Blizzard is looking into Froggers

I’m at the area right now, so many players here. I’m playing a lvl 36 warrior dwarf just waiting for the Rare to show up. it is fun on my part.


it seems we just got nerfed.

i thought he meant that spirit farm near 1 tree on isle i seen people doing when i was runing to ordos :slight_smile:

overall hyperspawns happen because there is ton of people on isle because of world boss.

blizzard would have to tur off dynamic spawns completly - and this would make leveling unbearable :smiley:

That didnt age well did it

The frogpocalypse is now over

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Woooow! 40k! Yummy! Cloud serpent for me.

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Now also at the EU forums:

Nice. Exactly what I proposed to them yesterday. Awesome work, guys.

Yeah, that’s the fairest way of going through with it (:

That’s not a “roll back”, that’s a nerf.

A roll back is when they roll the entire server back in time after shutting it all down, removing all progress on the server for a given amount of time.

So it aged perfectly well, in fact I was right.

What they did was just nerf the top-% which is what they said they should do in the first place;

I had a gut feeling this would happen. It was too ridiculous to ignore. So glad I’ve been grinding honestly. I guess most of the honest people now are the ones with the head start.

I just hope they’ll nerf according to how hard people farmed the frogs and not just blanket reset every person equally.

A guy who did frogs for 2 hours isn’t as bad of an offender as the 130k cloak guy who farmed it for 2 days straight.


Thankfully. Nobody’s really impacted and they’re back to normal power.

Also they said excessive grind and that they’d be lowered in power to the level of an active player. Likely they’d still be able to participate in heroic in that case I’d like to believe.

Well not yet. I was in a group just now with a DH that had a 132K stam on cloak xD…

Well, naturally. They said tonight, so by the morning (:

I wonder if I’ll be on the bad boy boat

Don’t think my cloak is that absurd after 2 hours of frogging inefficiently for 58k bronze.

… and otherwise I farmed for 9k bronze an hour if I miss out on the quests.

For the record I can’t solo LFR, normal or Heroic with these stats.

But glad people are not being banned for a Blizzard oversight like some were screaming for around here.

The cloak itself isn’t soloing anything. People soloing raids are using very high item level.

323 ilvl (no neck piece) so that’s also not great :rofl:

I dont understand what the big deal is. Everybody is complaining about froggers on the forums, but nobodys complaining when they carry you through a raid, for quick and easy runs and rewards.
MoP Remix is not a competitive game mode, theres no pvp, theres no M+, theres no raid progression, there is no real advantages to be had.

Sure froggers got a headstart, but in the end, didn’t they just ruin the game for themselves more than anyone else? They will run out of content way sooner than the rest of us because they farmed everything within the first week of a 3 month event.

Personally i am having a blast with this game mode, some of the most fun i’ve had in wow in years, and I love feeling my power grow day by day, while at the same time chipping away at the cosmetic collection. Froggers have litterally zero impact on my enjoyment of this event.

Honestly, most of the complaints smell like jealousy to me, i think the real problem here is that Blizzard nerfed the frog farm, and not that people farmed the frogs in the first place. If they had’nt nerfed it, everyone would be doing it and nobody would be complaining about it.


I was glad to have a frogger for the Garrosh wing in LFR this morning, did 11 million DPS on first boss, had 7111k HP or something and Garrosh went down in 1 minute and 25 seconds instead of 5+ minutes normally, not counting the wipes in between because people don’t attack the adds @ the wheels.

Vindictive behavior, that’s why a lot of them were urging Blizzard to ban the farmers, which seems like a strange thought process to me, what does it benefit these people, to see them banned? There is no leaderboard, nobody is going to look @ Warcraftlogs parses in this game mode and if they ever are grouped with one it saves them a lot of time doing the content they have to repeat for the next 50+ days anyways…

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Honestly I’m avoiding them. It’s not fun (:

(that being said I did get help from a certain Val who comments often here but I basically had to be made to accept :grin: )

People love the feeling of punishing someone. You can search that stuff up, I don’t think I should go into detail.