BGs should have separate queues

If this game is dead - so only because if whiners like you, you can’t play this game and you can silently move to another game you like more. Yeah, thousands of ppl playing premades right now, but the noname smart @ss orc from a forum told me “People don’t wanna join look for a premade”. Guess these people are playing premades and having fun against their wish. I will reveal the truth for you: People want. And people do. But if you don’t want to - you have solo queue. Enjoy in and s t f u already.

so all horde who asked for Horde vs Horde BGs should move to another game back in TBC classic?

Blizzard can change the matchmaking, they already did it for a less valuable reason

you are a PUGs abuser, full of bad faith

Premades playing against premades already. Once you grow up and will get the game, Im sure, I believe in you.

never grow up
and never give my a** to your team of a**hole

Sure, let’s give you a solo queue with significantly reduced rewards. Would that be okay?

You really are trying to push that lie, aren’t you?

You know rating is in the game for a reason right? When it’s pre made Vs pre made you need rating so the game keep competitive.

Right now, no rating, no other que options. Causing massive mismatches, which leads too hopelessness, which can lead to unsubs.

From a business move it makes sense to add separate ques to keep everyone happy.

Like many have said, if pre mades have a problem with queuing in their own que with a group, it’s because they don’t want a competitive game they want to stomp.


Blizzard fix ithis PLEASE! When you solo queue you run into 95% premades, and when you make a premade you almos never face another premade. I like to play both soloq vs soloq and premade vs premade but it almost never happens…

on the one hand, I agree with you, it’s extremely annoying and the game would need something like a rated BG mod.

on the other hand, the current state is authentically with the original version of the game and history should not be rewritten, if you want an “improved” version of the game, go play on retail

problem is that if you once allow added improvements, you will do it for so long that there will be no difference - today you will add rated bg, tomorrow LFG, next week paladins for horde and shamans for aliance and in half a year it will be another retail.

ah yes, good old 2004 3 priests with penance and 4 hunters 1 druid wsg premade being the absolute norm

saw this a few days ago
8 druid sunfire wsg premade lfm (win rate 47:3)

even simply we didn’t have 256 wsgs running at the same time so something like that wouldn’t have been easy to arrange

LFM WSG Duelist+ xp premades need Hunters

that’s within 2 minutes of trade chat
nothing is broken you guys


WOTLK BGs full of bots
SoD BGs full of humans acting like bots

as OP say, BGs should have separate queues, one for the gamers, one for the farmers
or shutdown the game, because there is no game here, what a shame

i just did 5 games in a premade. ALL 5 we won without the other team getting 1 kill.
NOT 1 KILL!! It was the most sad and boring pvp i ever did in wow… I rather Q solo and hope to get a pug vs pug then this.

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we have runes in the game that change the whole damn game dude… what are you talking about

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Here’s what I think.

  • Queues should not be separated,
  • Raids should not be able to queue.
  • Parties can queue.

Won’t make everyone happy, but I think it’s a decent compromise, personally.

i like the idea of 4 maximum, like the ninja turtles :pizza:

it allow more slots for those who solo-queue

4+3+2+1 (example) it can be also 3+3+1+1+1+1 simple algorythmes

not 5+5

you see what i mean?

Do you know Daffy Duck’s laugh?

U ok m8?


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what a meta-answer

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m a WoW player, that’s how we roll.

Premades queue as premades specifically to avoid having to rely on pugs to mess things up…