Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Glad you admit its true.

I know why you “want” gear. Everyone wants shiny things. But most people look at whats required to achieve it and decide if that worth it to them. You don’t. You decide you won’t do it and ask for the bar to be lowered to suit you. Thats entitlement.

It’s true, but irrelevant.
Important to note that.

So me just wanting to enjoy the content I like is entitlement?
Good to know. Sure. I’m entitled because I want to have fun in WoW. How dare I?!

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You can enjoy it to your hearts content. Just don’t expect more rewards from it.

Or can’t you enjoy stuff without rewards? You never do stuff for the joy of it, its all about the shinies at the end?

You knew we weren’t going to see eye to eye on this so don’t start with the exasperated emojis, you replied to me. And I’ll remind you your childish meltdown (sorry, bravely sticking it to da man! - as you called it) was supposedly because I nitpicked you to that point.
Just feels weird that you’re going out of your way to walk that path again.

I’m fighting the bias and stupidity that keeps rearing its ugly head.
And yeah; you’re one of the people who’s helping to keep that bias going.
It’s irritating.

What if I was to say the same to you. I suppose you’d be okay with it?
No, no I don’t think you would (cue you lying and saying you would be?).

I CAN but then the content needs to be of excellent quality. Which it hasn’t been for a while now. But part of enjoying content (in WoW at least) comes from the reward at the end; working towards something and having the satisfaction of reaching that goal/getting that reward.

And I think you know that well enough, honestly.

Oh no; calculated telling of the truth. Well; my truth. How I feel about you and how you conduct yourself on these forums. I wasn’t angry; just fed up with you. I still am. I wish I could meet you irl. No, that’s not a threat. That’s wanting to look you in the eye to see if you truly are this horrible human being that I’m imagining. Call it ‘morbid curiousity’.

Playing the ‘entitlement’ card deserves nothing less.
I am sharing my opinions and wants/needs here in this thread because I want WoW to be better again for players like me. Because I know it can be - since it was awesome before.

So if better rewards can help make that happen; what’s the problem?
I’m not asking for easy or fast. But wanting to do the content I like is NOT entitlement.
Hell, if it is then everyone playing is entitled, because we all want ‘our preferred content’ to be fun and worthwhile.


Erevitah or Tahtributor? :thinking: Maybe Retritah or Tahvien. Quite a few possibilities.

None of the above. Just Tah.
Please don’t compare me with those trolls (or legit troubled people).


Why are so many wow players ignorant to the idea of horizontal progression?

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Would also be a great solution. But since WoW has never done it; I don’t see it happening.

I’m sharing my opinions too.

Bias and stupidity is all I see in your posts. An utter refusal to engage in huge swathes of the game that will give you what you crave but instead insistently butting your head against a wall in the belief that you’ll eventually get something for nothing. You even spin your spit the dummy manchild tirade as “telling the truth”. Utterly laughable on every level.

As to the RL thing, you truly know nothing about me. I give to charity, I’ve helped a wow player I’ve never met before from Poland (I’m in the UK) put food on the table because of a message in LFG that said he was laid off because of the pandemic and had no food in the house - thats going back 2 years now. I still have them on my friends list and check on them occasionally. At the end of MoP I helped literally hundreds of people get the Garrosh mount for free over the course of a weekend.

I don’t instagram this stuff or make “look at me” blogs like you felt the need to because I don’t really care what people think of me, least of all you.

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Oh? Please point out some examples.

No they won’t. I crave fun. They will not give me fun. They will give me annoyance and irritation.

Never ever ever ever did I expect nor ask for that.
Stop. With. The. Biased. Nonsense.

You deserved every single word of it.
Deal with it.

You say you don’t ‘feel the need to share’ but you state them here anyway - in an unflattering boastful way no less.

Funny how that works huh?

And ‘instagram this stuff or make “look at me” blogs like you felt the need to’?
What now? I never… I indeed don’t know you irl and I would really appreciate it if you didn’t pretend you knew anything about me.

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I’ll share my opinion too, just for the heck of it.

I think there’s a disparity between what WoW is and what WoW could be.

Right now WoW is a two-tier design. Organized Raiding, Mythic+ Dungeons, and Rated PvP are tier 1, and everything else – World Quests, Unrated PvP, LFR, Professions, etc. – is tier 2.

The longevity of WoW’s gameplay resides almost entirely within the tier 1 content.
The Associate Game Director Morgan Day recently stated that a Season in WoW is approximately 8 months long. So what content has enough longevity to be relevant for 8 months? Well it’s Organized Raiding, Mythic+ Dungeons, and Rated PvP.
A semi-decent raiding guild can actually whack away at Sepulcher of the First Ones for 8 months and make steady progression every week until they get to The Jailer on Mythic difficulty and beat him and get the best loot in the game.
The same goes for Mythic+ Dungeons and Rated PvP where the player competition keeps the content forever relevant as there’s always the striving to do the higher key or reach the higher rating.
So that’s all good.

But if you’re not focused on any of these 3 activities, then you run out of stuff to do rather quickly.

Take Zereth Mortis for example. There’s a storyline, a reputation, some gear progression, and some general zone progression and currencies.
If you invest a reasonable amount of effort into the zone every day, then you’ll complete all of the above within 1-2 months.

What are you then supposed to do in the remaining 6-7 months of the Season?!


So that’s sort of the lay of the land.

WoW is an excellent long-term game for the players who are heavily invested in Organized Raiding, Mythic+ Dungeons, or Rated PvP, because their preferred content provides tangible gameplay value every single day and week and month and year in an expansion.

But for everyone else WoW is really just an intermittent game that you exhaust of gameplay value rather quickly. And then you wait until Blizzard adds new content and you chop through that in short order. And then you wait again.

What seems reasonable to propose, in my opinion, is for Blizzard to add longevity to more gameplay activities so players don’t finish them so quickly.

Zereth Mortis is an excellent zone, but if a WoW Season is 8 months long, then it’s clearly a design flaw if the zone only provides 1-2 months worth of gameplay value.


The one little bit of hope I have… IF (and that’s a really big if, I know) the Dragonflight leak from the Wowhead forums is true and there will be no leveling in 10.0 and instead it will have 6 zones all with endgame content… If those zones are Suramar type zones… With storylines that are released periodically; then there’s a possibility that world content will at least offer enough for a longer period of time (because on top of that; there’d be the more regular daily and weekly stuff to do of course). And I really like the sound of that.

But yeah… That’s a ‘what if’ build upon an ‘if’.
13 days until we know a bit more.

I think they were close with Zereth Mortis. I really don’t think we are that far away from what we want here. We have a great zone and we can get decent ilvl gear, mounts and some nice mogs.

I think if we just had some not-quite-heroic ilvl gear to grind towards via killing/professions or whatever over the coming months, that would be perfect and would be reason to stay subbed.

I have a lot of faith that 9.2.5 and subsequently 10.0 are going to do a great job of catering to more than just raiders and M+. I’m optimistic and also, dragons would be awesome.

I think Korthia mixed with Zereth Mortis would’ve been the sweet spot for me.
The gear in Korthia took a fair bit longer to get to max (part of that was due to timegating, sure, but still).

I think Blizzard has the key to this problem already in the game: Sandworn gear.
That could’ve have been the ‘higher but longer to get’ type gear.

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Yeah, I was happy plugging away at the gear in Korthia. I think the idea was good but the zone was a bit small in the end, which I guess is why you said somewhere between that and ZM.

That’s why I am pretty confident that we have some good stuff to look forward to in the near future. The game is enjoyable; it just needs some tweaks and some dragons and I think all will be well.

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2 years later, just as some examples to show how myopic and incomplete your picture is. Sorry if you found it boastful, years after the fact - but I suspect that judgement is coloured by your opinion of me anyway. I’ll stick to “I couldn’t care less about your entitled self absorbed opinion” with no meat on the bone from now on.

Won’t deny that.

I wish I could say it was surprising.


But how much longevity can you add to a zone like that?

It’s a fact that people consume that type of content quicker than it can be produced. That being the case they are left with 2 options

  1. Trickle the rewards in even slower, that would make people madder than they already are.
  2. Up the cap so that people get rewards completely out of whack with the difficulty of the content they are engaging in just to keep them on the treadmill.

In a perfect world Blizz would crank out more of that type of content but they don’t so we’re left with people who get pretty damn great gear for what they do demanding more.

I don’t think so either.

Obviously any forum discussion is going to devolve into people bickering about who deserves high item-level gear and who don’t, because everyone has a subjective emotional attachment to their current rewards and accomplishments.

But if you’re Blizzard, then you’re surely looking at this more objectively and reviewing the design of the current expansion and what needs to change for the next expansion to be more successful.

And one area of design that definitely needs changing is that whole swath of solo content that the game provides.
It does what it’s supposed to do, albeit not in a very engaging manner and not for very long.

Just take something like World Quests.

Gameplay-wise they’re pretty basic. Some would say boring. So obviously there’s opportunity to increase the gameplay value of the quest design. And Blizzard have spoken about this in the past; World Quests 2.0, but they never got around to it. Now would be the time.

And then there’s the longevity. They stop being worthwhile doing very quickly. It’s usually a reputation or currency that provides incentive to do the World Quests, and once players have all the reputation and currency they need, then there’s no longer a reason to do the World Quests.
And the problem usually seems to be that Blizzard ties something mandatory to a reputation or currency, but don’t want to force players into a long grind, so they make the progression super fast. We’ve seen that in Zereth Mortis.
Again, from a design-perspective this is not a problem that is difficult to solve.

And at the end of the day, then it’s in Blizzard’s interest to solve these issues.
It may be that other people on the forum don’t care if I quit the game or not because I have nothing to do.

But Blizzard cares.

It’s my money that’s saying bye bye to them.

And it’s in their interest to ensure that doesn’t happen.

They’re a business. Customer retention matters. I am the customer saying they won’t retain me for very long in the next expansion if it’s just like Shadowlands. So they obviously need to address that.

So we’ll see.


Hostility was your frothy little manchild rant. I’m utterly polite compared to you when you show your true colours.