BGs should have separate queues

How can anyone be this ignorant… Its a hughe problem that solo queuers only run into premades with good compositions…

There’s no lie, just reality

No, you are wrong, you have zero proof, your biased opinion does not count.

Your extra reward is that you get to be more social and organized. That’s what you premaders say you want from doing premades.


Game doesn’t need to be competative like that. Players don’t want it, they want to stomp, they don’t want any thing to be competative. They want the complete opposite

BG PvP in SOD is in probably the worst state I’ve ever experienced in wow. It’s absolute dogs**t. The stacking of specific classes, the hidden damage nerf that doesn’t apply to healing, Hunter pets, the endless premade v pug games. It’s probably up there with the bot problem that will drive players away in the coming weeks if it isn’t resolved.


I totally agree. For weeks so many threads have been posted on the forums. I contacted blizz by X and asked if they could implement 2 diffrent que systems… silence… its like the deliberatly not wanne listen or even change it. Why? I have no clue… noone likes this old system. Let PUG fight PUGs and premade fight premade. It would make pvp and bgs sooo much more fun!!

I dont see the problem. Easy honor for the premade :slight_smile:

headless chickens deserve to get farmed.

No one deserves to be farmed. Game needs to be kept competitive.

This game is not made just for people like you!

Prolly the lack of humanity among this situation tbat drives players to hate it so much.

Blizzard are looking into the situation anyway.

You premades cant just win games without holding the flag to stop the game ending

Easy solve tbh, make the event in Ashenvale push rep to exalted, the sweaty premades can still keep doing the worst BG in the game and people that have lives can just do the event

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You’re right. This would resolve the revered - exalted pre made epidemic.

Yes, let’s render the Battleground null and void just because people insist on gaining rep via PvE and AFKing in Ashenvale.


You know what i used to say make seperate ques. Its more healthy , pugs should play with pugs and premades with premades and so on.
But after today, when i qued some games solo i was pulling my hair from how bad ppl are on Wsg. They are toxic , they dont listen and they are zombies just run around.
Some are afk etc.
So yea no DONT seperate the que these zombies must learn how to play and that will happen only if they join a premade and get taught a thing or two.
F*** the pugs seriously they are so bad! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a shyte BG, making it exalted in Ashenvale wont effect the people that have convinced themselves WSG is fun in any way, it will just make it so you are pitched against likeminded people so it wont be just a farm, getting a challenge is what y’all are scared of

I’m tired of arguing with people about something completely obvious. Soloq is UNPLAYABLE. You will be facing premades only anyway because people just unsub.
I’m gone on feb 10. Have fun with your trash matchmaking.


I can’t tell if you’re inexperienced, deliberately don’t read what I write or whether you just enjoy being a contrarian - but you are arguing against all WOW PvP history, and the current WSG situation on top of it.
Premades have always been, and in all likelihood will remain, a minority of players ruining the experience for the majority of players that cant or dont want to queue for BGs with a premade themselves.

Ruining the experience for the vast majority to enable a minority to have extremely accelerated progression/gatekeep ranks and BiS gear forever(in the traditional system) is so obviously bad for PvP participation that arguing otherwise really makes you look disingenious.

There is no “lovely chaos” or “classic charm” to this, there is just an extremely predictable and boring outcome that we’ve seen repeated since 2005 - a few % of sweaties enjoying the feeling of superiority at the expense of everyone else participating in PvP.


Wont ruin the experience, the sweatlords that love premades can still run it but against eachother, will give more of a challenge and blabedibla

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Couldn’t put it better myself.

I agree with everything you said.

But sadly i dont think its a minority at all anymore, back in 2005 u never saw premades to this scale.

Not even pvp guilds premade like this. It was like the very very high end that premade and you didnt bump into em alot.

Premades back then were actual premades.

Today everyones premading which means now even premading half the time ur against another premade. Its all over trade, i see more WSGs then dungeon groups being advertised.

It needs seperating, its out of control.