Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Becouse of players can get high itemlvl gear by doing casual content tham nobady would bother with harder and more time consuming raiding or mythic+ for same rewards they can get by killing boars.

You’re missing the point though. This would take a very long time; much longer than getting raid and M+ high ilvl gear, but would ultimately give players something to work towards.

That is the point that Tah made, and also that I am standing by.

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Even.if it would take more time peopel would still quit raiding becouse you will end up with high end gear at some point bs doing casual content. Getting high end gear longer ij casual content wont change anything.

Well it doesn’t have to match Mythic raid gear. There are ways around this where everyone is happy.

I mean, if somebody puts tons of hours into the game but doesn’t raid or M+ then why the hell shouldn’t they be rewarded for the time that they put into doing the things that they enjoy.


Only when the content is boring and people have zero fun doing it again. There, fixed the WoW issue.
Content in WoW is extremely repetitive. It’s like doing chores at home or doing homework, not fun.
If it were different players would do the content without that “but I can get +2ilvl”.

That’s why we have four raid difficulties and mythic+ gearing.
And that’s why most people think Legion was a great expansion, you had stuff to do, you could gear very quickly and do the stuff you liked without having to chase for the next upgrade.

Why do you think GW2 works so well? There is no itemlevel upgrades in the game. You can do all content with the crafted/looted exotics the game started 10 years ago. You can get your gear by pvp, world quests, events, dungeons, raids, etc. All you get is a more convenient type of gear or something like legendaries that are bound to account and have special optical effects.
The game is still populated and thriving without any gear treadmill.

WoW was there too (in Legion, in WoD, in parts of vanilla or BC) and now it’s more like a D3 with seasons.


Becouse it will invalidate instanced content.

Wrong. Gear is and always will be main one od two main reasons why players do content no matter if it is fun or not. If you want people do content just for fun you would have to go back to tbc desing. Aka exclusive content aka no dificulty levels and no LFR.

You mean “some players need the gear grind to feel they achieved something”.
That’s why the majority of WoW players left btw.


Which is a whole new can of worms because that doesn’t seem to be bringing any new things for solo & casual players (or at least: very, very little and very limited content). Only new content for ‘big 3’ players. So yeah…

That’s just complete nonsense.
If your (faulty) logic would be true, no one would ever do ANYTHING because you always get new and higher gear in new seasons by doing more mundane content. :man_shrugging:t3:

When Titanforging was a thing, people didn’t suddenly stop doing raids. So no. You’re wrong.

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No they need gear rewards to have reason to do content. And majority never quit becouse if it. As game have completly different issues and gearing isnt one of them.

Gearing is DEFINITELY one of them.
Maybe not for you, but you don’t represent other players. Only yourself.


They would becouse seasons resete your progress which is btw reason why also so kany players quit as gear and content invalidation feels terrible.


No it isnt. Then by your logic TBC and Vannila were both deqd games.


And that’s another issue.
Has nothing to do with your previous statement.

Are you okay? You seem confused.
No, that’s not what I’m saying AT ALL. But yeah; vanilla and TBC definitely had gearing issues for most players; everyone who didn’t raid. It was just a different time, we didn’t know better, we weren’t that familiar with online games yet and those that were, were used to very hardcore games; so yeah… Totally different situation than it is now.

^ You ignored this. My point stands and it proves your claim is false.

Yes it have.

It didnt had any gearing issues. Players were just less entilted nothing els. People simply accept fact that in order to get better items they had to do harder content where 2022 players just cry.

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It’s just impossible to have a debate with you.
You’re wrong. Period. End of story.
We’re done talking.

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No you just run out of arguments nothing els.

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LOL. Okay dude.
You don’t even bring any arguments… So yeah… ‘pot, kettle’ and all that jazz.

You’re just in this thread because you want Blizzard to enfore elitist ways and keep solo and casual players down. Well; things will change. They have been better and they must again become better; or Blizzard will suffer the consequences. It’s as simple as that.

NOTHING you say or do will have any impact on that.
Bye Bye!


borderlands two has a rifle with a drop rate of 1/100000 in other words unobtainium

Yes i do.Its not my peoblem you ignore them.