Blizz always" support" horde (Spoiler 8.3)

It can make the difference to anyone who can learn to use all their abilities properly, and its normal for the dedicated players that they want to learn from the best players and try to copy their playstyle to. From who else they would learn…

I remember how even in vanilla/TBC people were asking for the talent setups and tips the best players.

Lol! You have no idea of AD’s BG or Warmode senerio’s and you make your biased comments solely based on the server status, lol!

In BG and Warmode on, Horde still outnumbers the alliance…

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This. Just completely remove any and all rewards for being in warmode and its fixed.

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Because it sources its player pool from everywhere, not just the RP-servers.

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You are, with all due courtesy and respect, 100% incorrect. Apart from one point, which does echo the point I made. Alliance is 70%, Horde is 30%. Argent Dawn is secluded in its own Shard. Alliance Mains outnumber Horde Mains by more than 2:1. These are simple facts. Not Opinion, not Bias, these are facts. The Alliance also continuously gets the Incentive bonus, because it is regional based when assigned, not assigned by shard. This is also, not bias, but a fact. Even given this, Alliance do not turn War Mode on, despite the bonus, despite outnumbering Horde. Not to a degree that logically they should. They just don’t. I don’t know why, it should be fairly cheap kills, but they do not. That is not Bias, that is Fact. That is…all there is to it. It is this self-defeating attitude, even when all the facts are to the contrary. Until the Alliance sorts that out, no bonuses will change the situation.

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Warmode has nothing to do with BGs at all your post is irrelevant to Horde RP players on RP realms which are outnumbered 3 to 1 now come back when you understand realms/rp/wm .

I would actually love this. No more WM tourism. However I don’t think they will.

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I guess Warmode will evolve akin to how it did in previous patches.

Alliance players will - like everyone else - have a desire to min/max when the patch is released.
So they’ll turn on Warmode.
And then the Warmode bonus will go down from 30% or whatever it is, and down to 15%.
Then after some weeks it’ll start to go up to 20-25% again, as Alliance players care less about min/maxing, and overall play less than their Horde counterparts.
And then after a month or two when the Warmode bonus is back to those 25-30%, then no one will care, because everyone has all the currency they need, and any they lack is not from missing out on the Warmode bonus, but just because they don’t care to log in or do the activities.

Big deal, we’ve been through this with the previous patches. Warmode will be the same this time.

Overall the Warmode feature is, and has been, plagued by quite a lot of issues. Guess one can only wait and see if Blizzard will iterate on it for Shadowlands, or not.

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Maybe the solution for the horde people on AD would be to get their own separate RP server if they mind so much to play on the server with a high alliance pop, that would be like I rolled on Draenor server as an alliance player and than if I would whine how the horde is outnumbering me there. Or maybe for some servers Blizzard should just make special policies.

But nevertheless the RP servers hold just a minority of the overall player-base and when it comes to most other ones which are merged into the same warmode - the horde outnumbers currently in it the alliance.

That’s…kind of where it is now. I mean, no, not ‘kind of’ that -is- where it is at now. That’s a thing.

Yeah…no. You see, the other servers are sharded, with a balance, which is currently 52% Horde, 48% Alliance. That…isn’t what any reasonable person would regard as a sufficient deficit. I mean, that just isn’t. That isn’t a reliable view to hold… Yet, given this almost complete Faction Balance, we get this perpetual, constant, and-yes- annoying- Alliance threads from people who started playing the game in the last two years(Or they would remember the Alliance glory days) who just follow this incessant whine and whinge. It’s tiring. It actually is tiring. It Is annoying to see it as a Horde character, as if these muppets had not even played when Team Blue was top dog, and it is actually annoying to play on Alliance, because frankly, I don’t want to be associated with the ‘Whinging’ Faction. It is this vocal minority who bang on and on about it! If their claims had any truth, we’d see Server Balances shift wildly. But they don’t, so we don’t see that. Because it was never a thing beyond this weird self inflicted Alliance kink! Stop beating yourself up!

I wonder from where did you took this numbers from and how those numbers are related to the current number of the active players on both horde and alliance which participate at the endgame or in the warmode ?

The current faction imbalance is a thing, even Ion himself did acknowledge that in his latest Forbes interview where he was asked about it. I don’t think how Blizzard is giving currently the incentives for the participation at the alliance side without reason.

And I certainly wouldn’t say how only the people which started playing recently are pointing on the current issues we have, there are many more of us, and some of us started playing this game in vanilla, and the threads about the issue are popping everywhere from the EU forums, US ones to the reddit.

Its not rly nice to see from some horde players in this current situation that they have the attitude where they call out the players which are pointing on the problems we currently face in the game as an unreasonable whiners. Because the issues will not just vanish if nobody will be pointing on them, that would be like if someone would say how the people which are pointing how some bridge might collapse in the situation of the heavy traffic over it are the problem, especially in the situation where the potential danger from that bridge can be seen from various spots ( like it can here from both EU and US players perspective with the faction imbalance ) instead of the bridge itself.

About how much this imbalance is affecting us even the articles like this are pointing out :

" While Horde and Alliance populations are roughly equal overall in World of Warcraft, the percentage of the players taking advantage of end-game content ( raids, PvP battlegrounds, open world PvP content, high-end Mythic Plus dungeon runs ) is overwhelmingly imbalanced. Horde outnumber Alliance on the leaderboards for Mythic raids and dungeons more than 6:1, a problem than only worsens as players swaps factions after having difficulty finding guilds and groups.

Rise of the Azhara included some truly fun open world PvP encounters, which form the core of the new PvP currency systems. The battle for Nazjatar was supposed to pit Alliance and Horde players against each other for control of the zone and currency rewards, for example. Instead, the imbalance was so extreme that either Horde won the battle over and over again as raids formed in zones to capture those objectives, pulling people in from multiple shards; or faced no competition at all, because there were so many of them that they ended up in shards of their own, with not a single player of the Alliance on sight.

Eventually, the event was changed so that it wouldn’t even spawn if the shard was imbalanced, instead presenting a much less-rewarding PvE option. The Mechagon Fight Club was similarly removed from an achievement altogether.

Overwhelming high-end faction imbalance makes Rise of Azshara less fun for both factions in PvP, and for Alliance players who struggle to find groups in high-end PvE dungeons and raids. "

For a start, can you just make one post, not two, as if you were two different people? Secondly, you kind of state my point. The Figure’s are Blizzards. That is the Faction disparity, 52% to 48%. That’s a thing, sorry, but that’s a thing, now the number of people doing High end Content or PvP is a different matter, but…whose fault is that exactly? It ain’t Blizzard’s, because the racials aren’t that unbalanced (Until Mechagnomes, but most Alliance players want to play He-Man, so will never roll one), it isn’t activisions? They don’t give a toss. It isn’t the Devs…

Who is it that is making the Alliance playerbase not compete?


The Alliance Playerbase.


Those are just numbers of the overall chars in game you took from a third party sites, they don’t indicate anything, because with them we cant see the difference from the alts and the main chars on which someone is active at, nor we can see the activity on each of the factions at the endgame content, and the numbers there aren’t nice and are far from balanced if you look at the any aspect from the m+ leaderboards, rated PvP ones to the raiding guilds on the both sides.

Its Blizzard fault how it isn’t, with the way how it managed the game and designed it allowed the imbalance to happen. Horde was more favored faction by the devs since the Wotlk and the faction imbalance started to be more noticeable with the Cataclysm, at the point where more and more players and guilds started playing on the horde side and the alliance ones switching to it.

The racials might be in balance now but the damage at this point has already been done in the years when the horde ones were better.

Your ignorance is now showing, and I do play at the endgame and have more raiding achievements than you do have. But the thing is that with having the most competitive players playing at the horde side everything is harder to organize and do at the alliance side from finding groups to play with to the recruitments of the players for the progression guilds at the endgame.

I will never understand this whole alliance is ganked by hordes in warmode. Just switch shard if you are experiencing difficulties lol. Ever since the shard balancing update, I have had a pretty good time as alliance. A few times per month I am accidentally put into a zerg shard but otherwise it’s fine.

Weak argument and he is not talking about Endgame but WM on RP servers and as for the “ive got more raiding achivements then you do have” what has that got to do with anything are you Asmongold and now and armoury shaming ? I for example have more than you …

Versus yoursära/achievements/feats-of-strength/raids

Does that make my view anymore valid ofc it does not and telling Horde AD RP players to move to another server is not helpful at all .

You missed the point where we talked about the faction balance at each of the sides and not just about how the warmode works currently on the RP realms.

I pointed on my raiding achievements because he pointed how the problem with the endgame on the alliance side is because apparently the alliance players are unwilling to do the endgame, and to me specifically when the problem is much more complex than just that.

But why did you even bring endgame into a WM discussion ? And why tell RP players to move ? neither are helpful to WM .
Alliance needs players yes for endgame and all things but stop turning each thread into horde bias when its clear they don’t have bias to all things .
All it took for horde to get more players was method to move imagion if they moved back the turn around could be as swift as before when Alliance had the bigger playerbase (not saying top end players ) but bigger numbers wouldn’t that be a thing .

Because if we look at the overall endgame participation at each type of the content thats much more relevant and showing when it comes to the activity of each of the factions in the game than the overall numbers of the chars.

The only time WM has effected endgame is when Limit moved to alliance for a few days to get a head start on AP grind but in essence WM isn’t endgame as it includes anyone from 20+ if I remember correctly.

If WM with bigger bonus doesn’t help and better racials for alliance in 8.3 doesn’t either I have no idea how they can draw players back maybe offer free guild moves for everyone in the guild ?