Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5


Why would anyone who wants to be competitive choose to get gear in 6 months of grinding instead of 1-2 months of running the content they actually want to run?
Why? Makes no sense. But then again most of Elias’s claims make no sense.


For everyone who is challenging themselves in the higher contents, time is very very relevant. Look at the amount of topics about the tier set creation and that it is like 2 weeks too late.

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(go take a look at all the ‘tier is taking too long’ threads)

(just another example of Elias thinking that what he feels, is the actual truth)


For eveyone? Sou mean that 0.01% of playerbase what plays for challenge? I have news for you average casual Joe will never bother doing harder content to get same rewards but faster. It waste of time and effort.

So you are debating in this topic for 0.01% of the playerbase?

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solo playing should gone from this game … not like removing solo … just encourage ppl to play with other ppl and making that u cant make quest alone but also make easy to make party … also that giving gifts if u are helping other ppl to do quest which have alredy done… simply i dont see reason to play online game solo … if i want to play solo than i go play offline games and end of story

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No i dont? Debate is about having healthy reward system in wow. Which exclude rewarding high end gear froing doing world content no effort content as it would invalidate instanced content for those who like instanced content.

You just claimed only 0.01% is interested in the content that is rewarding those higher items. So you are debating for the 0.01%.

And since i am part of that 0.01%. I got news for you. We don’t give a damn about the rewards of world quests. Blizzard can add some kind of system to be able to upgrade all the way to 272 with valor just by doing world quests. Good luck. We don’t care.


I’m proud of you. :slight_smile:

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No i claimed only 0,01% of players play game for challenge aka care about items geting faster rest of raider playerbase doing it just for character progression aka items.

Too many people seem to think that just because wow has casual content then it must be “casual friendly”.

Casual friendly content doesn’t mean just doing a few world quests and camping a couple of rares everyday.
Players of all skill and time commitment levels “all” pretty much want the same thing, something to work towards.
For some that can mean beating the highest difficulty of content, for others it might mean persuing old achievements and for someone else it’s getting all those new mounts and reputations that come with a new patch…

I’ve lost my train of thought so I’ll come back to this in a bit…

Gl you are minority. Majority would stop raiding and doing dungeons and propably quit game as whole if they could get rewards like this.

So when 25% of the playerbase has keystone conquerer = higher rewards than world content, 99,99% of those players are there only for the rewards? I don’t think so.

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If it takes 5 months of grinding world quests, or it takes 1 +14 key a week… i wonder who is right. I am already 271, and i did not yet spended all my valor :grin:

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If it would 5 months he would be there crying thst it takes too kuch time to get 1 item.

only if u need to have skill to do this quest and that u can fail and get nothing … not just like that u can grind and literaly get no skill gear … that will just make game boring crap

the dailys take like what 15 minutes? You just need to login everyday and with minimal effort you will get your 252 gear in 21 days. This is far from rip through content dude.

I would say definitely not. People love to be a part of the world and lore that this game has established, and there is absolutely no reason to remove solo play when so many people enjoy playing solo whilst also having the option to group up if they so desire.

I really have no idea why you would want it removed. Does it hurt you in some way that other people play solo?


they abandoned us long ago…

what is this guy talking about lol…