Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

No i want healthy reward structure. And there is nothing heatlthy about giving everyone high end rewards with different win conditions.

It won’t though because the ilvl can still be slightly lower than heroic raid gear and I would be happy with that. I don’t think there is any issue with long-term progression in other areas leading to better than normal raid ilvl gear over the course of an expansion.

Wait, Vanilla and BC are DEAD. Have you seen how many servers there run on “maintenance”? The biggest German server is completely dead.

Can you try to elaborate why new seasons wouldn’t work without making new gear? I don’t get your point.
I mean we had challenge modes in MoP, we have mage tower, etc. It’s just cosmetics, no ilvl and still players do it.
You don’t need to connect content to gear grind - only if your content is terrible.


This reward structures doesn’t work anymore. it worked in 2004, because there was nothing else.
And btw. the reward structure got completely destroyed by tokens and boosting anyway. I could easily pay some people to get me there and I wouldn’t have “earned” it at all.

Now other companies make great content without having a necessary gear grind and this is one of the reasons WoW is slowly losing players. The other games score through story, mechanics, world events and good gameplay with other players.
Either WoW adapts or it dies. It’s easy as that.


No it worked anf still works in 2004 becouse game had 1 difficulty level, no seasons and no token. So maybe juwtbgo back to this desing so gear can takr ahain second place as reason to play game.

Yeah what oher mmo game does it? Only mmo what does have fun content without necessary gear grinds are current wow classic games and bit New World. All others are all about chasing gear in ever increasing difficulty treadmill.

Elitist reward structure is NOT healthy.

Why not? Everyone plays this game for different reasons and we’re all allowed to have fun, so it makes sense that Blizzard caters to as many people as they can, instead of an elitist minority.


More effort = better rewards have nothing to do with elitist attitude.


Would you do harder job for same salary? No you wouldnt. Blizzard cuttered and made acessible this game to the ground and look where it got us. Game barely holds itself alive.

But it is not a job; it is a game where people go to play and do things that they enjoy.
We don’t get a salary for this as it is recreational so I don’t get the analogy.


Here comes our titpical its not job excuse. I have news for you. It doesnt matter if its just game. People apply same logic for video games as for work or anything in real lofe and always were and always will be. Specialy in mmo and multiplayer games.

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Effort is subjective.
If player 1 goes and raids 1 night a week and gets high rewards and player 2 grinds for 5 months… who actually put in more effort? I think the second player.

That is not a good comparison.
Because ‘one job’ involves working 2 nights per week for about 2 months maybe and then you’d ‘get paid’ and the other job means working every day for many, many months and even then you’d probably wouldn’t get the exact pay.

So no. Your example is flawed. Stop thinking in absolutes.

That is because of content that isn’t fun and classes that aren’t fun to play without putting in lots of work to earn borrowed power to make a class ‘complete’.
Not because of accessbility.

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It isnt. If you have job you should know this.

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No its becouse of acessability. All the current issues exist becouse of acessability. Game became literaly seasonal where gear and content is invalidated becouse of acessability and you say its not issue no comment.

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Nonsense. It LITERALLY is.

  • Someone who’s colourblind will have to put in much more effort than someone who is not to sort a stack of coloured cards.
  • Someone who speaks english has an easier time (effort) getting around in England than someone who does not.

Just 2 very simple examples.
But it doesn’t even matter; because we’re comparing 2 very, very different things. And the amount of effort you assign to that IS SUBJECTIVE. Also; what I think is happening is that you’re not really understanding what’s being said in this thread. No one here is asking for mythic level rewards ‘just for doing a world quest’. No. What I have suggested is a long grind to unlock higher ilvl rewards. As in basically ‘season long grind’ - so you probably wouldn’t even get all of it before it becomes obsolete again.

I just want to be kept busy in a game I’m paying a sub for.
Being done = boring = not worth paying a sub for.

You are delusional. I really can’t talk to you anymore.
You’re spewing forth the biggest nonsense and actually believing it’s real (or alternatively you are trolling - but I don’t think this is the case).

So… I will stop talking to you, because debating with a delusional person is folly.

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We talking about video games where we are all play under same rule sets not about real life.

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Ok so why do you think seasons exists or rather started to exist?

So you’re saying we’re all the same?
Are you?

imagine if blizzard just had like a mode of content they could add gear too for solo players
Just some sort of arena like content with a heavy focus on solo PvE fights that aren’t just facetank which they can just add all kinds of difficulty scales too for the actual encounters it offers and have some of those encounters just give you straight up gear
It doesn’t have to be complex, you could just make it like some sort of instanced arena you can enter from the capital cities where you clear encounters in order to earn access to more encounters being able to work your way up with gear on its rewards as an alternative to grouping content.
You could just call it the puglisist posse
Or the fisticuffs hall
Or something else I don’t know…
Imagine guys…


No. But in video game you have clear and set rules what you have to meet to get rewards and everybody have to meet same exact conditions. So everybody goes trought exact same thing no matter of person. Which makes it fair if you get rewards or not. You put 1000 effort you get this you put 500 you get this. Its all same for everyone. What you asking is putting 500 effort but get 1000 effort reward. And this will never work becouse humans simply do not accept this type of reward structure in their commuties.

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