Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

I understand your point, but no one would take the harder content or progression from you. You could even get your gear from it, but that shouldn’t be the only source of that gear.

I did a lot of hard content in WoW, but never cared about the gear level. When our guild was still active, we did bc heroics daily, we did the Zul’aman bear run, we did the whole WotLk raid hard modes, we did the same in cata raids, we did Challenge Mode Gold in MoP, etc.
Never we did this for ilvl, but the fun and achievement was rewarding enough. Why would I care if someone who decided to play 8 hours a day and have fun with his favorite content had similar gear? It’s not that I’m part of an ilvl competition or something.


It’s not inane reasoning. Rewards should be commensurate with difficulty.

I find your foot stomping and entitlement just as inane. You can reach 260 ilevel just smashing trivial mobs into dust. But you want MORE FUN but refuse to actually do anything.

You don’t want FUN you want rewards.


It’s not inane reasoning. Rewards should be commensurate with time investment.

I find your foot stomping and entitlement just as inane. You can reach 260 ilevel just smashing trivial mobs into dust. But you want people to like what I like but refuse to actually do.

You don’t want understand you want a longer e-peen.

No. Time investment isn’t a metric worth anything.

Grinding 50k trivial mobs so you can grind the next 50k trivial mobs faster is laughable.

If you want rewards do hard stuff to earn them.

We disagree, it has nothing to do with épéen. I really don’t care that much about ilevel, it’s the principle I care about.


Ps; last time I played Diablo was when Diablo 2 was current and I vowed to never play an isometric ARPG again. I have kept, and am planning on keeping, my promise to myself.

It’s both.

Because ‘the king of the world’ thinks so?
Get out of here with your nonsense bro.

Nope nope nope nope.
There are multiplayer OPTIONS in this game.
Just like there are solo OPTIONS.

Get it right.


I said at least 21 days, which is purely the major research time for the four cypher modules. Of course, you are just being flippant because looking at your gear you already knew this.

Yes it is. Because you people who say that, tend to suggest that the ONLY reason we earn gear in WoW is to be able to do harder content. Which is just factually not true.

It’s fine you feel that way. I disagree.
Well… To a degree anyway. I don’t think difficulty should be the one and only factor.

If that’s what you think, I suggest you read my posts again.
I’m asking for Blizzard to give me stuff to work towards. It can be a lot of work. I should take a long time. I’m absolutely fine with that.

Nope. I want WORTHWHILE CONTENT to do and I want to be able to do it for the majority of a season’s length; not 1 or 2 months and then be bored.

And sadly player power is the ONLY objectively useful reward in the game.
Sure, sometimes I’m going to love a particular cosmetic reward, but those kinds of rewards are all subject to a player’s taste. If you don’t like the look of something, it’s not going to be a good reward for you and the content is not worth doing.

And sadly for me the vast majority of Shadowland’s cosmetic rewards are disappointing or downright ugly. I wish that wasn’t the case.

So it’s not about ilvl for me… It’s about progression. I want to be able to keep progressing longer than we currently can and than we did in 9.0. Korthia was fairly okay; progressing there took quite a while and I liked that.

If I could keep grinding a whole season long to fill some bar every now and then to earn a 1% bonus to my gear; I’d do that. Like I did in Legion with AP. It’s about progressing and having worthwhile content to run; not the actual numbers.


Let it be 30 days, it is still too fast. Also whats the point on the irrelevant gear check?

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I’m just going to point anybody else towards this, because it’s exactly what I’ve been trying to say.

The best thing is that this can be done without taking anything away from anybody else. I’m really not sure what upsets raiders / dungeon runners so much about this.


Well if this is your only toon I guess it may well be ‘too fast’ for you. My numerous alts will keep me busy.

Dont get me wrong, with the addition of permanent mage tower i have a lot of stuff to do. But without it, not so much. Gearing as casual is too fast and repetitive (only quests). Thats my entire point.

OK, fine. Gearing up is just a merry-go-round anyway: before you know it they uplift the gear levels a few notches and we start over, chasing the same old carrot.

I like my carrot, but right now its only a radish :smiley:

no gear, no point wasting time with it in a game all about gear imo.

Yea sure, and when you’re presented with stuff like the mage tower or gauntlet you sniff and turn away like a picky eater.

Part if the reason? No reward that interests you.

You know we disagree. You know I’m not going to change my mind and I know you aren’t going to change yours.

Why did you bother again?

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simply focus of game be on multiplayer … and most important thing is to make that u can play old patch content same way as current content … that u can play old raids same way as current one … well how to make it idk … worst thing is that only current content is playable that is big problem … bcs ppl playing for 6 months same thing and ppl get bored

Because I’m tired of seeing the same old ‘you don’t need gear for your type of content’ remarks. It’s nonsense.

It’s fine we disagree, but don’t spread misinformation.


It’s the absolute truth. Just because its inconvenient to your narrative doesn’t make it untrue.

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He meaning me?
No I wouldn’t. It’s exactly what I’m asking for.

But… Sure; SOMEONE would cry. Someone always does.
No matter what Blizzard does.

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Yes, the statement is technically true, but it’s not the reason why we ‘need’ or ‘want’ gear.
It has nothing to do with it. THAT is why it’s nonsense - and misinformation.