Blizzard is abandoning solo & casual players in 9.2.5

You mean like you being all about how you would become violent towards people? :joy:

how ? are i can make clamed the moon has sheep on because i say so

yaa looking for Raid players thinking they need mythic raid gear to go fishing


Worthy first post (not).

Better than coming across as a cuck like you :rofl:

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I like this :laughing:

Always these same type of nonsense comments.
And the answer remains the same:

We don’t need it for content, but we need it for FUN.
Fun. The thing we play games for.

Getting upgrades IS FUN.
Feeling powerful IS FUN.

So… The answer, as always, is:


Casual =///= solo
Like if a classic player was soloing DM, that was hardcore.

Is solo content going away from wow? Well, its shifting from one-time solo content to repeatable solo content, such as torghast or world quests, so it’s hard to make a quantity statement. However, that repitable solo content does not give you anything you need, i.e. is useless, consequently you feel like there is less solo content.

So for every solo player, who is not a completionist, there is a lack of content ATM


The joke was a good joke…

I do think that they should give us the ability to craft better gear.

As somebody who plays casually but puts a lot of time into the game, I would be happy to farm materials to craft high ilvl gear. It’s nice what they have given us with legendary crafting and with the ability to craft gear with set bonuses attached coming soon, but I think that even more could be done.

I’m not sure exactly how without giving raiders amazing gear to smash the raids with before time, but it would be nice if people that were willing to put the time into crafting but don’t want to raid or M+ could also be rewarded with great gear for their time and effort.


What is wrong with 252 gear when you are only playing in the open world? I would define that definitely as “great gear”.


The number is not the important bit.
It’s that that number is reached way too fast and too easy for my tastes.
I want to have a reason to log in every day and be able to keep progressing my character, because that is one of the things I enjoy in MMORPGs (and since daily progression story wise is probably out of the question, power progression is the next best thing).

Why yall dont buy some couple boosts and enjoy your good gear? Its some Kind of solo gaming

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Because I consider boosting the same as cheating.
I refuse to because I think it’s wrong.


Cheating is okay aslong you dont get caught tbh
Edit: but i do understand other ppl have more Moral.

I disagree.
Cheating is okay in solo games.
But any type of multiplayer stuff is a no-go for cheating imo.


Im that Kind of Person that will do anything to Reach my goals. Manipulation, outplaying,cheating and other fun stuff. But thats just me i guess

But again. If respect your opi and your way of living/gaming❤


Most of the wow EU community nowadays.

I think you are the first one to figure that one out

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Exactly what do you mean by ‘way too fast’?

Why are you wearing all that L252 Cypher gear if you are against the idea? You should take it all off now and wear greens as a protest.

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Its not fun gearing character just for sake of gearing. Abd giving away high end gear to solo players would invalidate entire group content.