Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

I both agree and disagree with you.
You don’t need all that to get started with normal, or even mythic raid.

Second, comparing to classic the way you do is a bit unfair. If you wanted to say, do naxx, you had to as you say, first level. Which took ages back then, now it takes a day or two. You needed gear, farm resistance gear, and be dragged through all the previous raids for said gear.

As for this hunter, I stopped playing shortly after season 1… I was doing normal raid within hours of starting again.

All that being said, I would like to see wow go In a direction where reps give more vanity rewards instead of player power to make such things optional instead of forcing them on us with gem sockets and so on.

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You seem to be operating under the adorable illusion that you speak for the majority of the players. :grin:


And there’s the root of the problem. You don’t owe Blizzard ANYTHING. They owe you fun and engaging time for your money. They don’t deliver? You stop rewarding them by unsubbing.

Many people play games for fun and don’t care about timegating or all other tricks that game companies utilize to keep people hooked. And BTW your “science of game development” is nothing more than “the art to make people addicted” – let’s get that out of the way. Game development is a different thing entirely. Get that right at least. (And maybe improve your spelling because it’s on a hilariously bad level right now.)

I’ve showed WoW to people, they asked me some questions and just made a surprised face saying “Who the hell would wanna play that?! That’s like a job!”. And they are right. WoW is, for many intents and purposes, a job, if you follow the path that Blizzard sheep-herds you into.

You keep trying to sound educated by mentioning the magic word science. OK, I have a beginner science article for you: search for “sunk cost” in Wikipedia. Read the top result.

That’s your current mental state. You find no fun in the game but are still in because you’re invested in it. No shame in that dude, it happens to all of us – but you have to learn to overcome it at one point.



That’s not the same as invalidating content. I can repeat myself.
Challenge Modes in MoP (gear was scaled for everyone), it was content similar to high key mythic+ and based on a timer. There was no reward but a high score for each dungeon and an cosmetic item set and a mount

Never got invalidated by “ilvl”.

Raids never get invalidated when you take away the gear ilvl. You still keep titles, achievements, etc

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I never understand this obsession with having high ilvl… for me gear is means to an end… it allows me to do the things I enjoy. (High M+ keys)

There is some truth to the saying that the true reward isn’t reaching your goal, but the journey you took to get there.

In season 1, my goal was to get all 20s done in time… if I think back, it’s not the mount or the portals that were introduced after we’d done it that made it worth it.
It was a random Saturday night sitting on disc with tears from laughter over some silly mistake, or things like that, that made it rewarding.

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That would actually be pretty nice ngl.


and u are just complaing about that and that and that … and u demanding things which will just destroy game … and u are telling that u will game … simply tell do u have any game which is already doing and making all that demands … probably not so all of you after some time will just come back to game and play

That’s why I really wouldn’t mind if my progression takes the whole season.
I like keeping busy and playing this game while I work towards something.

And yes, it’s harder for me to get that ‘working towards something’ because of the content I like playing. I’m not willing to budge when it comes to doing content I don’t like.
I won’t do ‘the big 3’. Not because I’m stubborn. Not because I’m ‘special’.
No… Because I don’t like those activities. I don’t enjoy them. And I play games to have fun and enjoy myself. It’s really as simple as that.

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Well, i guess the relationship people have with ilvl is similar to what they have with money. They expect to arrive to some point, where they don’t need to work anymore

Well, if you are enjoying the process, that’s great.
It’s just many people have not enjoyed it for quite a long time.
Like I personally was last enjoying any repitable aspect back in the day when we had visions.

And frankly, to my most earnest believe, the moment where Blizzard should have just stopped and take 5 was Shadowlands prepatch.
Max level is 50. All Expansions are current due to chromie time. Literally every expansion is high level.
There are 3 game end zones: uldum and valley of eternal blossom for visions, and icecrown citadel with argent tournament as quest hub I guess
Like at this moment stop blizzard stop
This is the best you have done in a decade, don’t release anything new, think it through
You are good right now, no need to rush
And…they dump Shadenland


This is a bit of an assumption, but that has got to be either a Geordie, Scottish or Scandinavian “aye”. I’m from near Newcastle so it’s very much a Geordie thing when I use it :grin:


Lancashire here, we use “Aye” too. I think it’s a Northern thing


I have a mate from a previous job from that area so I should have remembered that you guys use it as well. Just thought I’d derail the conversation for a moment before we return to battle :joy:

Hehe, no I’m dutch actually.
But the ‘aye’ is something I picked up from my time in vanilla. Was in a raiding guild back then and of course spend a lot of time on voice chat with people from all over europe. Some terms just stuck. Still use words like ‘numpty’, ‘cba (can’t be arsed)’, ‘cheers’ and ‘aye’ too. :grin:


Numpty has spread to the Netherlands? That’s brilliant!

The only one (insult similar to numpty) that I can think of that I know comes from up here is ‘doylum’. It’s hard to pin the others down as they are used all over the place. ‘cba’ is my go to for when I’m supposed to go out and change my mind at the last minute. :sweat_smile:


what was in WotLK which is exactly how FFXIV plays now and win all those people who left wow. Good story, Good transmog to go after, easy dungeon that is queable and reward currency and then with that currency you buy gear with ilvl 10-15ilvl lower than the highest raid (which is exactly how FFXIV is now). Of course currency will have a weekly cap and you ll need like 2-3 months to get full set of this gear but is something to work for.

Then with this good gear it will be much easier for casuals to farm Legion and Bfa raid content for more transmogs, etc.

Also dont forget. Housing and professions that are worthy and useful.


I am sorry, but in all frankness, I am 100% convinced, that after the sstorm that hit blizzard for garrison, we can forget about player housing in wow up at least to completion of Microsoft deal or even indefinitely.
Just not happening.

Housing in all MMOs is 100% cosmetic. A place players customize to their likings and chill out or invite friends etc. garrison was a gameplay feature, tied to currencies, professions, quests and most important gold making and as such was seen as “mandatory” by most players.

even as it was I still like it though but its not player housing as it is in all other MMOs. Not to mention the huge interaction professions will have with Housing. In FFXIV I did most of my gil by selling housing furniture!

False. New world housing gives decent bonuses and few must have for big crafters

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And it’s not a bad idea in NW, but the upkeep through guilds is a bad design.

For me, it’s not about a number rather it’s about feeling powerful enough in the content you wish to do.
In Shadowlands I didn’t feel comfortable in content until recently. At ilvl 232 with two legendaries and using some of those spheroid enhancements I feel ok in Zereth Mortis.
But whilst leveling I felt weak after losing my BFA gear. At max level I felt weak in the Maw with my quest gear. Torghast wasn’t as smooth as I felt it should be even at lower layers. In Korthia I felt weak with my 220 Korthia gear, Rifts were beyond me. I was not able to go back to BFA dungeons when I first dinged max level as I was too weak (trash destroyed me).
As someone who wasn’t getting M+ gear (I’ve never opened the Great Vault) nor PvP gear I was relying on open world content to get gear and the gear that provided (until Zereth Mortis) never felt good enough for that content.

In BFA and Legion I rarely felt like this. I generally felt comfortable in the content I did with the gear available in that content. I’m not sure why Shadowlands was like this, was it the borked scaling? Was it Bliz trying to reduce the Gear Treadmill effect? Was it just a matter of poor tuning? Are they too focused on M+ and see this as standard gameplay that every is (or should be) playing?

It’s been so poor on my main that none of my alts are geared at max level. I’ve started the Bastion and Maldraxas campaigns on two alts and I will finish them eventually. Might even take them to ZM for some gear eventually.