Blizz MUST nerf warlocks in PvP and PvE

C A N C E L your subscription

Classic is SKILL BASE GAME gear dont matter ur lvl 1 and can kill afk 60 with skill and tactic, why cant u on lvl 60 kill lvl 60???


Kork is actually literally singlehandedly gonna kill Classic. Please nerf him before that happens.

You are aware, of course, that warlocks are at their weakest early on, and they get much stronger in the later phases of vanilla? It’s not to say that they’re weak at ny point, but trust me, once they’ll get full AQ40 gear, and full naxx40 gear even later, they’re freakin monsters.

yes a full naxx geared warlock is scary.
but i feel like warlocks are really strong at this stage aswell compared to the other classes, a lock played right will always kill you even if they die, dots verry strong.

I am a warlock, it’s true. I must say I’m capable of countering every class, if my fear don’t work I charm yo, if you’re in stealth, I paranoia yo with felhunter, if you’re a mage, I eat your buffs off with my dog and silence yo.

If you’re a warrior… kek I sac my voidwalker then I sac another one, you’re ded.

Pls don’t nerf warlock, Kork, let these mortals think they stand a chance

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Oh yeah pve is all about dat big dik raid dps…

fear horde grunts with their grunt trinket ? dispel polymorph and fear … ah thats better, now for the dots…that ive reflected back at you, i wanna see this…!Of course thats if a shadow reflector didnt cost 3 to 500 gold in mats to make…! Many people would rather die I expect./…! I have noticed the mages jump around more than usual when you reflect a frost bolt at them, they poop themselves and get all nervous. Heres the tactic for rogues - ambush a mage let them freeze you in place watch for the cast and boom hit that trinket - game over.


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No changes. Now go back to BFA were you belong.

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what u gonna reflect at me when youre charmed?

I get it you’re undead, but allianze rogues are fodder

Never said that, but they certainly don’t scream OP either, right?

Kork is allright imo

reflect that spit !

Kork is one of my favourite posters here.

Personally, I’d much rather read poorly written satire than all the “omg i got ganked!” threads.


laughs in tremor and grounding totem


Cancel ur subscription in any strange situation.

I wish I was on noggenfogger so I would have the honor of dying to kork.

Called it (last paragraph) and reference earlier

This is the first specific nerf to a class.

Put simply nurf warlocks and then and then and then retail.

If you’re looking for balance retail may be more suitable

By the looks of it on forums every class should be nerfed. In reality people just doesnt know how to fight against certain classes and claims theyre op