Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Its gonna take 2 years when we have actual content just to remind you guys haha play more mythic+


Well, more than for M+ players. That is basically the same dungeons for a whole expansion.
I more think casual solo players did not like korthia or ZM but there seems to be a lot to collect. And there were maw invasions, and tormented events, even torghastā€¦ Blizz did seem to have put a lot of effort in solo gameplay.


Weā€™re getting more m+ A whole season more infactā€¦ Not content ā€¦thats the point.


The highest it goes is 252, & as far as I can tell that doesnā€™t include Weapons, off-hands or trinkets.
Iā€™ve yet to see a weapon or off-hand WQ or daily & the trinkets so far are all 236 (with a ā€œchanceā€ to boost to 242)

Responding on my current herbing alchemy char for raising that to 246 from a random rare in ZM :grin:
(1/6 cypher. i did not do anything in ZM, even skipped the intro)

Sock puppets have come a long way then. I remember a time when they couldnā€™t use the internet :no_mouth:


cant wait to see where this is goingā€¦ After doing your dailies and worlds bosses in Zereth mortis and your whole wopping 3 world questā€¦

What besides m+ or raiding do people who dont raid or m+ got to do?
For us sock puppets out there. Please tell us.


Considering a great majority of their playerbase is casual players theyā€™d be digging themselves an extremely fast grave if they do go down that route.


edgelord and a special little snowflake

Wouldnā€™t that be sock-sock puppets? Youā€™ve adapted to the man-thingsā€™ speech quite well.

Just making this one specially disgusting for you guys

Here comes the typical reddit comment.

We need a little drama it gets too boring here on the forums

And I need more Volā€™duneshine for thisā€¦ Brb

I was continuing on with the earlier ā€œyou are Skavenā€ joke; the Skaven have a tendency to say the same word twice (ā€œkill-kill them!ā€ ā€œthis is bad-bad!ā€ etc.) and refer to humans as ā€œman-thingsā€. A jokeā€™s no good when you have to explain it though, so obviously I failed massively. My apologies.


Wait this isnā€™t a Singleplayer RPG?


Sorry my dudeā€¦ But i missed your context by miles thenā€¦ I honestly never played warhammer.

Just rolling with the rat memeā€¦ Thought you where arguing with the hooded gnome above><


Of course, Iā€™m watching YouTube on my second screen, reading News/Research articles on my third screen and tracking global finance on the fourthā€¦ your point is?

Iā€™ve also got rent-free accommodation in the heads of Elitists, all around Europeā€¦Living the dream, geezerā€¦living the dream.

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Oh I have no idea what heā€™s on about.

Thatā€™s crazy talkā€¦this is an internet forum, stop demanding logical progression, dang it!