Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In The War Within

will be interesting to see shadow in low lvl content next expack were adds dies 1 seconds :stuck_out_tongue:

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Stop bumping your thread with alts you troll. If you’d spent the time learning to aim shadow crash instead of cycling through alts to stop this car crash dying then this wouldn’t be a problem any more.

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We will see i think the other oracle talent three seams better you get 5% more hit points more haste and more damage on dps talents we will see i think am going that.

only boring part i wish halo would be a target thing instead of targeting from the priest.

that it explodes from you current target rather than you charging it up.

hope next expack is fantastic at lest for shadow. Problems i will have is aoe on low lvls is kind of clunky.

Shadow needs a good dot spread!!