Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Or… A bit of both.
You know… Compromise.

They’ve already compromised.

The gap between the “haves” and “have nots” has never been so small. Take it back a few expansions and it was glaringly obvious who did mythic raids and who did world content, the gear disparity was massive.

Now its way smaller. They’ve given you the hand. Now you want the arm.

And this remark isn’t?
Come now.

No. Not in the slightest.
You’ve earned my ‘words of truth’ for a reason.
I’ve never talked like that to anyone else on these forums.

Factually not true.

Like in Legion where we had Titanforging? Ahuh ahuh.
Tell me more of your ‘facts’ please.

Nope. They had given us the hand (in Legion). Then they cut off some fingers (BfA). And now they’ve cut off the hand completely (Shadowlands).

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But if Blizzard provides a 10 to 1 ratio of consumption versus production today, then I’m not asking for a 1 to 1 ratio in the next expansion.

I understand that Blizzard can’t produce content as quickly as I consume it.
I think Echo and Liquid are understandable about that too, with regards to high-end raid content.

But I do feel that it is reasonable – as a consumer – to say that Blizzard should produce more.

And we know that Activision Blizzard increased investments into World of Warcraft last year, because they said so.

All I’m saying is that the focus of that increased budget should be emphasized on producing more solo content.

And I know Blizzard can never produce enough.

But as a customer I’m asking for more.

No, its really not.

You can do nothing but WQ now and be close to 260, the worlds best players were clearing the mythic raid after huge effort in gearing with 270’ish. The gear you get currently for “free” is amazing and thrown at you quickly.

Denying facts, is there no depth you won’t sink to because it doesn’t suit your narrative?

What if it took 4 months to get item level 260 instead of 1 month?

And what if it took another 4 months to go from item level 260 to item level 270?

Would that be an unreasonable design?

I’d love more solo content too and Blizz could / should make more and make it more fun.

But more rewarding? Thats hard for the reasons I’ve articulated. Much more rewarding and its not even hyperbole to say it would be on par with heroic or mythic raids. And Mr pottymouth is 99% about the bling and 1% about the content. Thats why I oppose his views so vehemently.

I think people would riot if I’m honest. It has more tail but less upfront and people are all about the instant gratification. People would complain that they are second class citizens because it takes longer.

But it is. You spew hyperbole nonsense and then claim I’m ‘denying facts’.

‘nothing but’ is also hyperbole.

Are not a proper measuring stick for the rest of the playerbase. At all.

  1. It’s not ‘free’ and I hate it when people use that word.
  2. yes, quickly. That’s my whole issue. I don’t want to be ‘done’. You really haven’t been reading what has been said, have you?

Titanforging. Remember that?
The gap was a lot smaller overal in Legion.
Plus TF gave incentive to keep doing world content because there might be an upgrade in it for players like me. Which was super awesome. But that’s another matter.

Suramar was great (but timegated…)

Apologies, substitute free for welfare.

No disrespect meant, but I don’t think your articulations matter very much here.

Fact of the matter is that some players are saying that the game doesn’t provide certain content with enough longevity.

This is for Blizzard’s designers to address. That is their job. That is what they’re paid to do.

It doesn’t really matter whether you see a solution or not, or whether my ideas are perfect.

What matters is what Blizzard’s designers will do about the problem they’re faced with.

And should they fail in all of their attempts to deal with the problem, then they can simply throw money at it. And that did seem to be the initial strategy that Activision Blizzard presented. Increase investments.

If you can’t change the design, then you can simply expand it.

If I can’t get a an outdoor zone with 5x the longevity, then I can get an outdoor zone with 5x the size.

Let’s say we opened up LFR alongside Normal and Heroic difficulty.

The point being that you can easily make the character progression slope more flat and long, rather than short and steep, without sacrificing the sense of immediate reward.

That’s not beyond the limits of the game’s design.


But the timescale should be COMPLETELY different.
That’s the important bit.

Let’s say a season is 8 months.
In that time a raider or M+ player could be expected to be ‘done’ gearing in 2-3 months (unless they keep pushing higher difficulties of course).
What I’m proposing is that for a non big 3 player, getting (for instance) heroic raid ilvl gear would take 6-8 months.

What is the problem there?!
By the time non big 3 players would get to that sort of ilvl, it’ll (almost) be time for a new season.

YOUR kind of people. The raiders, the M+ers, the PvPers… THEY are.

Some, sure. There’s always someone who complains no matter what they do.
I don’t think it will be the majority complaining though.

How about just ‘earned’?
You know… For playing the game.
Just like you do too.


It’s trash gear, lets be honest here xD

Mythic gear is 43% better stat wise than LFR. The output, organisation and skill that mythic takes is way more than 43% more than what it takes to clear lfr.

My conclusion is that numerically, low end content awards gear that punches above its weight.

Or alternatively start offering horizontal progression.
Or alternatively start offering progression EXCLUSIVELY for world content - not usable in instanced group content (or at least downgraded to a certain base level when doing such content).

But numerically, low end content does NOT award the longevity that is needed.
THAT is the big problem here. Not the gear ilvl.

An easy solution would be to provide gear that’s tailored more toward specific content.

For example, then the outdoor zone gear could easily be item level 272 if a large part of the item budget was devoted to an effect that only worked in the outdoor zone.

We’ve seen Blizzard do that already in Zereth Mortis. They can simply expand on that design.

No one’s saying that the gear rewarded from a World Quest should be identical to the loot table of The Jailer on Mythic difficulty.

There are other ways to create compelling gear progression without mirroring the design reserved for raiding.
PvP already has its own different design.


Mythic Plus runs give hope for solo players to gear up, without them the game wouldn’t be worth playing.
Doing solo runs in older raids can also be rewarding, transmogs, mounts etc etc.
New zones also for something different.
But for me I run just enough Mythic plus runs to get a vault choice of 2 pieces, then log off and play TBC.


Massively multiplayer game favours people playing together over solo play. Shock horror!

That’s not true, Mass amount of people play the game but they don’t have to play together, can if they want of course but it’s not mandatory.

for example the best high street stores are the ones that cater for everybody.

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Thats utterly subjective.

The best for some might be the lowest price. The best for others may be ones that deal in quality or only the latest stuff. The “most popular” might cater for everybody, the “best” won’t.

Bring this into the context of the game and that means that trying to be all things to all people means that Blizz is a bit hit and miss with things.