@Blizzard: introduce personal loot in classic (T)BC

Blizzard can learn from their past mistakes there is alot of things that has happened in classic that should be learned from and definitely not be repeated in the event of tbc classic.

Things like the world buff meta they have an opportunity to add sated to leatherworking drums.

How spell batching was a disaster.

How running the game off the final patch instead of progressing the patches.

The whole issue with lack of servers on launch and the login queues.

How the way loot is handled in the game causes alot of playerbase issues.

How opposing faction colluding and mafias should be prevented.

Many more issues these are just at top of my head

well this has been a issue since WoW launch and is still a BIG issue on retail today.
So far Blizzard has not found the magical solution that fixes it for everyone.
And when there is no CLEARLY better alternative I preffer things how they were. (not saying #nochanges but unlike things like wbuffs, there is no clearly better alternative).

I can’t imagine a universe where Blizzard will do progressive patches for TBC classic. I would not be surprised if even primal nethers are BoE (they went BoE in 2.4) instead of BoP (pre 2.4).

well this was I think a one time mistake because they clearly completly underestimated the intrest in classic WoW.

While I agree I can’t see how this can be easily prevented, considering most of the cross faction communication happens OUTSIDE the game (discords etc…).

well Wbuffs wont be a thing anyway outside 1 buff you get once u do the arcatraz key quest.
Maybe they will change drums, but I somewhat doubt it that they will.

For personal loot to work in Classic, not only would Blizzard have to rework the current loot system, they also had to rework itemization.

Just think about it:
Palas and Shamans are both using a variety of different armor types, warriors too to some degree.

It’s too much work for next to no benefit.

I’m so happy that Classic did not progress through patches and how would you even do that? Have people thought through how much crap was fixed, tuned, altered, nerfed, removed, implemented and whatnot ?
Do you really want gimped/unplayable specs, just to be fixed in a few months because you know: Patch progression.

Vanilla was built upon several elements from tabletop D&D games and previous MMO’s like EverQuest. That’s the experience the Devs had back then and Classic/Vanilla is the result of that era.

It’s a reason why they chose the name Classic and not Remastered. ( personal opinion )

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oh yeah personal loot would TOTALLY screw over leather/mail/plate wearing healers and to some extend ele-shamis & moonkins

nice point that you brought up

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No thanks to personal loot.

We don’t need it, the OP just needs to stop being a douchebag.

That’s more of a problem with Classic heavily relying on class-specific tiers and lopsided class numbers. In TBC tiers are from tokens, and aside from stuff like relics, almost every item has at least a few people needing on them, so this will be less of an issue.

As for being “unfriendly to new players”… as long as there’s a good decay system involved, it really isn’t much. Sure, a newbie can’t step into the raid and hope to win a big ticket item on day 1 for the most part but… is that really something bad?

Personal loot is basically the same as distributing loot in a Classic raid via rolling… and there’s a good reason why almost nobody would choose that over DKP/EPGP/LC.

The op post is talking about classic tbc

All that would really change about the armor types is the bis lists for these classes would change yes it would be a very small nerf and buff to some class and specs but I am sure at all aspects of the game a paladin/shaman would heal just fine regardless and be taken for their utility.

Yes all the player made systems are indeed unfriendly to new players some guilds even loot ban players for an entire month or some redicoulous trial period tbh the rolling system is the most fair much better than dkp EPG and loot council. The only thing is it’s luck based and some people don’t like to play for luck when there are other systems to abuse loot manipulation in their favour.

Running through the patches would be alot better than running final patch just look at how itemization and talents changed. Most guilds would have had a much harder time downing ragnaros within the first week if they didn’t have all those spell power items and talents. The same can be said for tbc for example priests got a massive buff to circle of healing in a later patch it made everything so trivial compared to before it

I somewhat disagree because this only affects current tier loot realistically.
Nobody will cause much drama if you get BWL or even aq40 loot now, which is only SLIGHTLY (compared to retail gear tier differences) worse than naxx loot for most classes.

Well there are at least 3 guilds that I know of on my server that have disbanded over who got gressil and some of those guilds where high ranked and were long running and had “fair” loot council so it really does cause drama for current tier your right about the previous tiers because mostly they just roll off loot with soft Rez or gdkp which both work well for people who only want a few items and don’t care about the rest of the drops

are you seriously surprised that the absolute BiS item in classic WoW causes loot drama?

if you want a 100% drama free envoirment just make ur own private server and play togehter with bots tbh.

humans will cause drama no matter what.

you would have to prevent human players to behave in human like nature to prevent such stuff.

greed envy etc… rules the world, even the world of warcraft.

Wouldn’t happen under personalised loot that you could not trade over it’s the whole point of the post that the current loot systems are unfair so of course it causes drama that’s why I done “fair” because it’s subjective.what 8 class leaders or council players think who deserves the item might be different from the rest of the raid and that’s why I said loot councils are biased

what would happend: ur guild lead tells u to trade it over to him for redistribution: if not you get kicked.

yes u got ur item but u still got socially kicked out.

and as you described it for you it’s more about the social aspect, otherwise u wouldn’t whine about guilds disbanding.

Well if you could not trade it over there is not much a guild leader could do

as I said it’s very very unlikely that blizzard will remove the trade loot option since they have explictly added it to classic WoW while not beeing a feature in vanilla WoW.

and as long loot trading exists personal loot is borderline meaningless.

It’s not about “abusing loot manipulation”. It’s about not wanting to leave loot assignment completely down to luck. Putting aside the inefficiency of it all, it’s incredibly demotivating to run, say, ZG and lose Touch of Chaos 6 times when it’s the only item you’ve been needing for months from that raid (like it happened to me). If it were up for DKP I’d have long since acquired it.

You might prefer the luck of the draw because you’re a less consistent raider or some other reason, but as a person who does raid regularly and don’t want to end up losing to the first random who comes by, I prefer a system that actually rewards attendance and makes loot assignment more predictable.

So yeah, personal loot can stay in Retail where it belongs.

Everything in this post is hypothetical if they were to implement personal loot they could just as easy make the items untradable and yes it would solve all of these issues overnight no more gdkp less bots no more drama from loot systems everyone just focuses on the clear and chill on discord.

They should really make the items untradable on retail too it’s just a pointless system now personal loot is a thing

it’s not hypothetical since it’s the way it works on retail WoW. all of the stuff you say is hypothetical since loot was never untradeable via personal loot

I just don’t need someone to dangle garunteed loot to join a raid yeah I understand that’s why people use those systems it’s even luck for your wand drop in the first place but doing a hard reserve on it doesn’t make the loot system fair and locking players out of loot when they participated in the exact same raid just because you done a previous run shouldn’t give you priority as well

Everything is hypothetical as classic tbc is not released you can do any changed to a game that isn’t even out yet just because you take a system that is out in a different version does not mean it needs to be implemented the same

I’ve never talked about “hard reserve” - if somebody else wants to hoard DKP for it like me, they can too. But if a person already won a lot of items he needed in the run, I don’t think it’s fair for him to also get the wand while that’s the only thing I came for.

Again, if you were right then you’d see a lot more guilds using rolls as a method of assignment. The fact that just about NO guild does is a testament to how much most players don’t like rolls as a method of assigning items - except maybe outside of “off-night raids” or stuff like that

Personal loot wasn’t in TBC and shouldn’t be implemented, it would just cause outrage from most of the community. If people want personal loot they can go back to retail.