BGs should have separate queues

Do you honestly believe premade queues and solo should offer the same rewards? Do you not see how a lack of an incentive to fight more organised and better opposition will result in premades disbanding and farming you in solo q instead?

Okay so why would that be a bad thing?
Believe you me, noone will shed a tear for your premades.

Yes I do believe so. Most of you guys claim to play for fun with friends anyways. A premade will struggle against another premade just as much as a pug will struggle against another pug. The difference will be that you will have your fun playing organized with your friends and guild mates


Yeah? That was what I said.

Read it again.

100% correct.

The people who like being in premades only want to face PuGs, to farm other players who have no chance to do anything. If they had any PvP skill, they’d gladly welcome a queue that only put them against other premades. But that’s not what they want. They want to farm honour at the expense of other players’ time.

Any “make your own premade” misses the point: getting stomped isn’t fun. Stomping isn’t fun.


The real issue here is that people have this retail mentality to do everything as efficient as possible, it’s all about honor & rep grind and no longer to play the game how it’s supposed to be played.

Therefor all of these people defending this crap of a system, has in my opinion forgotten what games are all about, to have fun and they either don’t care for it or have forgotten about it.

Classic WoW is such a great game, but sadly it’s getting ruined by people with this mentality. This will continue to be an issue for as long as people keep doing it this way.


It sets the precedent that grouping in an MMO is bad. That’s terrible.

I know that you only care about your solo Dora the Explorer experience, but once in a while try and see the bigger picture and implications of killing grouping, eh?

Imagine not doing premdes to get exalted with wsg before phase 2

dude… i love playing with randoms… its more fun and most off the time i have 30min to play 1 game… i cant make a premade then.

I dont care about exalted. I want to enjoy my time in the game… Having fun in random wsg is 1 off them… not fighting 5 hunter/5priest combos… There pets could win the damn game

who is gonna farming who in PUGs vs PUGs ?

all that you say have no Logic

More rewards? rank14 gears should be available for everybody, the “more rewards” that you asking for is Naxx gear$

Or maybe you just want to be Naxx geared$ and stomp people in blue/greens from dungeons?

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  • Premades vs Premades not gonna disappear

  • PUGs vs PUGs not gonna disappear


Separate queues don’t have to be your most fear :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Separate queues deserve a try for 1month to test, and if premaders cry after that month, what can we do for these crybabies/ boyscouts?

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Breaking news, you have teammates even if you solo que.

Yes, because pug bgs are well known for their communication and team work.

Okay so let’s say separate que would “kill” premades, but then again, premades kill solo que-ers, so who are you to say one is better than the other?
Solo que-ers game is RUINED by premades, but if they separate the ques the premades worst case scenario is having bad que times and not play. Do you see the difference?

it’s not your problem what the PUGs’scene do if you are in the hotspot premade vs premade 's scene
because you are a real PvPer, for real

Premades don’t kill solo queuers; they capitalise on their lack of organisation. It is entirely incumbent on you, the solo player, to get organised when you know premades are queuing. If you choose not to, who’s fault is it if you lose?

That’s the difference.

Premade scenario:
+Group building incentive
+community interaction
+better games
-no anonymous solo gameplay :frowning:

+fast dopamin
+you can afk and hope your team carries
+you can vent in raidchat without consequences
-awful games

  • #win-traders/sellers

why is that a problem to be anonymous in an internet game ?

each one his/them appeal, you want level? go in premade vs premade queue

“hope”, PUGs still can report him afk, or be patient if the guy just need to go to toiletts

it got some charm, and from 20years now, win or lose people want play and chill, you can’t understand it, you lackey of meta

This x 100 lol

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