Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Yes sou have to if you actualy want your opinions to have any sort of value. Becouse at this point science says you are wrong and i am right and not wanting to educate yourself in players behaviours in video games only shows that you have absolutly no clue what you talking about.

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Thats not how players think. People will spent time paying video game as long as its fun. Nobady creates for themself this made up numbers of " oh yeah wow is out i m gonna go and spent 70 hours playing wow".

That’s very funny coming from you. Keep the jokes coming my friend.

Oh its science now is it?!
Wow… You might be suffering from megalomania. How’s that for science?

That sums up all your posts.

Are you also gonna take opinion of 8y old how to properly buile car engine or you gona ask someone what actualy know how engine works?

Blizzard. They clearly said Blizzard.
All the facepalms in the world are not enough for you Elias.
Poor boy.

Human behaviours, psychology and game reward structure are literaly subjects what you leanr as game developer. Which means they are scientific subjects.

Well, nobody comes into the world thinking "oh yeah I am out of the womb, I am gonna go spent 90 years playing it_ but here we are. Stats say that’s what your average dude will spend playing a game.
So you better make sure you show how amazing your game is asap
But what blizzard does is they make you quit faster
Back in the day 10 mil of players was a lot, but now it’s a smaller percentage of the market and we don’t even have that amount subed.
But no, listen to the dev discussions, they clear know what they are doing

I’m not asking anyone. I’m sharing my opinions about the game and what could be done to fix the issues I have with it.

YOU are the one pretending to know how game development works. Stop it. You’re not fooling anyone.

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Maybe next time quote and read whole sentence.

Actually, Tah is right, I said blizzard

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Uninformed opinion has no value. Everything you said will never work becouse thats not how majority of players behave in video games.

I am not pretending anything. I adtualy did watched and talked to devs on twitch about physolophie od game desing while you did propably nothing to educate yourself on this matter.

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Good to know. I’ll be ignoring you from now on then.
Bye bye.

PS: That statement is wrong.

I think there is an understanding that you like the current endgame activities of raiding and dungeons, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of us, however, play for different reasons and I suspect that there are more than you seem to think there are who play the game this way.

So this isn’t about taking anything away from people who play with your mindset, but simply adding more to give those of us who enjoy a different approach to the game a reason to keep spending time playing a game that we clearly enjoy.

It doesn’t need to be this or that, it can be this AND that. Blizzard understand this, as they are getting better at catering for both and just need to make some not massive adjustments going forward.

Also, you keep talking about the things that players should know as if they are all developers, but you’re forgetting that we are players first and foremost. We aren’t trying to be developers so there is no need for us to all become psychologists and behavioural experts.


Philosophy of the game design IS the main problem here
If you can name bashing mobs game design any kind of philosophy

Imho, being a player yourself is the most important area of expertise here, psychology is secondary in my opinion. And what the Devs often lack is that often they are not the player base of the game themselves


I dont. I belong into that majority what plays to beat game content and do it by most efficient way. Is it fun? No. But thats not my problem thats on game developers to make it fun process again. I will just quit to play another game but its them who will lose players. And yes game have become boring for me becouse it became too acessible and i dont see any point and game simply do not create any desire in me to play beyond lfr and lfg. Its pointless gear grind fot sake of progression.

Its not. But thats the point. Blizzard made it this way to make game more acessible for everyone while spoiled game for rest and in process to try earn as many players possible and please as many players possible they allianted their original and core audience.

Their original and core audience was used to running bgs on level 30 and never saw raids. So making the game more casual would not allianate that audience.
Putting on ilvl and power systems end-game grind, that made fun inaccessible, and removing any choice(zone choice, PvP/PVE choice, solo/MP choice) that is what allianated core wow casual audience

Example. Person does not like night elf story, ok they go do dwarves quests. Amazing. Retail example. Person does not like maw/covenant story - well too bad, they have to do it to get anything. They start disliking game, then they don’t buy your products anymore.

But again solo playing is not always casual.

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Where’s your proof?
And don’t say ‘go learn psychology or game development’ or any of that nonsense. Show ACTUAL proof. You can’t because you have none. You can’t because you’re projecting. You WANT the majority to be like you. To put you in a ‘position of power’, so to speak. But you don’t have a single shred of proof; only opinions and a remark you once heard or read.

Then quit. Why in the holy hell are you playing a game that you don’t think is fun?!
That is the most stupid thing you can do. Paying monthly to play a game you don’t like.
You want to talk about psychology: That’s addiction right there.

Finally you speak truthfully. Your opinions. And not those of ‘all the players who have ever existed in the history of the world’.

Well… Sorry. WoW SHOULD be accessible imo. And the devs agree. Because they want to have as many players enjoying their game as they can. And sorry again… Your type of players is NOT the majority. And yeah there IS proof of that; Blizzard’s own numbers that showed that a small minority raided back in the old days. Players like you. The minority.

And now you’re going to say ‘but players didn’t complain back then’. Yeah they did.
Not as much as they do now, and that’s because the world changed in those 17 years.
Social media became a big thing and now a lot of people think it’s their right to tell the whole world their opinion - which could be fine, except there’s too many gullible people out there listening and taking those opinions like some sort of gospel. Anyway… This is not about social media, but the fact is; the world changed. Gaming changed. A lot of people changed. 17 years is a whole new generation.

So now they complain. And they complain more than ever.
Doesn’t mean the game was better then. It means the world is different now; people look at WoW differently with new opinions, new views, new ‘normals’, new ethics etc.


I think, that numbers show, that in terms of pc gaming WOW went from being an elephant in the room to a being an elephant statuette on the shelf .
Moreover, the market IS going to change dramatically with the development of virtual products, where wow might become too outdated to salvage.
This is why while your game is still afloat you can’t be making critical mistakes such as listening to whatever experts say, that forcing everyone to do raiding is a great idea.
Give grinders grind, give PvP people PvP, give achievers challenges, give loners solo gameplay, give old-timers old expansions - let people choose ok?
If they say they like legendary weapons, bring back legion legendary weapons, don’t make a legendary runecarver thing, come on, stop forcing stuff down people’s throats

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