Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

I mean literally what I said…
Point in case:

I’m wearing that because I like getting the highest possible gear I can get by doing the content I like. However, I am almost done already. Which is just way too fast. I want gearing and other power advancement to take a while; so I have something to work towards.

That’s why I loved AP in Legion so much; it was virtually a never ending ‘grind’ for power and I love that sort of thing because I play a game like WoW to keep busy for hours within its world. I don’t play to log in for 15 mins and then log off; that’s not fun for me.

It’s fine that you think that, but you don’t get to decide that for others.
I DO like it. Gaining power and getting stronger IS fun for me.

No it wouldn’t if, like I said, it would take a LONG time.
Let’s take 9.2 as an example…

The ilvl players like me can get now is 252 (with the acception of a few slots - like legendaries). What would be the harm if, when I have 252+ in every slot, I unlock the option to upgrade my cypher gear even further; but of course for a much higher ‘cost’ than the original upgrades were. So it would take much, much longer.
Then after I would get those, let’s say 6 months into the patch, THEN why not give me another bunch of unlocked upgrades that I can work towards? Taking even longer to get them all, or maybe even limiting them to 3 slots or so.

None of that would invalidate any other content because the amount of time and grinding involved would NEVER be quicker than any instanced group content. Quite the contrary; it would be the most inefficient way to get those upgrades (but at least it would give ‘non big 3’ players a choice of whether or not to pursue a power grind or not - right now there is no choice; the powergrind is over in 2 months-ish after a patch release and then it’s back to being bored).


It takes at least 21 days to reach Cypher Level Level 6 and collect 3700 Cyphers of the First Ones to get the chance to collect your first L252 gear item on your main character. Many players would consider this far from ‘fast’.

Oh wait… I fell for the troll bait :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m not talking for ‘many players’, I’m talking for me.
And l don’t like ‘being done’ after a month or so, that’s WAY too fast for an mmorpg.

Oh sure, god forbid people having different tastes; must be trolling.


I agree with Tah here.
Grinding their type of activity for a longish period of time doesnt matter to anything progressive.
Hardcores are already above 270, what’s the problem?
Tah will not take your spot on mythic jailer, lol

Or, will you? :wink:


Wow, 21 days. Thats not even one month. The season will take 9 months or more…

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Technically the season will take about 5 more months, after which season 4 will be released.

In korthia it took quite a lot longer for relative higher ilvl with 233. And the crapstorm on the forums was real. Also Tah did not like it. I still really wonder what blizz can create to keep only open world players happy. Especially when those players throw ‘hardcore’ amounts of hours into the game.

It’s easy. More diverse content that’s not time-gated. Doing 3-6 quests for 20 minutes and killing some rares and collecting some treasures for another 30 is hardly engaging.

Add more world quests, add those small events we had in the 8.3 zones, maybe try to copy Guild Wars 2 and add big meta events with actually fun World Boss in the end that you can replay every 2 hours etc. I mean, 9.1 had the Tormentors of Torghast, which was pretty solid.


Pretty sure it will take longer than 5 months…

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The ‘diverse content’ i am wondering about. Also the Mage tower is apparently rejected. What is engaging open world content anyway?

Doing this everyday for 10 hours a day is still not engaging, i am afraid.

So you’re fine with what we have now? Because I’m not. I’m literally done with Zereth Mortis after an hour at best, and then I log out and play other games.

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Korthia was better, but you got crappy gear for a lot of boring work.

I dont like the current gearing strategy for casual plaers at all. You get way better gear from quests than from doing casual group content like LFG or LFR. Why not introduce valor for them to upgrade your gear to 252?

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I am all for more content of course :slight_smile: I am just not seeing what should be added. Especially with the crapstorm about korthia, which had in my oppinion quite some content. And it provided the long grind for higher ilvl.

How would it invalidate it?

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Personally, I think they should copy Guild War 2’s open world content. WoW is good at taking ideas from other games and improving on them. :slight_smile:

And while at it stop the gear spiral and make content fun so players don’t need an excuse like “it drops higher ilvl” to play boring parts.


I am in total agreement also. I put a ton of time into the game, but I don’t really raid or do M+. I still enjoy the things that I do and it would be nice to have something to work towards over the course of an expansion.

I didn’t play during Legion (I was unlucky enough to start playing WoW at the beginning of BfA) but I like the idea of AP and wish I had experienced that.

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İt’s amazing, how after all these years and hardships of wow, people still think that more gearing systems is what wow needs

Yeah, introduce more ilvl grinding, I am sure, those 10 mil subs will be right back