Blizz MUST nerf warlocks in PvP and PvE

Ok im a warlock myself and i barely even need to play to pwn it up, there is no challenge in wow anymore since i just fear and dots everything and bye bye in 5 sec, can there be even the slightest buff to any class so wow classic can become a competition?? If not? Why? Blizz fix pvp spy addon but not the real pvp, plz blizz u need to nerf warlocks im too good


Try playing warlock as Alliance with every horde you see is an UD so your fear is more or less useless if they know what they’re doing.

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What about Warlocks, exactly, makes them OP in PvE? They seem to be mid-pack material at best in raids from what I’ve seen, for now.

EDIT: Also, I find it funny that you posted #nochanges in another thread asking for Classic+ and yet here you are, asking for a change to warlocks. Are you even serious?


No i will not play noob ally

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You say noob alliance but you picked the easy faction?



Kork is a well known troll around these parts gentlemen, don’t take the bait.


I picked the only true faction the horde we’re the best and the bravest and has most honor in PvP unless allys who just whine on forum.

The answer to why pve is easy is my shadowbolts crit 3k And i do it alll the time and just 1 shot everything and can solo so many bossses because its epic dmg per shadow bolt

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Trolls cant be lock in classic go back retail u fake warlock copycat made by ner zhul not arthas LOL


I believe you picked the wrong race though, Mr troll.

And yet mages, warriors, rogues and even hunters routinely outdps warlocks in Molten Core. Sure, hunters will lose gas eventually, but the other three classes will keep staying ahead of you all the way into Naxx (especially warriors and rogues)

Orc is coolest scariest and strongest so nope i dont think so


ok that was way too harsh, take it back!

meet me at the tower in hillsbrad and you’ll be begging for more buffs

you will die at the hands of a holy paladin

Proof? I dont see it i just know warlocks is the best class because ive seen it and u maybe talk in general but its still not true locks have simply most dps

Death knight? I am death BRINGER or KING not a mere knight

HARRAND how dare u even talk a HOLY pala? What u gonna do heal me to death? Hit 100 with ur puny mace?

Dude you’re level 50… Perhaps your gear is good for your level? Perhaps you’re basing your argument off of a specific play routine?

Having leveled a lock myself I can say that the class is easier than some others yes but they are FAR from op in pve :joy:

I’d take a rogue/mage over a lock any day.

PvP wise, warlocks are easy game in my opinion and I’d open on one as a matter of easy honor. (Playing a burst class that can interrupt you constantly helps of course)

I fear rogues and other mages… That’s about it really.

P.s I do remember fighting a 60 warlock a few weeks back and he wiped the floor with me :joy: but this was due to his fantastic use of engineering items… I am now 300 eng :joy::joy:

I guess its friday

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Orc warlock is very strong, but the orc rogue is the strongest! I cast my stuns on the warlock until he is dead, no time to cast his dots on me. ez fight

Today is sunday stay on the topic and while u can roll a good lock if u want pvp and pve domination

I think they saw you playing and had to buff them tbh

warlocks are very strong, specially early in game like now is the case.
when the real pvp gear is available (bg’s) this will change tho.
enjoy it while you can.
then again classic is gear>skill.
a full geared character can easy kill a bad geared character without effort.