Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

But the finer point here is that we are at a place, where people see as casual players, who are not casuals by any standards.
This is happening, because real casuals have fled wow

But yeah, like I said, this topic is about Solo play, not about casual play

Aye. Solo and ‘non-big 3’ play. Basically; world content, for the most part (MT is technically also this type of content as is Torghast, but I happen to hate both of those - for different reasons though).

Ofc they did becouse leveling and overall entire game wasnt so acessible as it is now. Everthing took time and mobs couel actualy kill you. Qnd becouee our fharacters were so weak progressing your char to become more powerfulll was actualy fun. Ehile on retail in order to make gsme more and more acessible everyone just mass aie pull half of zone without droping below 95%hp. So yes making game more acessible is what made this game more boring.

So we have seen introduction of torghast, covenant games, mage tower and solo island expeditions.

Therefore, we could assume that in the future there will be more repeatable solo content as well.

The problem seems to be for some people that solo rewards are not meaningful, for other people that the solo longevity is short.

This is easily solved. Bump up the maximum solo rewards to raid/mythic+ levels, make grind long, let solo players grind out old content for ilvl like suramar
Result: more solo options, more meaningful solo content, raiders get to show off their bis gear, while solo players like tah slowly grind their way to theirs.

Problem solved, overnight patch.

What seems to be the issue?


That actualy isnt truth as lifting 20kg in our gravity takes same amounth of strenght for everyone. And if someone is weaker it means he out less effort into getting stroger arms by living effortless live.


There is nothing accessible about retail. In order to play, you have to get to Lvl 60, do mandatory storylines, grind out the legendar, grind out all the covenant buddy powers and ilvl 275, which is 100 hours at the very least. And it’s timegated too, where you have to wait weeks to be able to grind further
In classic you would log in and were ready to play.
Making this game locked behind hundreds of hours of grind is what made it boring for most
But then there is a minority of wow fan base, who now constitute a large portion ofsubscribed player base, who just want longer grinds. Like let me grind this zone for ilvl 285 for 8 months, I will be very happy kind of players.

So what you need to do is throw a bone to all the group’s, not just one

This is really easy:
Tweak all existing solo content, including old zones, to reward good ilvl via either grind (long gametime, small effort) or hardcore challenges (short gametime, mastery skill required).
Like suramar could be used as solo grind and mage tower could be used as solo effort gameplay.
Problem solved. Again, what seems to be the issue?

Small fact. Most casuals doesnt do mythic+ and doesnt raid and you asking for to reduce amounth of content they can do. And acessability have nothing to do with time. Its all about difficulty of content.

Entire WoW content you can beat without any effort. Without any moment where you would have to actualy try play game. World content is joke. Nothing is threat and mobs do not oppose any danger. This wasnt case back in past. Only content where you can actualy find any menaingfull gameplay and danger are higher diffifulty levels of raids and dungeons nothing els takes any effort aka its super acessible.

So dont tell me game isnt acessible if i would play classic same way i play retail i would never see dungeon and raid content. And i would be walking in some blue questing gear max. So yes retail is acessible and super casual friendly.

Casuals are a different topic.
I am asking to INCREASE the amount of content SOLO players can do by updating rewards for old solo content and current solo content. This is not for me, this is for solo players, who want normal ilvl and/or longer grinds, so that current solo content is interesting for them.

What are you talking about? Time is the key factor of accessibility. People have jobs, families, actual interests. People are mortal. Right now, due to time constraints wow is not accessible to the majority of its player base.

You say, that only meaningful content is higher difficulty levels, but that takes hundreds of hours of prep to get to

You are basically making my point for me here.

Yes, retail wow has content, that the majority of players find playable, locked behind hundreds of hours of grind.
Classic wow let you have fun immediately or in case of PvP players after some moderate levelling.
Kinda my point exactly.

Retail wow is not accessible due to time constraints

TLDR. Equate solo and MP ilvl rewards. Update solo activities pool by adding old content to it. Split solo content in two types: long gametime easy grinds for people like Tah and fast high-effort challenges for achievers. Doable by dev team in several weeks.
Should be easy. After this you can focus on creating solo content for solo players, who don’t care about ilvl or grinding. Something everyone seems to have completely forgotten about.
I don’t see, where lies the difficulty?
It’s like game designers are tied up and locked in the dungeon, so that they ,God forbid, create anything but world quests for low ilvl rewards, Jesus Christ


You can earn heroic itemlvl gear and get legendary items while playing solo in unchallenging content. Seriously dont get how can you ask for more.

Meaingfull gameplay not content. It means it has gameplay what is actualy engaging and fun but most players have 0 reasons to do such content becouse how acessible solo play has become.

Minority not majority. not engage in higher eifficulty levels becouse they have no reason to be there as you can get very decent gear while playing solo and you can beat whole game content without touching anything challenging.

What I really miss are world quests.
The map had lots of activities to, allowing you to pick and chose what ones you wanted for that day. See what rewards they offered.
Maybe even do all of them if you had time.

Sure we still have them but there are a lot less of them. And they take longer to do.
A lot of the variety was taken out by doing this.
And I don’t feel my time is respected as much.

I also miss artefact power from legion.
All activities done would lead to character progress and there was a very clear bar showing the progress you were making.
It meant that there was no wasted content.

I miss titan forging.
It meant that even if a world quest had a reward that was lower ilvl and you had the rep already, it was still worth checking out because who knows, maybe it will be an upgrade after all.

My biggest issue with the current version of wow is that a lot of the current world design is “here are 4 long boring activities. Thats your lot for the day. Maybe if you sit around long enough a rare will spawn. And who knows, maybe you’ll even get there in time to kill it”

We went from a game filled with content to do, to one where you have to sit and wait in hope that something spawns.


Ok, I put it this way: there is a group of solo players, who go for ilvl(not me). For them to enjoy the game ilvl from solo activities should be equal to ilvl from raids or mythic+ or ranked PvP. Therefore, to attract this group to the game Blizzard needs to equate rewards. Solo rewards=PvP rewards=raiding rewards. Full period

So like if you add up people, who want to do PvP with people who want to do challenging pve, they are not a majority of current player base?

You cant do that becouse you would invalidated organized content.

No they are not. Now even lower minority then before as lot of people lost any motivation and reason to actualy engage in this content as game become more and more solo friendly.

Nope, organized content will have the same rewards.

Omg, if you operate under the impression, that PVP and challenging PVE are not main attractions for current player base, I wonder what is.
Do you suggest, that the majority of current player base are collectionists or play for story?

Doesn’t have to.
Just add a catch on to it
Like “item level 270. Reverts to 230 in current raids/dungeons and instanced pvp”


And why would anyone do harder and organized content what takes more effort when they can get same rewards playing solo?

Yep becouse it totaly make sense from rpg stand point doing hardest content in the game but my gear gets magicaly scaled down in world content. Also grinding for 3 different sets for each spec would be so much fun.

A) either they need to invest much more time in it to get it solo via grind type solo content
B) or they need to invest in much more effort to get it via challenge type solo content

Therefore, they think, ok I don’t have time to grind it out solo, but I cant beat the solo challenge either, not without a healer I can’t. Ima go for middle option