Blizzard cancels a us server connection!

How am I being inconsiderate?
I questioned the meaning behind the choice of words.

By questioning someone’s opinion with a pretty entrapping statement such as the comparison of sexual orientation with a birth defect. This is ban material if people with the wrong ideology would make that comparison.

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‘with certain ideologies’

Like a devout christian, for example.

I don’t think equating qualities that you just have or are born with is all that entrapping.

If you think what I said is ban-worthy, report it.

Christianity’s core values are of acceptance and tolerance. I don’t see why they’d have an issue with what I said.

I’m sorry for anyone who has relatives like this 1920 mentality


This brings up some interesting questions such as is sexuality genetic or learned? Or, how would we choose to define what a devout Christian is? Unfortunately I feel this may not be the time or place to discuss such issues

It’s not a quality, it’s a birth defect. Let’s not just gloss over that, ok?

Pass. I’m not here for drama, I just pointed out that it was unfair to put someone in a situation like that. Hell I don’t even know if you did it knowingly.

I’m not getting into a religious debate. Suffice to say that tolerating something does not mean you want that that certain something in their lives and that is understandable. Yes?

Please dont be She loves me and for my birthday send me a hand written letter with in short: To the best sister in the world , love you can’t wait to be back !

Your sympathy is very untouching.

Here is your teeth , down on the ground, or what’s left of them.

Please feel free to get up and have another round. I am gonna have some cigarillo by the time you find something to come back with granted you do have something left in store do you ? You must feel sorry for yourself then too ? With the usual mentality you carry and the countless people teling you, you are a bad joke…:smile: , cheers * - Rainblood

Not knowing this person’s cultural upbringing or personal history I think it’s best we reserve our judgement of them for ourselves, there is a wide range of cultural and religious beliefs that would echo this sentiment and as you put it “this 1920 mentality” would be acceptable in another time or place

It’s a quality, defect is a further categorization of qualities that humans/society deem undesirable or debilitating. One could say that having curly hair is a defect.

And, within the context of talking about what we’re given at birth, it is not somehow an unfair comparison. You can replace it with any born-with quality, like aforementioned curly hair.

Acceptance is a pretty key part of that, which is why I included it.

It’s a defect. Even I have it at a certain degree, no glasses needed yet, but it’s a defect. This isn’t about acceptance, acceptance of what? People who can’t see too good at distance? We have glasses for that that are meant to correct… that defect.

And my fiance has curly hair. That’s not a defect that makes her more attractive. So we are talking about two different things here in more ways than one.

Have you read leviticus?

So Blizzard are willing to cancel a server merge due to political differences but not due to a language barrier that they themselves erected?

This is actually insanity. Genuinely, I’m flabbergasted. Complete lack of respect to EU player base.


What is new though ? What is new

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What’s new is that Blizzard’s decisions now appears to be taken based on globalist socialist social justice grounds - otherwise known as cultural Marxism.

Ya know what - I know what this is. This is California being California again. Why did I even get surprised? This is just how it goes now.


I’m going to assume you’re hiding something as the two statements contradict each other. I’ll also assume that its something within the culture where you live/come from that has shaped these views.

If you were truly okay with gay people then the scenario of your sister being a lesbian would never give the feeling of devastation. What a stupid thing to say for someone who claims to have no issue with it.

If history is anything to go by when it comes to religion in general then you’ll know that acceptance and tolerance were not the core values. Often religion was forced upon populations in the world which is in no way accepting or tolerant.

Its definitely not learned, if it were I’d be straight.

Honestly I don’t think its even worth researching, I’d rather they get scientists/researchers looking into preventing/curing disease or studying things that will benefit us in the future than studying what causes a persons sexuality to be whatever it is.

We don’t have LGBT servers either, but Blizzard in that instance chose to respect the server’s community. Which is a good thing and should’ve been applied in the case with Polish servers. Portuguese servers exist, check the realm list :wink: The point of merging servers is to give you more people to communicate with. Merging a predominantly polish server with a portuguese server is like merging France with China - yeah, you have a bigger number of people, but they aren’t ones you can communicate with so was it even worth it.

Openly descriminating is accepted by Blizzard as long as it’s a certain way it seems.

That’s not equal rights, Even if minority do it. I’m fed up with this whole hypocrisy that’s been thrown in everyones face, After you call it out you get accussed of being a homophobe or racist, When it’s the people who are claiming such things that are being that way.

A server is a server for everyone, not just who you sleep with, I can’t grasp what it’s got to do with playing an RPG, When I ask someone who disagrees with me they put me on ignore without answering, Can anyone explain to me? Honestly?


Like I said, ‘defect’ is a subcategory of quality that people deem unwanted, for one reason or another.

How debilitating near-sightedness is, within the current context, irrelevant, because the context is completely in regards to it’s quality as something that you just have or are born into, and cannot control by yourself.

You are right though, we are clearly talking about this within a different mindset. The extent of comparison for me begins and ends on how innate they are. And you don’t decide to become near-sighted.

Only the abridged schoolbook version. Back in… 1999-2000 and 2006-2007 I wanna say.

I mean, that just makes christianity in a historical sense heretical in my eyes, since it built it’s power on going against just about every commandment and teaching repeatedly. :stuck_out_tongue: