The Rating you get after a game is absolutely random. Once your CR & MMR is out of balance it’s a pure waste of time.
Only people that are winning constantly are players that are queuing in duos with a healer. Which is crazy in itself since it’s supposed to be a solo queue and it destroys the whole essence of the bracket.
You hardly get any points for winning and you loose more points by loosing than you gain for winning. Also especially in lower ratings, as a single player you can’t really make much impact on the outcome of a game.
Most of the time you can play like a god but if your team is not doing objectives or if your enemy has a player/healer duo it’s a clear lose.
If it won’t get any fixing it will drive a lot of players away from pvp because it’s just beyond depressing right now.
Rating unchanged after last 2 wins. Madness.
Yeah guys. That’s true. But Blizzard devs do not care about it. Really, maybe I’ll go to the next blizzcon jusst to see in their eyes? No offensive (I do not harm people) just see in the eyes and ask how you did that and most importantly why?
Just my topics as well, to be scoped: Blitz. 2 wins in a row Rating UNCHANGED, lose and -15 The years go by, and nothing changes in PvP
Maybe blizzard will see, read, do something?
No its not
both teams have them
And you think you can make the difference on higher rating if you cant even do a difference vs “noobs”? think again
everyone on the loser team thinks he played like a god and only his team is awful. the ones who dont and actually think about what could they themself have done better will climb
and again both team have awful players.
yes its rng and also comp can matter (hi @mw+pres in ctf) in the shortterm. in the longterm player who have a positive impact climb and others dont.
The more you win, the higher your matchmaking rating (MMR) become. Last night, I reached 1.8k rating on my shaman, where I was being placed with the players who was in the 2.2-2.5k MMR range. Winning the game would give a consistent +23 rating, while losing only cost me 0 to -4.
The key to climbing is maintaining high MMR so you can progress without being severely penalized for losses. And to have the high MMR, you actually need to commit to making changes in your gameplay as well as the way you play the class of your choice.
A few days ago, I complained about the “broken” MMR system, but I realized the real issue was me and my spec choice. I switched back to ele, my main spec, after struggling with enhancement. And immideatly could see the difference, and I reached 1.8k in no time. (In 2 days, after work, which is roughly 3-4 hours)
Wait what? You maybe lost? I mean you can make impact solo, if you team makes mistakes constantly? You true champion of the horde. Link your twitch, I would love to see it
Nope. Everybody says that but no prof. Instead many videos on you tube how ppl wondering that they reach 2200 accidentally on weekend. Aha… your solo skill train whole team!
How is that? I am commit. Almost always in top at end of the match. Save flags, cap bases, damage, lot of useful things, but team lose and what? Climbing? No way!
as i wrote here - Terrible fodder policy
solo players are just a fodder, a free elo for duo teams. If you are a solo player you are nothing more than a step for duo teams who are using you to climb up in ratings while you stay behind. Blizz just screwed up by adding any premade options in SOLO mode since it just granted big advantages to those who queue with skilled healers but put behind those who doesn’t have such healers among their friends or just playing solo
Troll? You have to look at a series of the games not focus on a single loss.
If you constantly play good for your current MMR and bring positive impact over a series of 20 games you will win more of them than someone who doesnt.
Just look at the ladder? Also there is a huge difference between spiking 2,2k mmr after placement games compared to actually keep it up and get to 2,2k CR.
But whatever helps you to cope…
Yes I did, previous week win rate was around 62%. And what’s happened? Correct. Nothing. Not I am not troll. I had loses and many first week, cause made mistake with gear stats. But previous week was really good for wins, and what?
Really, so funny, people who don’t face the problem do not believe in problem. Lol, climate also didn’t changed.
If people applied the same energy that they apply on the forums in the game instead, they might just reach their goals
Nope. I do not apply to much energy here, in game instead apply. But one more time, point is something really broken. And it’s broken not only for blitz, RBG as well, and not since this expansion.
That’s sad.
If you keep believing MMR is broken, it will then become a reality, for me on the other hand I haven’t found any issue and I understand that if I continue to win, I gain a surplus, it isn’t rocketscience, and soon I will play Arms & Ret and see how far I can reach.
Not to be or sound offesive or antyhing, but while you are complaining here 24/7, I managed to push two of my characters to 1.8 rating.
First my druid tank, which was a grind since tanks aren’t common at high MMR, and then my elemental shaman, which clicked better for me after switching from enhancement.
Here is an example:
Check my games with Enh and compare it to Ele.
So, perhaps the issue is you and not in the bad teammates or the MMR system?
I genuinely failed as an enh shaman, was hardstuck at 1.5-1.6 and blamed the MMR system, lol. But the reality was that I was not committed enough, and was expecting to be carried by others whilist not having good knowledge about my class and spec. But hey, it was easier for me to say, my team is bad, or that the MMR system is broken. (Which might be actually, as MMR jumps are weird.)
The point is that everything ok with my warrior, but I play druid far better. Always. And that wondering me. And point is that is so stupid fit spec /class to climb. You didn’t see a problem here?
According to complaining here 24/7 it’s not true. And this is offensive, I try to speak with arguments. And I use phone when I awaiting something and have time for it. And yes, that’s how things should works, people, not monkeys, discuss problem → find solution.
And I met a guy during rushing scirmishes, he just pump 2600 for two days and he says that is first PvP experience. So what that means? You forget for random.
In one of my threads I’ve public you tube video, one guy as Evoker (alt) reach 2200 after struggling. He said just was a streak wins, got lucky with teams…
That’s it. You improve yourself, you got lucky facing good players.
My point was that some specs are not for you. As much as love enh shaman, I just cannot play it to its full potential.
Blaming the system, blaming everyone but not yourself is not an argument. It is an excuse.
Yeah sure. Source? Trust me bro.
This is my first time expierence in “high” rating too, and still managed to do it.
Like everyone else said to you, stop blaming the system, and others, and focus on what can you do to secure the win for your team.
Who says that? I’ve said that blame no one, except system, yes, and myself. In my threads and other threads and not once.
No I won’t stop blaming system. Because system senseless and stupid. Why you think I blame others? (Except developers)
Man, I even do not insult people in game chat and I am polite as much as possible. Oh…
So where is the problem then? with 62% winrate you will climb longterm
The system is totally fine, if u have a 40% winrate it means ur mmr is in the bin, so start winning to get some mmr back & the rating will follow
The problem is that I was 1594 and drop to 1400+ and this is with 62% (weekly). So… where is the problem?
Sometimes I agree that I talentless PvPeer…
every game I do all my best. Average is really ok. But we lose. Just today morning ppl stuck at mid in arathi and that’s it. Lose 4 bases. We lost. ~1100-1500. No matter how har you push. Really. It looks like grind rating ^^
Your mmr was likely 1200-1300, so losses have more impact than wins, because your rating is higher than the mmr. But u won 62% of games, so gained some mmr & will get u more gains for wins if u manage to get ur mmr higher than cr.