Blizzard do you realize you're allowing level 120s into low level bg's?

Hm they could merge brackets and drop templates on em. 15 - 60, 61 - 119. Would shorten queue. I know talents might be a problem, but for gear you could just drop templates instead. To balance 2 brackets doesn’t seem much of a problem.

Not a great idea, but it would cut queue times by a lot, so you can play instead of waiting :slight_smile:


It’s funny because I predicted it and nobody cared.

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Low level BGs has had diablo 3 levels of PvP balancing for years so it’s nothing new. The whole point of low level BGs is finding ways to one shot people.

I am a fire mage and try the same in the 120 bracket :joy:

(Obv beserking buff if poss!) Saltwater potion + trinket + poly -> gpy -> combustion drop. But sadly the moment the gpy gets off it still takes 3 seconds for em to die :frowning:

I’m in vanilla and I’m laughing too at this. This goes beyond anger and straight into maniacal laughter because it’s just that stupid.

And… I have to agree with the others. I’m actually tempted to experience the stupidity of this. It’s an oversight so huge I can’t even comprehend how it got through. Therefore it’s fun to try: you won’t find it anywhere else, no one is going to mess up this badly. So it’s new, different and therefore interesting.

I don’t know, it’s funny in a bad way, but still incredibly funny.

That’s what I spent most of MoP and WoD doing too :grinning:

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: nice!

Except for the part where all those items, enchants and sockets are disabled.

My post was from before it was released. That’s a good thing I guess.
My point stands though: if it’s allowed for 120s, twinks should also be allowed. Or better, none of both.

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In the 10-29 brackets, the dk’s, dh’s and all the others that were scaled down are no way near the same opness as twinks, so no, they shouldn’t be allowed back in. Like I said earlier, a friend who came on her holy paladin had even less hp than me in the 10-19 bracket and died quite fast.

I think some fine-tuning is in order though, such as making sure everyone is the same when it comes down to having what abilities available. The bigger issue is that there are a few classes that are utterly broken in the lower brackers, such as warriors, MM hunters etc. But Blizzard is aware of that, and haven’t done anything. So I doubt anything will chance in that regard.

Some people don’t understand its a RPG. Not every dps have the same role in a battleground. Lets say as a destruction warlock your job is to shutdown and kill players (healers), but as affliction your job is to keep the pressure, not to secure kills. Same thing applies for different DPS classes and specs. And a lot of people think its only about top dps in a battleground, and they will be toxic at a guy with low dps that was defending the whole time.

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lol thats indeed a little bit strong xD

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In random bg’s its most people not understanding roles. healers not healing, tanks not going for flags, dps just farming hk in the middle of nowhere without any thought how they should contribute. they simply dismount and run at the first red player they see

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Random Bg’s in wow ls like Oldmanbarry sais :stuck_out_tongue:


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