Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

The problem with shadow in the new expack we got no cleave now with Mind Sear removed in patch 10.1.

Having to wait for shadow crash or mind bender to come off cd whilst everyone else is pumping in aoe is really terrible gameplay design. And who thought it’d be a good idea to remove Mind Sear? really Who?

revert Mind sear add it back. Add back cascade instead of Shadow crash and make it dot everything with Vampiric Touch and hit the target only once.

Blizzard make the four set we got in last patch of Shadowlands stay!. Also add mindbender as a permanent pet that deals aoe damage each time you deal damage with instant mind blast… just steal the idea from BM hunters beast cleave make the class fun to play not a channel boring class.

Make Dark Ascension Instant cast and Void Form too for PVE

also remove Power Infusion and add Hero to Priest.
Then make Power Word: Fortitude add haste instead of stamina by 5%

Give back Soulshape to Holy and Dicipline priest and Give shadow back Doors of shadow with 2 charges of it with instant cast instead of boddy and soul and that we get 50% movement speed after Soulshape and Door of shadow then remove Feathers and Boddy of Soul.

Make Dispersion immune to 100% damage.

Can you bring back the glyph for shadow Form so we can see our transmogs again like we could in Mist of Pandaria/Wod

what i feel dragonflight season 2 is as shadow priest.’m%20still%20working%20my%20way%20to%20150k


Our 2-5 targets dmg, even with searing nightmare, is a joke actually.


This is the biggest problem. Having zero cleave dmg just sucks. As soon as adds spawn in any encounter we just plummet.

I dont understand how any half-serious raider was positive about this new spec during beta.


Have you looked at the WoW YouTubers lately? They seem to be getting insane with Megafanfever. I cant remember when people like <removed, dont know if namecalling or not) said something real and not Blizzard feetykissey. And those are the influencers for this game.

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Well preach actually know what he is talking about so I respect his opinion. The others are not really focused on any hard content so I couldnt care less.

But Publik was pretty happy about the spec and I really disagree. We are good at singletarget, thats it. Some niche megapulls in M+ let us shine aswell with SN. But I cant stand how bad our multitarget dots are. The playstyle in M+ spamming mindseer + SN is beyond boring. Atleast we are not trash in arena for once.

tbh shadow did take a fair few nerfs before it went live… xD also Raid enviroments have lots of raid damage profiles…which means every class is Lower on some fights and higher on others barring a few exceptions.

From a raid perspective. high ST Damage is useful in Lots of fights… in a M+ perspective Lack of AoE becomes problematic, but most raiders Dislike M+

Yeah but the problem is this isnt true for all specs. I would be fine if we were the singletarget gods and sucked on everything else If this would be true for other specs but alot of specs can in fact keep up with us on singletarget but also stomp in other scenarios making us look superbad when adds spawn since we got nonexistant cleave. So why would you bring a shadowpriest for something that isnt pure singletarget? And we are bad with dealing with mechanics, got no immunites etc.

Compare us with MM hunters for example. Its an actual joke.


Every self respecting player was not expecting hunters to go live like this.

Throughout beta the focus wasn’t on balance / tuning, it was on potential, and shadow had a lot of potential being given the damage mechanisms to do well in more encounter types and damage profiles than before.

Then idk, they sorta gave up.


What is this potential im not seeing? I didnt follow the beta very closely but everyone and their mother was raving about shadow so I thought sweet, ill continue as shadow then. ST rotation is fine i guess. But other than that i have very little positive things to say about the spec in its current form. Immobile to the point having to do any mechanics during a raid encounter makes you wanna cry.

Our playstyle in M+ is no improvement. Especially in this kitingmeta making mindseer + SN just annoying to pull off. That gameplay feels really really clunky. Even If the targets are stacked you need like ten targets to shine and it happens pretty much never.

Why do we even have our multitarget dots when it feels like a dpsloss to dot extra targets? Give us some passive cleave instead, might make us a little more viable when adds spawn.

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Unfortunately it is not enough, we still have to build for insanity. It sucks really! Thats why shadow getting declined. Yikes!


Sad but true blizzard will have to address shadows aoe capability and no i don’t want stress form back. I want something like druids starfall or mages blizzard or paladins conceration that you can do while doing other damage abilitys that passively does dmg in a aoe cone and saying void form is the solution I take pity on you. Shadow should get something like warlocks rain of fire like. and No not talking about the sad excuse we have as a talent called Shadow crash I want something that shoots ravens or rains shadow from the sky and does aoe dmg i gladly lose some singel target damage for it. Make it coexist with devouring plague and cost insanity but instead of being a dot its an aoe ability that does aoe dmg in a circle that you spam when in an aoe fight and its insant cast and cost like 40 or 35 insanity.


Ofcourse it isn’t but that’s because WoW works on a FoTM rotation. Where some classes are just entirely superior to others.

I get what your saying, but it’s this way for 90% of classes as always. You have a variation of 4 speccs which generally dominate the game and everyone’s left as second choice overall.

Wouldn’t say with my spriest it feels all that bad, I feel fairly competitive to other classes barring a few.

Think my shadow priest was doing over 3k DPS overall in m+ currently at 184 odd ilevel. I’m not the best shadow priest though haven’t played it alot so no idea what someone who can play it well Is capable of.

But my priests also stacked in crit because I only rly played it to 60 and then obtained mythic 0 gear for it in week 1 when due to some problems we weren’t aware haste + mastery was what we wanted.

I do overall agree with you, shadow priest defiantly ain’t a first choice to invite to a m+ group.

It doesn’t being a CR it doesn’t bring a BL it’s a mid pack DPS and it lacks oh sh*t buttons and it deals with mobility worse.

However I wouldn’t really say shadow priest is bad, on the times I’ve had one in my group they’ve been pretty competitive with the group I’ve been with and they do bring some utility in mass dispel and things.

I wouldn’t say the lack of bringing them is because they’re “bad” they’re pretty much a average DPS class and that’s the issue.

With a overbloat of DPS applying into keys you have a luxury to only take meta DPS which excludes over half the classes.

Yeah sure but there needs to be some balance around this aswell. Im not expecting 100% balance but we cant have specs that can do pretty much everything.

I got 220 ilvl and sure we are not terrible in m+. Not awesome by any means, especially compared to hunters. But here however I got issues with the playstyle instead. Does anyone enjoy this mindseer + SN spam? My god I have been considering a reroll for some time but next patch it really is time. But I guess its my own fault trusting the community that was hyping this spec up instead of actually playing the beta.

we all enjoy different things… tbh the MS+SN Spam is fine with me. alot of classes AoE is bland in alot of ways sadly.

You’ve got it into your head somehow that people lied to you. We did play the beta, we just expected better from blizzard.

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So i believe i have some say in this matter. For reference I got keystone master 5/1/21, so almost two weeks ago.

I never played the beta, I got invited the week before SL released so never bothered. I played the PTR prepatch and the prepatch and kept track of changes to Priest and mainly shadow.

Just before the prepatch went live, i recall a pretty significant nerf to Searing Nightmare. If im not entirely mistaken, it was nerfed by 50%. When SWP was active, the damage was increased by 150%, not 100% as it is now.

Reverting this, or putting it at lets say 135-40% would give us the edge we need in AOE to compete with all the other classes.

I don’t even feel like we need a huge buff to our cleave capabilities, but Mage need to be brought down. The meta has been around mages for far too long, it’s time for them to be taken care of.

Edit: I don’t mind the MS+SN either. It’s just lackluster damagewise and a regular Mind sear only fits 2x SN which feels terrible. It’s the SN global which needs to be reduced if I’m not mistaken? But this wont affect our performance

Lacking lust, battle Rez, a reliable interrupt, immunity / way to cheese mechanics, mass mob control for large pulls, a damage buff, or top top burst aoe is and always will be a huge problem.

We’re a mediocre overall damage spec who offers barely anything relevant beyond that, we can do aoe without needing a tonne of time to ramp up, which is an improvement on before, but without the utility to be worth bringing we’d need way way more damage.

Then you’ve got the two strongest DPS specs for burst aoe who both have lust, both have immunities, both have exceptional mobility, and both have utility unique to them that is actually consistently useful (Binding, misdirect, arcane intellect)


Do you think buffing our Cleave to be along Mages would make people take SP more to M+ ?

We’re Glass right now, but missing the cannon.

I think shadows lack of big ticket utility and competent interrupt would still hold it back, especially with bliz nerfing drums and removing int Scrolls.

Shadow is fine on 5+ targets and it’s good on 1, idk if buffing sn is the best way to fix the 2-4 range though, but it would at least solve that problem.

Wouldnt buffing SN in 2-4 make it OP in 5+ though? i think the major issue is all Shadows AoE is currently uncapped…so we really dont have anything thats balancable for cleave without causing problems in 5+ Pulls