Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

the problem with shadow fights like sun king etc shadow falls off so heavy while other dotting classes still manage to stay on top

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The problem is that shadow does 0 aoe dmg if not specced in to it.

On my undergeared Moonkin i rush in and push my dps to 10k+ with 0 effort. Aoe dmg at the the press of a single button and auto spreading dots.

Meanwhile the single target dmg is on par with spriests …and the burst is higher.


Reading this thread, and man, how sad to like your own comments outside of GD or something. For real. My eyes while skimming fall upon likes at times, and being baited into reading harmless replies just sucks.

If you think your opinion is subjectively right, literally just post it and be done for the day. Liking your own stuff 30+ times in a pretty quiet subforum will only look wrong.

a ilvl 195 mage fire does 60k dmg meanwhile here’s shadow 0 damage if adds dead. rune pi convoke and flamestrike adds gone 10 sec of course we take mage over a over qualified shadow priest who is geared the fights just take long if you pick a shadow you just gimp the group making the run not going in time

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Not sure who liked my post 30 times…but it sure as hell wasn’t me.

Feel free to check my account via checkpvp. None of these characters or accounts are mine.

Did some research via pvp check; its the OP posting on all his alts. Not sure why he would go through all the hassle to like my post on all his alts tho.

Guess he really agrees with me.


He does it to anyone who vaguely agrees with him, but mostly himself. It’s getting tiresome and a little weird at this point.

Also if it’s not clear Sammey and Thellannah are the same person, hence the ridiculous “195 60k fire mage” anecdote / trop that seems to repeatedly crop up in every one of their posts.

sad but truth.

Imagine thinking Shadow didn’t do more single target damage than Balance.

we don’t unless we force play night fae

Why is playing with NF so bad for you and for so many shadows? I would like to ask everybody around here. I mean if i compare the skills its:

Mindgames: Probably the most boring skill you can imagine. Its just a single cast and no brainer
Unholy Nova: Bit better, but also very lame
Kyrian stuff: Dont know any name for any skills but kyrian SP is the worst playstyle in shadowlands
Nightfae: Its just another one button, but it affects your most efficient damage modifier and the only thing where you want to use your brain and where the game gets exiting…the void form. Lower CD means so much more efficiency during a boss fight and a whole dungeon.

I can understand when people dislike Nightfae because of class fantasy but the covenant ability is the most generous one by far.

  1. Boring zone
  2. can’t finnish emeber court if NF
    3.Force play covenant
    4.boring bad traits
  3. No haste traits
  4. Boomer move to put a thing for one covenant and make it better than all other covenants
  5. Ugliest transmog set for cloth i’ve ever seen

Could go on these are my personal reasons If they let you dual spec covenants then it wouldn’t feel like a Boomer move.

By the same logic, balance is only “better” (Hint still worse in single target, but better burst cuz convoke) if they play night fae.

I really don’t understand. Why is it so criminal to be a night fae shadow to you yet you don’t consider alternate balance covenants to exist at all.

Doesn’t change the fact that you don’t need to be night fae to be one of the strongest single target DPS specs in the game as shadow. You can just as easily run talbardars in single target (Which you should) over SFP as Venthyr and do incredible single target damage.

Tbf if you’re having issues with single target against moonkins, such as in raids, I suggest you replace your mind devourer conduit for dissonant echoes, and run hungering void + twist of fate.

is decent but meh kyrian is ok tbh kyrian is probably the only interesting out of the four.

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what’s not to agree with when you point out something blizzard hasn’t addressed since they promised us since legion but we got bootlegged instead. In Wod when you had Cascade this problem wasn’t even a thing on big aoe fights. Literally you put the nail on the head. DH and Ret paladins can even with 2 ability’s do 17k cleave now. Shadowlands is as worst shadow has even been made and i hope they remove the meme pi and Night fae buff for other classes but not for me



Cascade doesn’t even do stacked cleave damage, bringing it up as a solution to the problem only shows how little you understand the problem.

Spread cleave? Sure, but that only exists in battlegrounds and very niche raid encounters, not in dungeons which seems to be what you’re complaining about.

to give shadow something decent as an aoe would make the class feel less stressful and more enjoyable, like ret paladins burst and dh cleave right now is insane compared to anything shadow got. void form feels like a bootleg when you press that compared to paladins wings, they could at lest made the shadow rift legendary co exist with void bolt instead, and make void bolt pressable while you channel mind sear during aoe you lose like 3 seconds when you press it during aoe. Our mastery on more than 5 adds is a joke. Then they force us to play the worst dps cd covenant to get some more downgrade form :stuck_out_tongue: i agree single target is ok but big aoe pulls shadow feels unplayable as.

It’s missing basic everything.

Yes a dps cd that isn’t clunky and a cd on self that is self cast and a big aoe cleave. shadow in m+ is a downgrade compared to the DH Monk Ret paladin cleave it’s like 8k difference in Total damage. since when do you press void bolt on 15+ adds tbh you lose 2 sec and a global doing that singel target ok still bad compared to monk but I see little to no love for this specc :stuck_out_tongue: we will fall down as soon as other specs reach ilvl

Tbh if you dont pull big damage on big aoe pulls you are just clueless, shadow priest actually scales very good the more the targets, and the more the targets, the easier it is to do alot of dmg as shadow. Shadow priest had problems with aoe when people didnt know how to play him yet. Now when you have many guides you can see that it actually does preety good overal dps on mythic+ if played properly, and if you as shadow dont do overall that is about 5.5-7.0k atleast, then you are just missing something. The problems are these:
-its alot harder to master priest to deal good damage, than other classes. It seems to be alot easier on other classes, but the potential is there.
-you will be struggling on cleave; earlier this expansion priest community had alot of troubles in outputting atleast decent cleave dps 3-5 targets. We eventually learned how to do it, especially with shadowflame prism which kinda fixes the problem, but even tho you still arent going to get close to many other classes cleave potential. This is a problem because your cleave depends on mindbender which is 60 sec cd.
To sum up as a class with not as you have said - “ok” single target, but insane single target, with ok cleave and with really good aoe, priest is a really viable pick for higher keys if executed properly.

Just watch and learn, you see all his casts.

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he plays night fae doesn’t prove anything, the problem is still there for shadow as soon as it goes 12+ adds we don’t stand a chance- calling switching covenant a fix and foce people to play it a fix is like not a good though process of a game . 2-5 cleave is ok but the 12+ cleave makes me bark at how easy other melee cleave 2 bottom cleave classes has it :stuck_out_tongue: litterally a frost mage can do icelance only and still outshine a shadow with blizzard passive.