Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Now you’re getting abusive towards casual/solo players?
And you claim you’re not elitist?

Oh boy.

You really don’t actually read or understand what I’m saying, do you?

You could give me mythic raid ilvl gear and I STILL would NEVER set foot in a mythic dungeon or any raid beyond LFR. It. Does. Not. Matter.

And for the Nth time: The ilvl is just a number, it doesn’t matter in the long run.
What I’m asking for is: Worthwhile content that I can run ALL SEASON LONG (or at least for most of the season).

That’s what I want. That’s not too much to ask for in an MMORPG.
So tell me again how I’m wrong for wanting that…

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Because we are doing those dungeons now for 2 year and unfortunately there are not that many new players. With every season you see less dungeons done on the lower end just because of that. Those high rewards from world content we had in every season. In korthia even 7 ilvl higher than normal raid.

And which only.menas you dont need that gear another reason to not give it to you and ruin reward structure.

No its becouse world content made gearing in those levels absolote.

Yes. I do.
Because it’s so easy getting gear in M+ and most people who push keys were ALREADY at an ilvl where lower keys weren’t interesting for them to do (because of the previous season being FRICKING 9 MONTHS LONG). So for people who are interested in M+ the higher keys are the thing they’re after. THAT is why.

World content was during whole shadowlands this high. Still we did tons of lower keys in season 1.

You asking for wow without dungeons and raids so you just simply play wrong game.

No it wasnt.

If you tear the @rse out of it doing every thing possible.
I’m on level 2 (getting 239 pieces, still have the 226 weapon (do the WQs drop weapons?) and a 220 trinket).
I’m slower than average I’ll admit but Tah (and anyone else who managed it in 21 days) are much much faster than average.
A grind should not be judged by those who rip through it as fast as possible nor by those who dawdle through it slowly but by an average player somewhere between.

Jesus christ dude…

Ok… Just… Get lost.
Done. Done done done.
Tired of your trolling.

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Yes it was. We already stated you are not playing the game, so don’t discus over facts. In korthia we even got in comparison higher ilvl than we are in zereth mortiz.

I do play game as you can see. And no you couldnt get same mythic+ rewards in world.content becousr it was gated behind renow.

And now it is gated behind the cypher system.

And it took longer to get: It felt like actually working towards something.
I liked it (I know not everyone is a fan of such grinds).

As far as casual/solo gearing Korthia was the best option in Shadowlands.
9.0 was HORRIBLE. I was done with the game (power-wise) not even 2 months after the expansion released. So that included leveling.
And now again they’ve made it horrible and fast. They think having loads of mounts and pets to farm makes up for it, but it doesn’t. Because what happens when you don’t like those mounts and pets? Exactly… Content is not worth it to run, then.

Sure. Then tell us your amszing plan on how you want to keep instanced content relevant when everybody can just gets their gear by doing world Q. Why woudl anyone waste their time doing something harder for same rewards.

Because we get it 10 times faster :grin: Without a grind.


It isnt gated l. Nothing is stoping you to farm rares and chests.

arent all orcs weird ? my mom told me so

Time isnt relevant. If peopel can get seomthing faster or slower doesnt matter to them. If they can get good gear by solo soing world q thwy that no matter of time becouse its simply easyer.

If it is on average 6-7 per chest/rare, and you need 750 per level you have to 6x750 = 4500 /7 = ~645 chests/rares. Have fun :grin: