Blizzard failed,Subscribers punished!

If it was non-existent, we wouldn’t have Q&A’s, we wouldn’t know what was coming in patches, we wouldn’t know class changes, we wouldn’t know what was coming up in 8.2. We wouldn’t know anything if it was non-existent. So, no, I don’t mean that. I said what I meant.

Are you sure? Not knowing of a bug are commonly the safest way to not have people exploiting it. However someone mentioned that their twitter was drowning in reports and i whould not say that 4-5 post are “drowning”. There was more posts about why the duration timers was left out…

Perhaps blizzard tried to keep it down for a bit and fix it before it became widely abused. However after so many streamers and general chat exploded they should had just gone out and tell people to stop. I won’t disagree that blizzard handled it poorly but so did the streamers.

However I stand firm in that people who got suspended are rightfully suspended, since a exploit is against the ToU.

Technically, they don’t have to communicate, but they repeatedly stated they are not satisfied with their communication with players and want to improve it.

Part of good communication is actually stating the obvious: the reason is that what you might take as obvious might not be obvious by those you are communicating with. If you don’t communicate and just assume, you risk leaving a big misunderstanding unaddressed.

If they don’t have the means to fix the issue immediately it’s even more important for them to state clearly what their stance is while the fix gets implemented.

Nobody in their right mind would have kept exploiting this if Blizzard would have replied the inquires immediately with something like: “It’s unintended, don’t exploit it because we will consider sanctioning those who do”.

I was being facetious.
Of course they have communication with the player base.
it just seems that most of the relevant communication, that affects players on a daily basis, is not forthcoming.

Blizzard themselves have stated that they need to work on communication, but this proves that they are still failing on that promise.

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Yeah, it’s something they seriously need to work on. Blizzard do some great things (Though, most would disagree with this). But, I know I for one would be a lot happier if they kept me informed with everything going off within game, including exploits they’ve found/been told about.

I would hate to accidentally walk in to an exploit (One that isn’t obvious) and get suspended for it.

This is only true as long as the bug’s existence doesn’t become widespread. If people are inquiring about it on Twitter… it’s pretty clear the cat is out of the bag already. At that point trying to be discreet is not only useless, it’s counter-productive.

I mean, even I heard about this bug, and I’ve never once heard about any bug in the 9 years of me playing this game xD. So, if I had heard about it, then anyone could have :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well It’s past sense now however. Perhaps blizzard didn’t communicate about it due to not having a stance on the matter at the present time. I mean, they do at the very least have to run it by some decision makers before making a stance afterall.

It’s not better that they sort of sacked most of their communications staff on top of things… :roll_eyes: Big organisations usually takes their time, for better or worse. Blizzard do however take some sort of award this time for sure.

Nobody in their right mind whould exploited this if they even bothered reading the updated ToS/ToU which I’ve been introduced too three times at log in screen, since the expansion launched… Besides even hearing of the Ivus exploit should had made most people shy away.

I understand there might be decision makers to consult, but it cannot be an “obvious exploit” and at the same time something requiring days for an official position to be decided and communicated.

Furthermore… since they now suspended people it’s obvious the final decisions have been made. There is still zero communication about this… like it never happened.

Apparently the suspensions have impacted a significant number of players. It’s definitely worth of some official communication from Blizzard I’d say, especially if they are serious about the idea of improving communication.

well. I for one decided to remove wow because of it.

So i guess in a way, It was a positive thing for me.

Instead of wasting money on garbage content, I get to come back when there’s actually enough things to do other than dungeons i don’t enjoy and a raid who’s all about who got boosted and who paid faster to get boosted.

Perhaps we will see an official statement soon. Perhaps blizzards communications departement are now run by a couple of trained monkeys and the treats who make them obey are late… or something. :roll_eyes:

No it isn’t, it’s an exploit, they have banned people before for exploits, why is this any different?

Yes it was cheating, plain and simple, no other way to put it.

If the players do decide to not come back, hey no great loss, if they can’t play the game properly, then we’ll…

As for ‘preach’ whoever the hell he may be, if he’s such a hero in your eyes, then surely he should know better.

If you feel so strongly about this, there’s the door, have courage in your convictions and practice what you umm ‘Preach’

Blizzard releasing an official statement would have been idiotic.

They are not gonna call attention to an exploit before it is fixed, even if they threatened with punishment of temp ban people would have just pushed ahead, many have made statements that they’d have exploited if they knew that their punishment would just be this.

People who already abused it would also push as far as possible too if they knew they had nothing to lose, especially those who did a few levels and knew they’d be punished regardless might as well get more done.

No one would announce an exploit in their system before it is fixed. Most that do completely shut it down until it is fixed. Blizzard did the right thing by staying silent and then dishing out punishments.

Arguing otherwise is at best justifying people who are lying about not thinking it was an exploit at worst it’s trying to pin blame on Blizzard for people that seemingly cannot be decent human beings if their daddy doesn’t tell them it is wrong every week.

Yes you’re right, it’s not worth the 30 day ban, I’d go six months, won’t be any confusion over exploits anymore.

Nope no idea who ‘preach’ is, should I?

Same as ummm the other guy! Ok if he’s such a hero in your eyes, then he should know better.

So, the more popular players then deserve special consideration? Why? Because they have a large following?

It was an exploit, they got caught, tough life ain’t it? As for been the negative side of the playerbase, I’m not the idiot trying to defend two, in my eyes, unknown players, as well as the other players banned, for cheating.

When you mentioned ‘dick’, think you got it the wrong way around. As I mentioned earlier, follow the courage of your convictions, take your own advice, and mind the door…

It was an exploit, they got caught.

I don’t think this should be bannable. The potions were not free, the players still had to play the game and Blizz does offer a paid boost so players using the potions are still investing more time than those who pay for boost.

The players had to split the stacks for the exploit to work, they knew it was an exploit. If the problem arose whilst they were stacked, then there could be some justification, but they had to perform an action, which led to the bans. It’s not as though Blizzard hasn’t banned before for exploits.

Well I wasn’t aware that there has been something special to make it work. That’s a different thing. If it was as simple as using the potions it should not be bannable.

u should know by now that if u abuse something in the game there is a chance to get banned this is not the first time…:laughing:

it not worth any ban let alone 6 month.
a quick google search would tell you who “preach” is or method josh, in the same way i did a quick armory search of you and looking through at least 7 of your toons to see you dont raid or m+ or anything of noticeable investment. so actually thats prob why you’ve not heard of “PREACH” or methodjosh.

i never said popular players, or any player should be allowed to get away with it. i said blizz should put more into QA before releasing something and the punishment doesn’t fit the “crime”. a guy posting in a bellular video said he had reported the bug to blizzard, but got no reply.

you are for trying to defend a blizzard mistake. i would still be of the same opinion even if the banned players were unknowns, which im sure a lot of them are. i use the “unknown players” preach and methodjosh because of how a lot of people have an interest in wow just because of players like them. and just cause you dont know who they are, dont make them unknown with preach having 363K subs on youtube for example, and both probably being far more popular on twitch.

no, im quite sure i got it the right way round. if i wasn’t addicted, i would have left long ago by now. but like i said, blizz preys on players like me. and by saying the actual word, i think there’s more chance you need to “mind the door”.

so you’re saying there is NO WAY this occurred by a player sending 1 potion from 2 alts to toon 3, and when toon 3 opened mail box the potions didn’t stack in bags, and he used them separately from the bags? hmmmmmmmmmmm? no one knows how this exploit was officially found. and is no different than the secrets community trying all sorts of wierd stuff to unlock the hivemind, b’aal etc. maybe one of those secrets needed you to stack potions separately?

im sorry you’re acting like a complete tool and you are 100% blizz defender or total troll so im not going to bother continuing with you.

Blizzard should have not specified any punishment, just stated that further abuse would have resulted in much harsher punishment. I’m pretty sure most players who abused that have done so because they speculated Blizzard would not act against them and would have stopped immediately once it was clear they were in jeopardy.

I understand the concern of not calling attention to the issue, but it was obviously already widespread enough to make the point pretty moot.

We’re not talking about a security exploit… it was basically a bug giving an unfair but relatively harmless advantage to levelling. Nobody in their right mind would shut down a system for a relatively harmless bug which has no impact to security or data integrity.

Furthermore, even agreeing with your reasoning… what’s the justification for the lack of communication now? The bug is fixed, the punishment has been decided, so your reasoning is now pretty irrelevant. There is still no communication on the issue.

No, one can argue Blizzard was right in sanctioning the exploiters but at the same time argue they have not communicated well enough.