Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

Skullstalker has left the server*


Yeah, though I do stay in guild through choice I’ve just thoroughly enjoyed jumping on and shoot the crap in dungeons, I like it in FF and WoW does just a bit of a better job with M+, in my opinion.


Blizz can still make improvements, but the amount of salt posted about solo casuals on the Forums, is directly related to the number of significant ‘quality of life’ improvements Blizz have made to the game, many of which have benefitted solo casual players.

BfA gave me two entire campaign stories to play thru…first Alliance, then Horde.

Shadowlands gave me four!..ok, portions of the story overlap, but still.

It’s only something new for ‘big 3’ players.
The rest of the playerbase get literally nothing.






Don’t care.

Yes. Repeatable content that REMAINED WORTHWHILE TO DO.
And also, much more repeatable content, so we had a choice.
You know… A zone with 15 WQs instead of a zone with literally only 3 WQs in Shadowlands.

Also: Titanforging.

Also: AP, which is like renown but actually useful because it made your character stronger. Instead of only focussing on cosmetic stuff that may or may not be something you actually like (in the case of Shadowlands; the majority of it is not something I’m probably ever going to wear… Maybe an odd single piece here and there as part of a selfmade transmog set - so Renown just never had the same ‘alure’ as AP).


Please don’t ever bring this up again.


It was great for players like me. Literally no downsides.
And I really miss it.


Who where players like you again? How was this good to you? Please share more

Players like me: people who mainly do world content / solo content. Sometimes an odd (non mythic) dungeon or LFR.

It was good because:

  • It was purely a cool bonus.
  • It was cool to get this surprise bonus.
  • It made WQs interesting to do, because there was always a chance to get an upgrade
  • It gave progression beyond what we would naturally be able to get, which was cool!

Probably would have worked if it only happened on World Boss drops, with a low RNG to upgrade.
Sure, some Elitists would still have QQ’d…but we probably would have heard considerably less of the endless Forum utter nonsense that: ‘Every solo casual who logs in for 15 minutes a week, is parading around in a full set of Mythics, REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’


Thats a good share… You know. Most more than not. It seems as if casuals just want to kick the rear in casual BG’s… But I fully support players wanting to do world content to get more world content. And get the gear to do so without competing with m+ or raid players


Yes… but keep +keys as they are.


Because someone like me looks the world from very different facets compared to your crystal ball and balls.

Bro, those are old dung and raids, what’s new?


Titanforging was the worst form of slot machine turd going.


They’re trying something new, I didn’t say they made new dungeons. Rather have this than another epic content drought with no change ups.

I also really liked titan forging. I know for min maxers it was a pita but for us LFR heros, it was something to work for longterm. Now you have your gear in no time and the only way to upgrade your char is to enter competitive content, meh.


Thats really euphemistic. They recycle content. They havent done it before, correct, but i would not call it something new :smiley:

And yet I loved it.
Each to their own.

You can definitely share your opinion about it, but please don’t state it as if it’s fact.
It’s all subjective.
