Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Eh, because raiders will need their top-notch raiding gear for next raid, PVP players will need their gear to start the next season good and solo will need their gear to do the next solo challenge well?

Once raiders have their gear, what then? They have nothing to do with all of their awesome gear because there aren’t many fun things to do in the open world that you can get into regularly and use to grind towards something else.

If we had long-term goals to work towards, it would give all players a reason to dive into that content and enjoy the game for what it is. I get the impression that Blizzard want people to enjoy their work/zones and to soak in the detail and immerse themselves into that, so adding something to grind towards long-term is a win-win for everybody.

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There are no choices and never will be as players will always do what is most efficient no what is most fun.

Majority of players do not care about challenge. And do not play for challenge.

That is not true. I, for one, actually enjoy playing the game and I don’t only go for what is most efficient. Sometimes I just want to run around killing, sometimes I want to go mount/transmog hunting, sometimes I want to grind towards better gear.

I just want to have fun whilst I’m in that world and whilst I am playing whatever the current content may be.


In my case; both.

Yeah, the solution IS simple.
But then you get butthurt elitists whining and complaining.


Then why is the majority of wow player base chooses other games? Not because they are more fun?

They are doing it, because blizzard is taking away their choices. Choice of zone, choice of raid, choice of solo/MP content.

Moreover, if you absolutely 100/ want force solo players to do mp, at least do that via world events such as scourge invasion or the opening of the gates or whatever/scenarios/holiday events. Making them do mp by taking away good ilvl for solo activities is just savant as long as you want more subs

There is no way to discuss with people who do not understand we start up a video game in our spare time to have fun with.


You are AGAIN projecting. How YOU feel and how YOU play is NOT true for everyone.
Why don’t you understand that?!

Ad i said you are minority. Most players will always use this basic human logic going and doing what is most efficient over what is most fun. Thats why path of least resitance has to be fun when you develop game.

How do you know?
Answer: You don’t. You’re just assuming based on YOUR OWN preferences.
You know what that’s called? Bias.

It is. Go and watch some developers discusion about it. This is exactly how players behave inall video games and also in real life.

There is no need for discussions. There is statistics on player time and achievements in different games. It clearly shows players are leaning toward fun

Your argument is true for some people, sure. Maybe even quite a few.
But not for everyone. Many people play games FOR FUN. Not to be the best/the fastest/the most efficient. But just to relax and have a good time.


Becou if you would actualy educate yourself on game development you would know this. Ask any dev. All will tell youbthat most players will always pick pazh of least resistance in video games.

Not for everyone. But for majority of players. You will always have people what olays for challenge but those are always minority.

I don’t have to ‘educate myself’ because I don’t pretend to speak for everyone like you are.
I don’t make gross generalization statements, like you do.

But honestly; you shouldn’t even talk about this. Because it’s VERY clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. You have made projecting into a sport. You probably read some interview somewhere, read a statement that you agreed with and then decided that that is THE truth. Sorry man; it doesn’t work like that.

I never suggested I play for challenge (and I don’t think any of the other people here you’re talking to have either - but I don’t want to presume).

In any case: I don’t. I play for fun. I play for enjoyment.


Look, this is easy.
Blizzard has to sit down and think.
Ok, an average player will give this game 70 hours at best. What do I do, that he enjoys the game AND comes back for another expansion hopefully with some friends?
The answer is NOT force them do game activities they don’t like.
I.e. NOT force solo players do MP for ilvl.