and hope to get a PUG enemy next game.

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Getting in a quick grp is a tolerable experience. The gear right now seems also to be rewarding enough for people wanting to grind pvp.

There are rewards and also there is fun, no need to go ham with external incentives.

It already kinda does, and even if solo players keep queing, then they shall experience first hand how much a little coordination can do. Also I dont share your experience with wintrading etc.

Main issue I see here is your approach, what you think pvp was in tbc+ is not necessarily what pvp is meant to be in classic. Its a grind, its a clusterf***, there is imbalance, there is unfairness. And its fine, this is not a esport game. Its good that pvpers are forced to do pve, its good that there is no skillbased matchmaking. Its just about fun, interaction, grinding and fooling around.

paying Netflix and never watch a single movie on it… (a.k.a. meta-grind-farmers-premaders stomp PUG farmers)

the obsessional neurosis of honor/rep points per hour, ruin this game, and people’s gametime

for what? a warsong exalted tabard and bracers… How much time to waste before lvl 60 release?

When people could play the game and not just grind for ridiculous things?

#separate queues please
#separate the premades on their own matchmaking please

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To me the worst part is that, with the current meta, some classes are unable to even find premades (e.g. warrior, rogues).
So with the current meta there’s really nothing good about playing in a premade nor facing a premade as a pug.
Maybe the only “fun” can be found in premade vs premade WSG…Maybe

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and you don’t decide what’s good for the game and what not. the eradication of solo queuers is a dumb idea it also didn’t happen back in vanilla. a good mmo still offers things you can do solo because it’s not a crime to not want to build a group first for every single sh*t.


Im soon exalted with WSG now, and i’ve done tons of premades and also a fair share of pug’s. Doing pug’s is cancer… and has always been. The grind is hard because 80% of the games are bad compositions, ppl are uncoordinated, ppl do their own thing, practicing jumps, honorfarming, AFK’ing, or… just suck.

In my guild (PvP guild), we do premades almost every night, obviously its a very efficient way to farm reputation, but we are also having a ton of fun, the kind of fun you will never get in a pug. With that being said, and when i analyse an evening of premades. We have the most fun, when we face other premades and when we’re having a challenging and competitive game. Its no fun stomping other team, getting a 6-7 min win. Sure the rep is nice, but its surely not fun. We put alot of effort into our preparation, farming consumes, gear, proffs etc. to be at our very best. and still we get stomped from time to time, by other premades (mostly guilds) who are even better and insanely coordinated.

This is a huge aspect of the pvp in the game. And there is alot of players who really enjoys this aspect. Removing it entirely is not a viable solution.

i dont know what the solution could be, maybe separate ques if ppl really insist on playing pugs. I understand there are plenty of casuals wanting a slice of the cake. You guys basically got revered handed to ya through Ashenvale event. Now if you want the best rewards from PvP, maybe you’ll have to step up your game and put in the effort required.


My man! This x 100

Ashen already hands out rep for afking, god forbid you gotta work a bit towards the end goal.

We need 2 ques to keep the game competitive.

If a random group is getting pitted against an organised group your taking away the competition and turning into a farming ground.

2 separate ques will resolve that.

Pre made Vs pre made will be competitive. :heavy_check_mark:

Random group Vs random group will be competitive. :heavy_check_mark:

Pre made Vs random group, not competitive :x:


Hey, I think you have the wrong game, wow classic pvp is not supposed to be competitive.

Get some friends and try to have fun.

Also use a few of the existing threads, there are many people that already mentioned the problems with seperate ques.

Edit: nice forum admins putting in work :+1:

1-4 is the number allowed in the PUGs vs PUGs queue, 1-4 form a 10 player team In the BG

There’s no PUGS vs PUGS queue, you are completely delusional, my friend.

There is no WoW classic soon
you punk hypocrit
you are an abuser

you gonna regret it
people saw it all

You are one of the guys who later says ‘I wonder why the game is ded’
Pls don’t open up and speak when you have no knowledge of games. People don’t wanna join/look for a premade every time they go q a bg. Just like you don’t wanna 5man q every time you play dota

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