BGs should have separate queues

No, you will queue into premades, you will watch priests fullheal your full rotation in 1 click, you will die to moonfire spam and you will be happy.


kekw dude didn’t even mention hunters

Why 1-4 is pugs vs pugs, if 4 ppl are premade, did you finished the school?

Please create a queue seperate from solo/duo/trio queues to stop 10 premades going in WSG. It’s completely obnoxious and boring. Thanks.

It is not skillful in the slightest.


If its not skillful, what’s stopping you from forming one yourself?


Because it’s neither fun to be facing a premade that farm your GY until they decide they are done and end the BG and nor is it fun I can imagine for the premade doing this as that is boring in the long-term and give nothing in terms of real enjoyment or feeling of success once the BG is done.

That is if you don’t enjoy ruining the experience for others, then this is then exactly what you want to do I guess.

So it’s a lose/lose situation for everyone with a brain when you think about it.


Ruining the experience for others? By playing with other players and optimising play to try and increase chances of winning in a team-based PvP encounter? The cognitive dissonance is incredible - truly.

If you devoted but a fraction of the time you spend creating redundant threads into organising yourself, your perceived issue would have been nullified ages ago. Alas!, much easier to moan incessantly.


The average guy isn’t going to form sweaty groups with discord and bis gear, they will just unsub, and you will be the one moaning about the dead game.
My friend already did so that’s one, he qued for wsg like 3 times, saw it’s bs and didn’t log since.


99% of LfG premades dont use discord though? Why’s my man talking gas all the time?

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Tell me you are clueless without telling me


Tbh he’s right about this one, I used to run WSG’s as solo, but it was terrible experience as a healer so right now I’m just LFG in chat, join them and that’s all. All the leaders are usually do — telling us what to do before the gates open through the in-game chat, that’s all.


Don’t you agree that playing against solo queue players is boring? What’s fun about wiping them at the first encounter and sitting on their graveyard until 3 flag caps are done?

It’s so damn boring. We premaders WANT to face other premades ONLY! We don’t want to play against solo players who put up no fight.


You can still optimize your team etc if you played only vs other premades :smiling_face: And we casuals can be casual with other casuals. It’s a 100% win/win. You get your premade fun and we get our casual fun. There is no loser if they make pug vs pug and premade vs premade.

You premaders say you like to play organised for the fun of it anyways. To socialize and optimize.

So by doing pug vs pug and premade vs premade, you are not losing anything and we casuals don’t lose anything.

By letting pigs play vs premades it makes it bad for the casuals. So there will be a “loser”. But nobody loses when there is a pig vs pug and premade vs premade.

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I wouldnt mind if they atleast limit premades to party only, i think thats how it is in retail. you can only queue youre party so youd have max 5 premade which atleast give abit of a chance. OR add reputation gains all the way to exalted in ashenvale so peoiple dont see the need to premade spam WSG for rep.

Stupid reason for crying.

You should form your own premade, that way you are no longer free HK.

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Sure - provided premade queue gives increased rewards as an incentive, I’m all for it.

its in premades you get free HK, what do you mean?

reward reward reward, gimme gimme gimme, stomp stomp stomp free rewards. Gimme gimme gimme more MOAR!


As a casual u talking too much about rewards , and “useless” grind

premaders are the ones talking about rewards mate. Look at what he wrote. The whole reason why people premade is cause of rewards.