Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

WoW was perfectly soloable game until Legion- People play and stay up on different times depending where they live. Not all of us care about raid sperging or Mythic+ clownage.


as casual (RP is my main type of content, I avoid open world content like the plague cause blizzards current itteration of it is just not enjoyable to me, I do m+ but I do not push m+) the season 4 bit sounds reasonable based on the fact that the alternative was just getting season 3 until 10.0
I wish they did make some good solo content but honestly I don’t have faith that they will. Zereth Mortis’ gameplay has mostly been the same old stuff only in a larger zone, nothing exciting

on a side note I feel like people who claim casuals are x y should post their definition of casuals too
solo is a clearly defined thing by comparison but casual as a term is rather vague because you can still do group content casually

Honestly I feel like thats the nature of the game, regular kill x boars (automata), collect x flowers (machine bits) have been done and repeated so often that there’s nothing exciting about them no matter how nicely you dress the involved mobs and the zone its done in.

I feel like blizzard could work more on other things, the social structure of the game has simply been uprooted and belly up since late wrath where LFD went region wide rather then server local and while honestly that was for a good reason I do feel like Blizzard can try more to breathe some more life in the social aspect of this massive multiplayer online game

most of the changes they’ve made has just made players more cutthroat towards eachother


Seems like you are not so many like you pretend to be.

Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing-Game


There were even less content what solo players could do until legion.


I watched the video.

The game still made in mind however to people play TOGETHER, not only to play solo.


If you want to.
Think about it, even a M+ sometimes it’s a solo feature for me. I queue alone, join alone, do the dungeon with the bare minimum interaction with people, and leave to do my stuff alone.

It’s why I’ve stopped using ‘casuals’ and started using ‘non big 3 players’ and/or ‘(mainly) solo players’. Those are more clearly defined and they pretty much describe the type of player I am.

Being a solo player doesn’t mean I never group up though or that I never do group content; it just means that I don’t do it that often and it’s definitely not my ‘main cup of tea’.


Then this game is not for you anymore, you’ll be better off playing SP games.


Why? Because all of my friends have moved with their life?
I’m banned to play the game I loved and enjoyed for 16 years because I just want to be left alone sometimes? By whom? By you? Because you don’t understand the concept of “virtual real world”?
I don’t like going to parties or gathering in the real world, what i like is relaxing at home, play games alone and watch movies alone. Can I live my life the way I want? Or I have to shoot myself because I cannot play the real MMORPG called life? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You are actualy right. You should not be playing mmos if all you want is solo play. Or atlest not expect to have much to do or get rewards on level of group content. Like you are tspe of persob who goes play fps game and complain that he have to shoot in that game. Like what did you expect.

If you look it up casual has a meaning, see below. But yeah agree not in WOW. Here everyone who raidloggs mythic apparently is also a casual

  • happening by chance; fortuitous:a casual meeting.
  • without definite or serious intention; careless or offhand; passing:a casual remark.
  • seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening; apathetic; unconcerned:a casual, nonchalant air.
  • without emotional intimacy or commitment:

simply game should focus multiplayer part of game and giving more rewards if u play with other ppl 
 this should not be single player game

but a person could be free to play the game as he want? I wanna play the game solo? let me alone. i would be interested to know the percentage of the ppl regularly playin group content in wow.


Can someone put the picture of the confused rabbit for this post? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: because I am sure confused :neutral_face:


 and no.
It is an MMO, which we get that with the dungeons, raids, World Bosses, etc. But WoW needs to give something for players to do when the active player numbers drop and MMO related activities become more about queuing than actual playing. This is where you need soloable activities!
WoW either needs to release more MMO activities in a shorter time or give more RPG elements for solo/downtime.


Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing-Game



MMO does NOT signify ‘groups’ of online players, it simply differentiates between ‘one’ and ‘several’. Even my 5 year old knows the difference.


Elitists are mostly just keyboard warriors; they can’t stand the idea of others doing things that they enjoy and getting half-decent rewards.


To be fair, I can see why they want some visually recognisable rewards for the effort of doing very high-end content.

What was vexing, was the suggestion that Solo casuals doing World content only, shouldn’t be able to have some nice shinies that allowed them a power progression path, to curb stomp standard World content, by the end of a patch/Xpac.

Imho, Titanforging RNG (from World Bosses only) just needed tweaking to a lower percentage RNG, however it was deffo an urban legend, that every casual scrub was swaggering around in full Mythic iLvl kit, becasue of Titanforging
Warforging RNG (dropped from Rares only) being just below LFR ilvl for Solo World content only players, should not be contentious either.

Some of the systems in Shadowlands are offering power progression arcs for Solo World content only casuals, so I think although the original experiment had its flaws, progression is slowly improving via other means.


Korthia and ZM solo progression systems are an improvement compared to what we got in 9.0. But they are far from perfect.

I think the type of thing they’re doing now should only be the basis.
Once you’ve reached that cap, a new ‘tier’ should unlock where you can work towards a new cap (and of course it should take a lot longer than the previous tier). Then when you’ve reached THAT cap, there should be one more tier with high cap, but basically it should be balanced in such a way that you just can’t get to that cap with every single item slot (having those items be ‘unique - 3’ for instance, a bit like what they had in WoD). That way you’re going to have to make strategic choices on what slots to get.

That way solo players will always have something to work towards during a season. For them it doesn’t matter (or at least: Matter a lot less) that they’re ‘not done’ because they aren’t doing competitive ‘big 3’ content anyway.


That’s utter bs. WoW was the first MMORPG that you could play the majority of the content completely alone. If you came from DAoC, SWG or Everquest you suddenly found out that you don’t need to group for anything really. The huge majority of the game was soloable and enjoyable. That’s how WoW got really huge in the beginning.
Even in dungeons you didn’t need a fixed group. You went to a city (or asked in a guild) and asked in chat, got 4 randoms, did a dungeon and left.
In Raids you didn’t need a fixed group. My first raidgroup were from 6 different guilds and we still managed to clear content over the time with filling up the ranks with people from trade chat when a player had no time.

Get your facts right next time, when you talk about “what WoW was”.
I wish we could go back to those times.