Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

still single playing should be less much much less effective than multiplay … bcs if single playing is more effective will force ppl to play single play … AND STILL THIS IS NOT SINGLE PLAYER GAME … simply just game need to be more that ppl can easy get into groups and play with each other

The game has a good mix of both. Sometimes people want to play alone, sometimes they want to group up, and WoW caters to both. I guess it depends what mood you are in but I think that solo play should be just as rewarding, since a lot of people like to do that. I’m sorry, but I do not understand your hate towards solo play.


still this is not single player game … and just making balance is not posible … single play SHOULD NEVER BE MORE REWARDING FROM MULTIPLAYER… simply should be like that and if u dont like to play multiplayer that play single player games that is it… simply i dont want that i have to play single player content … simply single player content should never be on same level to multiplayer on multiplayer games or even higher level… bcs it i will just make just that ppl play only alone

OK, I see how it is. You don’t like solo play so nobody else should be able to enjoy it, correct?

Sorry, but that is a ridiculous outlook. How would rewarding solo play (a large part of the game) hurt you or the more group-orientated players in any way? We aren’t asking for Mythic raid level rewards and I’m fairly certain that has been stated numerous times in this thread.


u have already enoguh and even to much solo content in this game than just go and play it … solo content should not give any good gear … unless it is HARD TO PLAY and u have to put your brain in to do it … simply that u have same as m+ if u fail that u get lower level and if are good that u get harder thing … but making simple no skill grind 24 hours of grind for example 265 or even 278 item that is not place here …

So people who put even more time into the game than M+ players or some raiders and also sub to the game (because they like it and they want to continue to play) shouldn’t get any decent rewards because ‘git gud’?

I mean, that is pretty garbage. Some people spend a ton of time in the game collecting, working on professions and just having fun - but just because they don’t dedicate their lives to hardcore raiding or dungeon running, they should only receive sub-par rewards and have nothing to aim towards long-term?

That’s a no from me.


You’re not asking for mythic raid level rewards, you aren’t getting them.

Aren’t you happy?

I think 252 for slapping some world mobs is about appropriate.

Solo content is there, mage tower, torghast gauntlet and so on. It doesn’t reward gear but I don’t think everything ought to.

Maybe it’s a Pandaren Priest thing where you just don’t bother to even attempt to understand the point that is being made.

Long story short; we are saying that we want something to grind towards long-term. This, we find fun and keeps the game interesting for us and also rewards us for putting huge amounts of time into it over the course of an expansion.


Oh I get you, I disagree.

Effort shouldn’t indicate reward. Difficulty should. You can get way better gear than you’ll ever need to smash world stuff from doing that content.

If you want more bling, that shouldn’t come from “effort” and “grinding” But from engaging with content that requires you to actually use your toolkit. Blizz have been pretty clear about that with their actions for years.

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I understand you also and I also disagree with you. I guess we will just agree to disagree.


group playing should gone from this game … not like removing group … just encourage ppl to play without other ppl and making that u can make quest alone but also make difficult to make party …

How does that sound to you?
Fun? No? Well… Your plan doesn’t sound fun to me either.

So, because YOU don’t, nobody gets to? Who do you think you are?
King of the world?


I agree. I don’t think they are a kick in the knackers away from getting it right.
It seems that with Legion they pleased more players than they angered, from what I understand of it, and like you have said - a little tweaking could have perfected that system.

Hopefully we will see a mix of what works now, and what worked then where they can somehow balance it in a way that most players are happy with the system.

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When will people stop using this inane reasoning?!

I’ll just link to this post I made earlier in the thread:

So there’s that.


simply ppl like you should play diablo not this game … just disapear … this is multiplayer game this is not solo game … blizzard is just to easy to ppl like you and should not be … simply there is to many games which u can play already solo … simply this is multiplayer game and should be like that … even old content should be separated multiplayer thing a not thing what u can do 1 player farm … simply getting borring bcs u can do only 1 raid every 6 months and should be option that u can play other things that can do old raid in progress and learn like current raid … separated yes but still that u can do other things

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You must be trolling…

Are you really telling someone that enjoys WoW to go and play something else just because they get enjoyment out of different aspects of the game to you?

Well, I don’t think that many would agree with you, because that is just absurd my man.

Again, how does the way that Tah here (or anybody else for that matter) plays the game hurt you in any way at all?


or u are trolling

Here comes our titpical its not job excuse. I have news for you. It doesnt matter if its just game. People apply same logic for video games as for work or anything in real lofe and always were and always will be. Specialy in mmo and multiplayer games.

So, based on your logic a person that works for 10 hours a day in a hospital gets better rewards than a person who works 8 hours in an IT company?

a) this isn’t how jobs work
b) if we put this into WoW perspective raiding should have less rewards than pvp, because you have to outsmart real people not a pre-designed encounter
c) putting 20 hours in the game should be more rewarding than putting 10 hours in the game - because you put in double the effort.

Nothing of this makes sense, like your whole argument. Because everything, as Tah already tried to explain to you is subjective.
It’s just you, in that discussion, that thinks the mechanic has to be that way, there isn’t a silent minority behind you.
The silent majority of WoW already voted against that mechanic by leaving the game. from 12 million players there is only 10% left.
And a lot more will quit in the next six month because there will be nothing but the gear grind left to do and even that gets boring pretty fast without having a use for better gear because no new encounters are coming.

This is a downward spiral.

btw. do you know what the two worst things in mmo are?

  1. the game not being fun
  2. the game not respecting invested game time

1 is self-explanatory and 2 means basically not getting an appropriate reward for your invested time.
WoWs endgame at the moment is like having a job you really hate and getting paid not enough so you at least live a good life with that income.


This is funny because the WoW endgame is exactly what Diablo3 endgame is with the exception of having raids to do.

And this is really bad, because WoW had a way more complex reward and game design than D3 and they dumbed it down to a hack&slay mmo.


still im not came to play wow to just grind gear and grind resources whole day i came to do raid bosses getting gear to do harder content and with that harder thing to do even harder … not just doing grind and than buying gear and than telling that i did all what i have to do … that is boring

It is boring to you. The point is that just because YOU find it boring, does not mean that every other WoW player does.