Blizzard can you disable corruption in PvP now ? the joke lasted too long

Beta is for class tuning but I don’t think I’ve ever seen everything fully balanced in WoW.

stop with your “neutral” comments, some classes have been unplayable for almost 2 years and will be unplayable in shadowlands again considering the non existing balances changes theyve made, maybe wow never was 100% balanced but it never was so unbalanced and low skill and pve gear dependant, because back then even when playing a bad class, skill was the number one factor so you could still make it work

In your opinion, what is needed to “fix” PvP.

Specifically. Not “just balance classes lol” type stuff. Exactly what needs to change in which class for example.

Same for PvP gearing/play, specifically, what needs to change in your opinion.

This is a genuine question. I see a lot of “rah rah this will suck” but not a lot of precise suggestions about what people would like to see instead.


Discussions don’t tend to be echo chambers here, people are allowed to express all sorts of opinions.

The Devs said alpha was not being used for class tuning instead they tested the levelling, dungeons and things like Torghast. In beta they invited more players and in particular started raid testing so they will have much more data and feedback to work with to do class tuning as they see fit.

It’s hardly neutral. It’s fact.

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Game is low skill but ur turbostuck and can’t manage to find the corruption vendor or what? no wonder blizzard treats pvp players like 7 year old children when most of you act like it

check my thread Fix Enhancement shaman PVP in shadowlands please , i could do the same thread for every class i play too

turbostuck considering i played 10 arenas last 3 months, indeed, pretty sure i went 2.3k in 1 week last season with garbage gear while u dont even have 1.5k achievement, and you talking about 7 years old when ur posting on my threads just to attack me is omegayikes
as i said last time dont post

pvp ego :clown_face:

You’re on this forum everyday crying about the next best thing that hurt ur feelings :sleeping:

leave ure cringe.

Imagine calling someone cringe when you cry about having to raid for ur bis weapons :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:
You e*sterners really don’t add anything to these forums.

imagine being a billion time worse than me at this game and trying to teach me anything, wait no need to imagine

Aren’t you the random that couldn’t time 13s LOL

no, leave now

maybe you should check what they do instead of what they say, cause so far ive not seen any changes that would fix classes or pvp

So you’d rather a load of kneejerk reactions rather than them actually gathering data and feedback from the players doing the testing.

what are you even saying? theyve got feedbacks since bfa started and didnt even care and now ur telling me its beta and theyre gonna suddently care about classes balancing ? people already submitted feedbacks and they know what we want, but thye ignore it and you proved it on your first post here

The conversation was you commenting about Corruption. I replied about how it will be removed in prepatch. Unless you get something really broken like when Rex corrupted to the hilt and was doing crazy stuff in Arena.

Then you brought up Shadowlands and I responded that class tuning is going to be done in beta testing which hasn’t been going that long. Raid testing has started and they’ve invited a lot of players.

BfA is pretty much over, we are in the last patch waiting for the next expansion. We have had the odd bit of tuning here and there or fixes but on the whole they are concentrating on SL at this point.

I honestly thought putting ‘enjoy’ would be clear enough to show that it was sarcasm. Endure would be more appropriate.

They’re being disabled with prepatch

If you need attention maybe go to Karen forums instead Blizzard’s.


Doesn’t work anymore they fixed that atleast.

i know it was sarcasm, but the fact you’re telling us to wait more even thought EVERYONE knew how stupid corruption was at 8.3 launch in pvp ( which is like 5 months ago or something ) shows they already knew, and didn’t care, so why would they suddently care on beta ?

and i’ve already seen this website about hotfixes, theres nothing important tbh i just wanted to play enhancement in pvp which was really a pain during 2 years of bfa (maybe not first season but i started season 2) and they even nerfed it when it was already garbage tier (conflict giving an useless talent in pvp instead of the best), and then i check Avines’s stream which is a gladiator enhance and the class look as trash even tho theres plenty and plenty of posts asking for suvivability spells, but then i log in as resto and get one shoted by corruptions that are still available in pvp, because instead of grinding past 5 months i took a break, do u know how i feel now when i say that they dont care ?

I hate corruption with a passion, you are preaching to the choir. I have disliked everything from acquisition to the RNG procs and the random damage it brings. The vendor did improve things being able to get hold of corruption but I hate gear that spends it’s time trying to kill me. I had a trinket that did that from Crucible (before this system came in) because it was my bis and it was incredibly tedious.

However I realise that they are not going to do anything to remove corruption from any content until prepatch. So it’s a case of putting up with it until then.