Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Well, honestly Idk if that is a good or bad thing.

Bungie stepped more away from the casuals after Destiny 2 Year 1 (Vanilla) and it made the game only better.

The last time they did anything new was in Legion when they introduced mythic plus.


So what exactly do you want?

You are playing an MMO… you know what those letters stand for?

The game is bound to be focused on Group content, as its a Multiplayer game?

i mean what content, other than questing? entertains the solo casual? if you want the questing experience you have 9 expansions worth of storylines you can quest through?

Lock your experience at certain intervals and do all zones, hell Vanilla alone would entertain you for a daaaaaamn long time if you did all the storylines on all zones lol

Troll post is trolling.

i used to group til the M+ advent. My problem is the gogogoggogo mechanic introduced by timed dungeon. In the past i had some bad experience with toxic ppl but now… its all talkin about performance and strong effort. I have already a job.

This is it: i leave to you all the effort to run 6767767level key. I dont play to be stressed from ppl running a pixel dungeon.
I group when is necessary in open world to kill big bosses or other stuff but just the idea to have a time to complete a dungeon makes me vomit.

And btw im here since late vanilla so… i have done a lot of old content.


Dey be da best posts.


Its an mmo yes. And in the conventional sense of a MMO you cant have one without an Open world and content to explore…

If everything is to be about m+ and raid content. Then everything might as well become a matchmaking lobby queue game… With Wow already to a large extent has already become.

World content in WoW should reward players more than 25 gold and some cool quest text telling you how awesome you are. Be more Rewarding… Give us some cool transmog or toys or idk what. Maybe a currency casuals can prusue to give them our endgamers the same type of gear ilvls for more time spent…Or make it worth while to do at all.

But Wow players will always complain. Blizzard are damned if they do. Damned if they dont.

Love m+ as much as I am… I can see the writing on the wall.
If WoW Becomes a m+ raid only matchmaking lobby game like some Call of duty death match server. Its over…


That is all what you make yourself out of M+. You can just do chill and social keys and have a laugh without anything you mention. The good thing about a bit higher keylevel than +2 is that you are not 1 shotting everything. Especially that is not fun to play. M+ is covering the overgearing-problem.

In pugs… ? You can? Really?.. Really? No for real. This exists?

Did a 2+ this morning and my tank left because i didnt do a frost nova…
Nothing very chill about that honestly. Just ruined my key


in theory exists some group like calm keystone and fail train. They worked well in BFA. in SL sincerely dunno.

And when are you going to post your fun and positive stories? Never i suppose. That is the thing. People just focus on the negatives. And +2 keys can not get destroyed of course.

But like mentioned. Failtrain, Chillstreak, Calm(er) keystones, Zen keystones(?), etc, etc.

No one ever asked but… can give it a try

I am solo casual player and have one main Main, two ‘main’ Alts, plus enough other Alts to have a proper go at the Love Rocket mount… and I like Shadowlands.

Fact is Blizz are paying more attention to casual solo players, not less… which is why the Elitists on this Forum, keep going postal about solo casuals.
In fact there is plenty I haven’t even got around to doing, in this Xpac… so I don’t think you are really a ‘solo casual’ player, I think you are just another sock puppet, trash posting Blizz.


So my fun and posetive stories… I did about 2 or three keys above 15+ this season on this character. Had a really experienced and leveled tank with us. We managed to make a 14+ into a three star +

Our hunter in our group was literally melting the entire dungon. Ontop of our tanks skill. And we where on a roll. \o/

Casual players just sit in que for unlimited hours until they deside to quit the game lol.


Cant wait to do castle Narnia again lol recycle more content please.


are you sure?


Casuals need to have done mythics to be allowed to do mythics.
Try leveling or gearing and alt without linking your alt to your main.
Or playing an alt or an healer…

Lets see if you defend this in 1 and a half year lol


??? wtf xD

Uh well not anymore than you will do this 1 and a half year to then I guess?
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